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181 examples of Editors in a sentence
giving human qualities to the animals is nothing new & to be expected, but changing their actual bodies into basically a transsexual figure is bizarre for a family cartoon - how many people- editors, writers, producers, animators saw this and didn't know any better or didn't say anything- it is completely astounding!
Hard to imagine what they were thinking of when they made this movie (i.e., the writers, directors, producers, actors, editors, etc.).
Few film makers have made as good of use of their
and attention to narrative that Nolan has.
There was obviously no money for lighting, filming, sets, location, scriptwriters, editors, actors... Oh, there was absolutely no story either!
Dirk Benedict was so much more plausible as the sensitive hero-type than the new-age Kattee Sackhoff-- whose overacting will probably be henceforth lauded as "a compelling, exciting, must-see, ground-breaking performance," by the politically correct new-speak of today's review copy editors; but in essence, it is just a tired, old image of a woman with a chip on her shoulder as big as a townhouse: the biggest cliché on screens today.
I'd had to psyche myself up for a week in advance because I have a real 'thing' about directors, producers and
who keep putting over blown, over long quasi epics in front of us and I feel that on the whole, 2 to 2.5 hours is about right for a movie.
Gojoe is part of a new wave of Japanese cinema, taking very creative directors,
and photographers and working on historic themes, what the Japanese call "period pieces".
As if the raptor graphics weren't amazing enough, the award-winning
continued to use the exact same shot throughout the entire movie, even when the background didn't actually match up with the setting of the scene.
This sci-fi masterpiece has too many flaws after the
had butchered it after its opening in 1936.
The title of the movie has it right, the producers, writers, editors, and actors should have seen their last broadcast.
Although the theme tune of Planet's Funniest Animals was sort of cute, it was probably the only thing that was actually heard by those
and producers.
This has a decent air of foreboding and is quite nasty in parts, especially the parts that
didn't want you to see back in the days when it was considered "tasteless" or "too brutal".
The movie has a cool set-up and a few good action sequences, although they suffer from that all too modern symptom of having been put together by
who must have been on some kind of amphetamines.
I've worked with a lot of writers, editors, and publishers, some of which were mentioned in this movie, and they are nothing like the ones portrayed here.
The way the movie was pieced together makes me want to blame the
One has to cope with annoying
and actors who, in various strange ways, convince you that they can actually act and sign on to the point where it's too late to replace them.
I see this collection of footage as counter-productive to itself due to the idealistic idiocy demonstrated by the
who have most probably either been in shock by the footage or have assembled the film in such a fashion as to deconstruct the viewers mind in such a way that they may question their own countries values and ethics to the level of becoming isolated in ones own beliefs.
One has to wonder what the
actually took OUT of the movie.
This is told in a most innovative way for its time, which makes it more regrettable that the film was handled as a pop extravaganza, when it was an innovative and puzzling product with a structure that demanded a more intellectual participation from the audience; and with an organic use of the flash-forward technique (proposed by its editor, Antony Gibbs), an anticipation device that would become common practice in later years (it is interesting to note that five years later the cinematographer of "Petulia", Nicolas Roeg, would direct Julie Christie in the horror drama "Don't Look Now", which contains a scene film
often mention as an outstanding example of the flash-forward technique, a sex scene inter-cut with takes of the following scene, edited by Graeme Clifford).
But perhaps it wasn't the
it seems like the editors, in haste, cut the plot to fit the time slot.
You could see the
trying desperately to hide the blemish - Robert Capelli, Jr.
The film has the feel of two different
and in fact that is what happened.
Milestone and his
and special effects people create some excellent visual effects to complement a cast that charms even in the role of slimy bad guy.
To make matters worse, the footage
didn't even bother to remove the original on-screen text from US Navy Seals in the carrier scene...the text that says "Off The Coast of Lebanon" does not match the on screen text used earlier and for the rest of "Stealth Fighter" - it's like comparing italic Times New Roman to Arial font.
This reviewer attempts to describe something of merit within each work under consideration, but with this wretchedly made film, one must slide by the woeful efforts by those who generally provide audience enjoyment, i.e., director, screenwriter, actors, editors, et alia, before finally recognizing the customary able efforts from crew technicians as the sole evidence of adequacy.
well... i expected much of this film, since i think Antonio Banderas is a great actor, too bad the other actors, director and
were horrible.
It is hard to imagine what the
must have been thinking when splicing together all of the scenes in this movie.
Back in 1976, Roger Corman gave two of his trailer
a few bucks and a chance to make a film.
Didn't anyone (the director, the producer, the editors) WATCH the film??? Couldn't they SEE how bad it was???
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