in sentence
185 examples of Incompetence in a sentence
The only problem is if you introduce this economically efficient solution, people hate it ... because they think you're deliberately creating delays at the bridge in order to maximize your revenue, and, "Why on earth should I pay to subsidize your incompetence?"
For most jobs, it's understood that you can be fired, whether for crime, incompetence, or just poor performance.
Sadly, all of us because we all have pockets of
we don't recognize.
If I was British, I would be embarrassed by this portrayal of
And without spoiling the big, nonsensical twist ending, just take my word for it: the fascinating
of the first scenes gives way to a deep cathode-tube-smashing impulse.
The problem was that by allowing such profound and revolutionary creations of the Sci-Fi genre to fall into the hands of firstly a mediocre director and now directorial newbie's has led to nothing more than profanity, epitomised by
Mmmm, a previous summary says "if you like aliens and predator you will enjoy this film" i could not disagree more, this film pays no respect to its weighty lineage and has reduced two of the best loved sci fi strands to little more than a teen horror slasher movie, it has none of the tension or foreboding present in previous alien or predator movies and there is no discernible lead character, i really did not care about any of the characters and i positively yearned to see the stereotypical cast die as soon as possible in the vain hope something better would replace them, it really takes super human
to have two of the most fearsome creatures ever invented positively fail to make a gripping thrilling movie, only watch this if you want to see how NOT to do it.
Where that earlier effort is a more or less totally sclerotic lump, this one mixes it up a little, adding a definite element of variety and surprise amid the
At one point, her roommate tells her, "Lizzie, you're such a fun person to be around when you're not being depressed," and my reaction was, "She IS?" It seemed odd that the writers would include this comment without giving us any examples, but this script is a lesson in
The conductor suffer from absurd incompetence, being unable to effectively employ a pistol he has come by.Anomalies: a hooded man bristleing with guns stalks through a railroad car, startling people.
Victor Mature, as a barely civilized and mostly out of control mountain man and trapper, may be on the poster, but Robert Preston as a failed Union colonel who led his men to get "cut to ribbons" by Confederate artillery at Shiloh, and is sent to a fort in Oregon for his incompetence, has the most interesting part, married to a young and hard to recognize at first Anne Bancroft.
This film, produced by screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky, who gave us the Oscar-Winning film, "Network", deals with overworked staff, gross incompetence, and bureaucratic corruption at a large conglomerate hospital in Manhattan.
The story of bureaucratic
amid post-war trials enables Frank Launder to direct maximum talent from all the cast.
Quite apart from the
of construction that marks many films today, there have been many films which, deliberate in form, have been severely damaged by being hacked down with no care for rhythm so the films become shapeless and confusing.
Laughable "script", performances that wouldn't pass muster in an elementary-school Christmas pageant, inept "action" scenes, confused direction by the normally competent documentary director Louis Clyde Stoumen--who is apparently not quite sure if he's making a comedy, a philosophical treatise on the futility of war or a leering T&A (by early 1960s standards, anyway) travelogue of Eve Meyer's magnificent body--and a general air of shoddiness and
One good point is that this film shows the inadequacy and
of the US Army and shows how arrogant and imbecilic they really are, albeit unintentionally.
How can I sympathise with such obvious
And then you start watching this assembly of footage and you realize this "esoteric dream" is a very real nightmare of sloppiness and
The truly annoying overacting by the mad scientist and the director's, writers' and special effects people's virtually total
detracts from the gratuitous nudity that is the movie's only saving grace.
One of the world's great portrayers of bumbling
. . .
I got the feeling the stress was merely laid on Reggie's
as a lover and his talent as stand-up comedian.
Honestly, I can't be bothered to spend my time writing about this milestone of cinematic
- life is simply too short.
And this is just a taste of the
on display here.
Written by Adam Hackbarth (an incredibly apropos surname if there ever was one), and directed by Corbin Timbrook (who after The attendant, and Tower of blood, HAS to know that he keeps making crap for a living), this movie s a constant battle between the film's
and the viewer's need to stay awake.
What we have here is a downright brilliant piece of early 80's
that will render even the biggest connoisseur of trash- cinema completely speechless!
The Nostril Picker is indeed a unique film, unique in it's awfulness &
That management allowed this movie to see the light of day speaks volumes about their
and desperation.
But it was the level of
and cliché on display in all the other aspects of this movie is what really blew me away.
The real villain is the stifling bureaucratic Soviet system, drowning in its own corrupted
Not many films can make you angry by their
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