in sentence
266 examples of Incompetent in a sentence
Even so, America remains by far the world’s most powerful country; its decline has more to do with its
use of power than with the emergence of competitors.
leaders blame legislatures for their failures; legislators blame presidents from rival parties.
Owing to Putin’s cronyism and
economic stewardship, Russians’ living standards have improved only modestly, the Russian economy is not globally competitive, and the country’s oil and gas fields have not been properly developed.
In response to “government failures,” companies face pressure from a variety of stakeholders – including
and corrupt governments themselves – to address broad social and environmental problems.
Many Europeans have lost trust in an EU establishment that seems incompetent, self-serving, and out of touch – a perception reinforced by EU leaders’ chaotic response to the refugee crisis, which populists have been quick to exploit by linking the newcomers to terrorism.
Dragging their feet, the
people at the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank have finally gotten interest rates down to zero.
For example, less than two years after Iran’s democratically elected parliament and prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in 1951, the US and Britain used their secret services to topple Mossadegh and install the incompetent, violent, and authoritarian Shah Reza Pahlavi.
American reluctance to abandon Musharraf – together with prolonged electricity shortages, which made the new government appear
– also raised his hopes.
But, regardless of how bad Europe’s political and financial leaders may seem, a sudden rise in the number of
or immoral individuals throughout the eurozone’s periphery is not a credible explanation of this crisis.
When a government proves unresponsive or incompetent, a common prescription is to limit its influence, so that the power of the market can be unleashed.
According to Summers, Hassett’s analysis is “some combination of dishonest, incompetent, and absurd.”
Putin seems to think that he has been using the strategically
Trump to advance his ends.
Of course, longer electoral terms are risky, as they could enable
and otherwise problematic leaders to remain in power for longer.
Better still, from their perspective, rival Islamist regimes that emerged proved to be either
and easily overthrown (as with Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi), or without appeal to others (as in Tunisia).
They regard economists and other experts as isolated from and indifferent to the concerns of ordinary people; driven by an agenda that does not coincide with that of citizens; often blatantly wrong, and therefore incompetent; biased in favor of, or simply captured by, big business and the financial industry; and naive – failing to see that politicians select analyses that suit their ends and disregard the rest.
The Crisis of Fiscal ImaginationCAMBRIDGE – Greedy banks, bad economic ideas,
politicians: there is no shortage of culprits for the economic crisis in which rich countries are engulfed.
He gave power to Shehu Shagari, the presidential candidate of the National Party of Nigeria, who was widely viewed as
and yoked to feudal interests in Nigeria’s Muslim north.
Investing in
or brutal partners is Putin’s signature diplomatic trait.
Ukraine’s government under Yanukovych was incompetent, corrupt, and mendacious.
At the same time, inefficient, wasteful, and
companies – especially those that are generating high levels of pollution, depleting natural resources, and creating excess capacity – should be encouraged to exit the market, with modern and innovative companies taking their place.
Rather than creating a uniform, predictable, and scientifically sound framework for effectively managing legitimate risks, the bio-safety protocol establishes an ill-defined global regulatory process that permits overly risk-averse, incompetent, or corrupt regulators to hide behind the precautionary principle in delaying or deferring approvals.
Various critics are seizing on such statements as evidence that the Fed is incompetent, and that its independence should be curtailed, or worse.
In fact, Putin’s recent address was replete with references to Russia’s weaknesses – specifically, “interethnic tensions,” local-government authorities “constantly shaken by corruption scandals,” an
administration, capital flight through economic “offshore activity,” and the inability to achieve “technology breakthroughs.”
If China and its local proxies continue to ignore what protesters are really shouting about,
loyalists at the helm will be the least of their worries.
Apocalypse TrumpWASHINGTON, DC – For those who hadn’t yet figured it out, the price of having a US president who disdains expert opinion and who is impulsive, mendacious, not very smart, disturbed, uninformed, incurious, incompetent, intemperate, corrupt, and a poor negotiator became irrefutably clear in recent days.
America has made too many policy mistakes, US forces are too closely associated with an unpopular and
occupation, and, until recently, their tactics have been too thuggish to permit talk of a permanent presence.
They might use the first ballot to express their anger at the government and discontent with the system, but they know that the FN is made up of
How credible will an anti-corruption message be when delivered by an appointee of what is considered one of the most corrupt and
administrations in US history?
American courts in the nineteenth century were notably corrupt, sometimes incompetent, and often irrelevant, yet stock and bond markets grew, and continent-spanning firms rose up and got the financing they needed to operate, expand, and industrialize the US economy.
Until China decides that it has more to gain from a more legitimate government in Burma than it does from the current
military regime, little can happen.
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