in sentence
350 examples of Heroine in a sentence
is as ugly as the movie.
The most childish scene is the one where the devil dances his way into a bar, slips a tonic to an unsuspecting hero, who then finds his way onto the dance floor to mouth the words to Young song to the heroine, who is unaware of what's taken place.
Arthur, photographed in a gauzy, movie-magazine fashion, either wants alimony from ex-husband William Powell or another shot at marriage, but I never felt for her because the character is just a string of wisecracks (she's the type of
prone to comical curiousness, but once inside a morgue--like all women in these '30's comedies--she faints).
You will have figured out what's going on long before our hapless heroine... because you have probably seen the exact same plot in hundreds of other movies and TV shows (and done better, too).
You see the
slowly walking towards the window... she goes to open it... you know she is going to see something scary... and then... suddenly the scene cuts to her sobbing in her husband's arms.
There are echoes of 'Bride Of The Monster' when the
carefully winds the octopus like tentacle of a flesh eating plant around her before weakly thrashing about, the difference being that the Ed Wood film is a hundred times more entertaining.
!!!!! OF COURSE THERE'S SPOILERS !!!!! I'm sure this project started off as a screen writing workshop on avoiding clichés in horror movies: Female protagonist - Check Bad things happen to drug takers - Check Heorine knocks out villain - Check
doesn't notice villain recovering unconsciousness - Check Frame the sequence so we see recovered villain creep up behind
- Check Unfortunately it seems someone has sent this cliché list to a film studio instead of using it for class .
She's a nurse who seeks revenge, on the drug dealers who got her sister hooked on bad
Despite killing the
off, this is just substandard junk.
Most of the movie is a meandering mess as the
is exposed to various weirdness, dream sequences and erotic encounters, intercut with scenes of Englund as the imprisoned De Sade in the 19th century chewing the scenery.
There needs to be a likable hero or
The killer himself is quite creepy, and we find solace in the extremely likable
in Jennifer McAllister (look at the interesting symbolic contrast of the evil killer in all black, while our benevolent
sports all white attire, as scanty and stonewashed as it may be).
The jazz band sequence where our
seeks the information about the killer, is one of the most erotic scenes in Hollywood history, despite being at very low budget and made during WWII in black and white.
This is the type of neighborhood where you feel safe, but if trouble starts to brew, nobody wants to lift a finger to get involved (especially when a heavy-breathing madman is trying to skewer our young heroine.)
Jamie Lee Curtis does a serviceable job as our heroine, Laurie Strode, a goody-two-shoes high-schooler who can never seem to find a date.
The slow and realistic development of the chemistry b/w the hero and
was extremely natural and wonderfully portrayed.
This is something a
in Braveheart would never do.
What makes 'Yellow Emanuelle' so good is it's leading heroine, the beautiful and exotic Chai Lee.
the movie is far more sophisticated and intelligent is its exploration of sexual tension than such American attempts as 9 and a half weeks...the courtroom scene itself...with the couple copulating in the cage while the
pleads for their orgasm...is amazing...I have not seen this movie in 20 years...but it made indelible pictures in my mind...it is rich in texture and successful in creating a world where sex is the engine for all activity, and at its bottom is the yawning angst that lives in us all....the plot is European, and it meanders a bit, but so does life...especially when you are 17 and have a constant hard on....
Toward the end I couldn't decide which I wanted more: Our hero and
to pull off their caper or simply consummate their passion.
It's a refreshing breath of air when a movie actually gives you a story line with a beginning, a middle, and a end, a nice, clever mystery, with an appealing
for all ages, who wins us over with her wit and charm.
With a simplistic story and an engaging heroine, this was the horror movie that started it all.
Nancy Drew is a
for all generations and a role model for young girls to look up to.
Gwyneth Paltrow gives one of her best performances as the
in Emma.
Its a another Yash raj film which you know will look good on screen, all character are always nice or very nice with one exception who you know will eventually covert to being nice... Another rule of Yash raj's film is that either hero or heroine;s have only one or none parent.
Unfortunately there is a bit too much story and at times this becomes like a travelogue as our
searches the sleaze spots of Paris, Hamburg and Amsterdam.
From there, director Michael Winner ("Death Wish") kicks this supernatural thriller into gear, and there is a devilish glee to the hallucinogenic tortures he inflicts on his
Florence Rice runs the gamut from comedienne to
It's mostly a campy fare with as many bad horror movie references in it such as the rioting mob or the fleeing
who trips and stumbles on her heels.
It's a simple story padded here agreeably with comic business, particularly Cinderella's rodent pals (dressed up conspicuously like the dwarf sidekicks of another famous Disney heroine) and their misadventures with a wretched cat named Lucifer.
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