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106 examples of Illiterate in a sentence
Indeed, according to a Pew Research Center poll, only 5.5% of people have access to Facebook, while 95% want Islam to play a major role in politics, 80% believe that adulterers should be stoned, 45% are practically illiterate, and 40% live on less than $2 a day.
With 35% of India's men and some 60% of its women illiterate, the country can charitably be described as an imperfect democracy.
Because India does not have an effective human development plan it still has the largest
population in the world.
He was an impressive warrior, but probably an
one, and the empire he created fell apart soon after his death.
Most of Egypt’s 85 million people did not demonstrate in Tahrir; most do not own mobile phones (many lack electricity and running water); and almost half of the country’s women are
In the US, the economically illiterate, seeing misery all around from lost jobs, foreclosed homes, and the ever more apparent decline in America’s international status, are distilling their frenzy from obsolete advocates of fiscal rectitude, while clutching their Bibles and espousing a juvenile understanding of the US constitution.
There are 1.6 billion people living in acute poverty; an estimated 780 million adults are
We will be illiterate, and it will be like we turned back time to decades or centuries ago.
Poland’s Successful LosersWARSAW – How can a government with the best economic record in Europe (indeed in the entire OECD) be humiliated at the polls by a Euroskeptic, nationalistic, and economically
opposition – one deemed unelectable only a year ago?
My parents were illiterate, and none of my sisters attended school beyond the primary level.
A Senegalese friend told me of his
mother who takes a bus to Dakar every month to watch a Bollywood film – she doesn’t understand the Hindi dialogue and can’t read the French subtitles, but she can still catch the spirit of the films and understand the story, and people like her look at India with stars in their eyes as a result.
Policymakers who want products and providers of high-skilled services to move freely but people who provide less-skilled services to stay put are not just hypocrites; they are also economically
In economies where poor people tend to be illiterate, sick, hard to reach and/or marginalized socially, they have less chance of sharing in the gains from growth than in an economy in which such debilities are less severe.
About 25% of all Roma, and 33% of Roma women, are
Her boss, Nicolas Sarkozy, is vehemently opposed, but Sarkozy (who cannot speak English and is computer illiterate) can hardly be described as a twenty-first-century role model.
His followers are the largely illiterate, poorest, and most violent Shias of the slums of Baghdad and beyond, whose “Mahdi militia” fought American troops in 2004, even while the Americans were protecting Shias from Sunni attackers.
Economic growth has been slow, approximately half of women are illiterate, and the region is not well integrated into the world economy.
Because so many voters are illiterate, India invented the party symbol, so that voters who cannot read the name of their candidate can vote for him or her anyway by recognizing the symbol under which they campaigned.
Encouraging WorkSANTIAGO – Some policies are economically illiterate, for they cause avoidable inefficiency.
Few policies manage to be economically
and heartless all at once.
Otherwise, Pakistan’s terrorists, who feed off of political instability, will continue to gain, while the country’s poor and
majority will continue to lose ground.
At the same time, India remains very much an underdeveloped country, with hundreds of millions of illiterate, destitute citizens.
The Roma population, indeed, has 41% seasonal workers, 33.5 % lack any professional skills, 38.7 % are
Italy has legitimate grievances against the EU: hypocritical and inequitable policies on asylum and sea rescues, self-defeating fiscal rules, and economically
financial policies.
But India’s elections – with their outsize logistical and security challenges, myriad languages, and candidates identified not just by name but also by electoral symbols to aid
voters – are events that evoke admiration each time they occur.
In England, some 15% of adults (5.1 million people) are still “functionally illiterate,” meaning that they have literacy levels at or below those expected of an 11-year-old.
A resolution to break the scientifically
opposition to genetically modified food would help boost agriculture and exports to Europe substantially.
In a recent commentary entitled “The Scarecrow of National Debt,” Skidelsky offered a rather patronizing narrative, in a tone usually reserved for young children and pets, about his aged, old-fashioned, and financially
friend’s baseless anxiety about the burden placed on future generations by the rising level of government debt.
This illiterate, armed, Wahhabi brand of ideology was imported – as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted recently before House Appropriations Committee – by the US from Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries in order to undermine the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980’s.
Some 18% are older than 54, compared with about 7% of the online population, and roughly 28% are illiterate, whereas the literacy rate for Internet users is close to 100%.
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