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453 examples of Doctrine in a sentence
Anxiety over China’s conventional military superiority probably motivated, at least partly, Russia’s 2009 announcement of a new military
explicitly reserving the right to first use of nuclear weapons – a stance that resembles America’s Cold War force posture, aimed at deterring superior conventional Soviet forces in Europe.
In the Middle East and Central Asia, this policy seems at times to have assumed predominance comparable to that of the former
of deterrence deployed against the Soviet Union and its Communist allies.
The second message is that Cold War nuclear-deterrence
is irrelevant to today’s world.
As my colleagues and I put it in our book-length report Nuclear Weapons: The State of Play 2015, launched in Geneva, Vienna, and Washington in March: “On the evidence of the size of their weapons arsenals, fissile material stocks, force modernization plans, stated
and known deployment practices, all nine nuclear-armed states foresee indefinite retention of nuclear weapons and a continuing role for them in their security policies.”
But, as my experience with entrepreneurial innovation has grown, I have realized that the response is rooted in the fact that most people are trapped in a specific doctrine, which obscures the innovative solutions that lie beyond its borders.
Israel is bound to fight against this emerging new American
that equates it with Iran, or even with India and Pakistan for that matter.
But the changing international environment, the threat of uncontrolled nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, and the new policies being worked out in the US might all be good reasons for Israel to consider revising its nuclear
The world has undergone massive economic deregulation, prescribed by the monetarist
supported by the conservative forces dominant in the developed countries of North America, Europe, and the Far East.
Nor is it clear that membership would be in the best interest of Israel, a country whose defense
has been always based on self-reliance and freedom of maneuver in security matters.
The options for further cooperation are many, ranging from intelligence and procurement to the development of an updated anti-terrorism
(including cyber-terrorism), a domain to which NATO is a newcomer.
Even barring such a nightmare scenario in 2012, the summit sowed the seeds of future conflicts – over the emergence of a “two-speed” Europe and the false economic
guiding the eurozone’s proposed fiscal pact.
That doctrine, by imposing austerity in a period of rising unemployment, threatens to push the eurozone into a vicious deflationary debt spiral from which it will be difficult to escape.
The first of the implicit assumptions of orthodox theory that Keynes identified was Say’s Law, the
that “supply creates its own demand.”
Unilateralism vs. MultilateralismPresident Bush's new strategic
says that while the US will seek to enlist the support of the international community for its policies, America will not hesitate to act alone if necessary to exercise its right of self defense.
According to a senior Pakistani military official, India, in pursuit of its “Cold Start” military doctrine, is constructing eight bases at which heavy armor would be stationed.
Developed after the 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament, the
calls for Indian troops to move rapidly to occupy 300-500 square kilometers of Pakistani territory in the event of another terrorist attack.
But it remained a minority view, favored by environmentalists and animal protectionists, and Aquinas’s interpretation remained the prevailing Catholic
until the late twentieth century.
In a recent memoir, Gareth Evans, a former Australian foreign minister and the principal author of the “Responsibility to Protect”
that is now the basis of international thinking on when a war of humanitarian intervention is justifiable, has dismissed that claim.
That, of course, means that economists must be willing to include new and original theories that are not yet received
among professional specialists.
The orthodox agriculture-led growth strategy of the 1960’s, the favored antidote to five decades of a “happy peasant” aid doctrine, must be replaced with an agribusiness development strategy whereby policymakers, donors, and entrepreneurs target the entire value chain to support a shift from bulk products to value-added, agro-industrial manufactured products.
Not even George W. Bush seemed to be committed to any particular
in foreign affairs before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, drove him to unleash his ill-conceived “global war on terror.”
Giving one another access to deep thinking on the issue could be the best means to encourage cooperation and, most important, a
of “no surprises.”
Only a serious program of universal nuclear disarmament can provide the reassurance and the credibility needed to build a global consensus that nuclear deterrence is a dead
Today, however, China needs a new strategic doctrine, because the most remarkable aspect of Sri Lanka’s recent victory over the Tamil Tigers is not its overwhelming nature, but the fact that China provided President Mahinda Rajapaska with both the military supplies and diplomatic cover he needed to prosecute the war.
Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s
– if you break it, you own it – applies to Putin’s intervention in Ukraine as much as to George W. Bush’s misadventure in Iraq.
Xi’s two predecessors, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, did not have their names linked to any ideological doctrine, much less one elevated to such a high status within the CPC.
Few Chinese, including members of the party, genuinely believe in any official
Beyond his boastful talk about Russia’s nuclear arsenal, his government has recently announced a new naval
– one that amounts to an alarming echo of Germany’s naval challenge to Britain prior to World War I.
But the unintended outcomes produced by efforts to implement the “R2P”
– most notably, in Libya in 2011 – have led countries largely to abandon their responsibility.
Principles of international law – in particular, the emerging “responsibility to protect”
and enforcement of the global ban on the use of chemical weapons – dictate that some form of military intervention must occur in order to deter others from using WMDs, particularly against civilians.
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