in sentence
3415 examples of Developed in a sentence
And, following a sedate pace and a careful build up, the plot completely falls apart in the last 20 minutes with a deeply unsatisfying and unexplained conclusion which doesn't even show us if Attenborough's character has
at all from the previous proceedings.
Navy Commander Chuck Prescott(Marshall Thompson)has
the Y12 aircraft to test how far man can go up in the atmosphere.
In Sex is comedy I don't see real sensitivity and also a clear plot for the movie is not being
so that there is a rather loose story with the disillusion of the end.
Sure there was some dialogue in between, and great underground scenery but the lack of a plot,
characters, any twists or development in the story at all was sorely lacking.
The story was a good idea but like most good ideas discussed over lunch was never
beyond that good idea stage.
This film was produced before her character actor personality was
The characters
well enough - an all-star cast made it oh-so promising, just a shame the plot was patently absurd.
However, not only was this not
(other than a two paragraph introduction), many things were not explained - i.e. the gypsies, the Anabaptists, the inquisitors and their relationship to the one true church.
I don't think the wall was very well
I never got what was actually going on there.
I don't understand how that
any character or moved the plot.
There's plenty of nudity and violence on hand, but not much sense alas (especially since its subplot involving a secret society of vampires infiltrating the power structures is barely developed); the film is also overlong for its purpose, and eventually slips into tedium during the last half-hour.
Although the basic premise of the story offers a wealth of possibilities, they are never
to any satisfying degree, and exposition is almost non-existent.
"A scientist has
a serum which grotesquely distorts the victim's hands and heads.
Having only four pseudo
characters and a movie going nowhere it is pretty soon obvious whom the director picked as a killer.
Throughout his career, he has also
a bad habit of remaking his own films ("Piranha", "Humanoids from the Deep", "The Black Scorpion", etc.), without improving on them in the slightest.
The characters are not developed, so we don't connect with them - and we hardly care when some of them die.
There was a great deal of mumbling by the lead character with whom I
no sympathy at all.
I must say this though, if they would've
other characters better than they did "Splatter", this might have gone somewhere.
was all over the place,with big chunks of information missing about how things
and even inaccurate at some bits too.If you know nothing about Michael , you wont understand a thing.You have to rely on your current knowledge of the man in order for some bits to make sense..Acting was a bit dramatic, Flex Alexander looked nothing like Michael which was a put off for me and towards the end he literally looked grey.saying that portraying Michael as somewhat naive but highly positive, gentle and loving individual was okay even though they still made a fool out of him time to time.If you want to watch MJ's life story check out "An American dream".
the issue of parents-kids divide is interesting but was handled in a rather unoriginal manner.. the characters were not
fully and the kids seemed to go from being extermely loving ( in the first 15mts of the movie) to being totally unconcerned about the parents,, this transformation was not credible to say the least..they sld have explored this a little more.
Meltdown opens on a scene of scientists preparing to conduct an important test on a missile system
to deflect asteroids should they be on a collision course with earth.
Incidentally, the bit about Canada joining the US didn't really have much to do with the plot at all and the idea was never
Instead, we find ourselves on a rampage with a character that felt less personal, less developed, and overall too confusing.
In "Circus" I
no empathy with his character and couldn't give a toss what happened to either him or his girlfriend.
The film even seems ambivalent about what it wants to be - it is not always clear that it was intended as a comedy - like maybe that
after shooting started.
This movie is an exercise in slow moving shots, no script, close-ups, terrible edited, and a poorly
This movie moved much too slowly for my taste.The concept of the story is refreshingly different in that it explores the family dynamics of living with a mentally-retarded family member in a way that I have not previously seen on-screen.However,the execution of the concept was flawed.Each character was
fully within the scene of her first appearance,then one had to endure the feeling that each character was treading water the rest of the way.That is,each character flailed about awkwardly in her interpersonal relationships with others in the movie,which I found to be a form of emotional and social retardation.I suppose this has artistic merit,given the irony that the story centers around an intellectually retarded individual surrounded by way above-average intelligence friends and family.The acting,however,was well-done without exception.I agree with other reviewers that the cinematography was beautiful.In summary,I think the film has strong artistic merit because of the fine acting and cinematography,but fails on an emotional level due to the shortcomings described.
A meager excitement
when Clive Owen and Catherine Zeta Jones (very young, very beautiful) exchanged a bit of flesh-pressing, but even Clive, who is a superb actor, couldn't save it.
Circus could have been so much better if they had reduced the number of twists and
each better the film features a very gifted cast that mostly perform well , however it totally loses the audience basically everyone is back stabbing everyone else and not back stabbing them at the same time because they are backstabbing someone else and working with .... did i lose you?
The sets and cinematography look like they were
by someone grew up in a Starbucks and tried to make the perfect Gap commercial.
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