in sentence
1044 examples of Difficulty in a sentence
for viewers to ken a meandering narrative will be a bit of an impediment, the film is not dull.
I loved this film when I was a kid and I know a lot of you have been having
finding a copy.
There were about 3 things about Susan Cooper's magnificent book that were preserved in this movie: a couple of names (but certainly not all of them--where was the
in letting his father be named "Roger" rather than changing it to "John"??), a rook feather in the snow, and... that's about it.
The comments of the older man whose son married a Mexican girl, his
in accepting the marriage so touchingly mixed with his pride in his grandchildren, again brought a lump to my throat.
the movie and it's consistency with,the reality of such kind of religion originated community, is marvelous since you feel familiar most of the stages with the man you recognize which is rigidly religious.It is rare and very difficult to create such kind of complicated film especially for a director which had directed only moderate TV series in Turkey.He surpassed the expectation thanks to his talent and observation.Besides director, the casting and performance of the actors is impressive since they really overcame the
of the performing the characters who are rare in community and which differs from society by small details.The way pilot flows is satisfactory but on the other hand,the simplicity of some parts of the movie, especially in final minutes,does not meet the expectation of the audience which expects the ultimate end.The issue director criticize is imagined untouchable for the conservative parts of society.according to me we should congratulate the courageous and objective view of director.it is a good film for whom are open minded and opposing.
It's worth watching if you enjoyed "Failure to Launch", and it can can be said to tick a lot of the same romantic comedy boxes: beautiful people, aspirational lifestyles, characters who have
with intimacy and commitment, family entanglements, mishaps with animals, pairings off at the end.
I'm fairly certain I saw this film in its original theatrical release in the '80s(memory is dim,) and recently found it on DVD with considerable
Based upon an early single act play by Corrente, later expanded to a full-length piece, "Ledge Street", this production displays a strong motif dealing with the
of overcoming class distinctions.
The main character has
walking without tripping, accidentally exposes himself to nearly every other character in the movie, and finds it necessary to practice putting a condom on a banana around his friend's waist while receiving direction, despite clearly labeled instructions provided with all condoms.
I really only had
in one section and that is only because I was pushing the wrong button like an idiot.
Good cloak and dagger action drama set in London 1939.Has very good sets and story but could have been a classic if it had better directing and script/screenplay.The director had a little
finding a good balance between being edgy or watered down in a more Hollywood way.Great entertainment though for cloak and dagger fans and big fans of the lead stars.Selleck looks really good here.....
Here are but a few examples: there are no colonels in the US Navy; men on the disabled sub were having
breathing, but they were not breathing "carbon monoxide" as the med staff suggested unless their exhaust was leaking into the compartment; lifting off from an arms seller's supposedly isolated base of operations, the Nighthawk rolls along a clearly marked runway, then passes a VOR station, a type of navaid that would assist in identifying the location of this base.
didn't gradually progress as you went along!!
Here in this film, they had
delivering their lines convincingly, though you really can't blame them--they're just kids who have parents who've pushed them into the limelight.
The other
in the series was the line between heavy drama and melodrama, and the fantastical elements peppering each segment.
In a way, this film imitated his movie career: it started out fairly strong, but then had some
being entertaining.
I found it really
to be sympathetic to this main character who didn't seem to be affected by the death of a policeman--even if she wasn't responsible.
In ways, this is less hard than the others(on the other hand, it is challenging, yes, also on the easiest setting, of the three for puzzles and four for action... yep, adjustable difficulty, so anyone can play this).
Another popular feature is the ability to choose different paths through the game, along with different
It's difficult enough to write comments for films around fifty years old but when were talking 'silent' there's another dimension of
inasmuch as one is moving into a world of title cards and 26 frames per second.
At first I had
deciding if this was a comedy or drama.
He has severe
figuring out which story he wants to tell, there are many stories in this film that would make great movies in their own right, but the constant intermingling of them, which might have worked in the hands of a more experienced director, fails in this film.
As a member of a etnic minority I saw a lot of simularity in settling and about intergration and its
So imagine a film much better than that one, this is Get Real, by genius director Simon Shore (remember "Eton, class of '91"), with a wonderful cast (especially young Ben Silverstone - just GREAT !!!!- already seen in The Browning Version...) The screenplay is so interesting, a lot more than Beautiful Thing's, we can feel Johnny and Steve's emotion, the fear of being "discovered" because of the reactions of all those stupid people... Johnny's
to admit what he's...
It is also sometimes to hard as I had a bit of
with the final enemy even on easy.
COMBAT SHOCK is both a disturbing, boring, awful movie AND a gritty, ultra-realistic, shocking movie about the
many Vietnam vets had getting jobs and fitting back into society.
Though it is slow paced, I had
taking my eyes off of it.
You can also see his
in staying relevant to his audience during later seasons, as he addresses guests who happen to be in their mid-teens (Christina Ricci being a good example) as if they were three years old.
I, for one, (while reasonably coversant with history), have never thought about her early years on the throne, and the
as a teenage monarch, of dealing with Mum and Parliament!
We have a global economy that suffers from some deficiencies, the most glaring of which are the instability of financial markets, the asymmetry between center and periphery, and the
in taxing capital.
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