in sentence
405 examples of Delighted in a sentence
"Here," said the washerwoman, tendering to Caesar a taste of the article that most
herself, "try a drop, smooty, 'twill warm the black sowl within your crazy body, and be giving you spirits as you are going homeward."
cried the
Ungracious as was this reception, if you could judge of the Skinner's feelings from his manner, it nevertheless
Huckleberry was cordially hated and dreaded by all the mothers of the town, because he was idle and lawless and vulgar and bad--and because all their children admired him so, and
in his forbidden society, and wished they dared to be like him.
They found plenty of things to be
with, but nothing to be astonished at.
He had his own reasons for being delighted, for the master boarded in his father's family and had given the boy ample cause to hate him.
The boys above were as excited as themselves, and as
By-and-by, one group after another came straggling back to the mouth of the cave, panting, hilarious, smeared from head to foot with tallow drippings, daubed with clay, and entirely
with the success of the day.
I fetched a deep sigh, and told him there was nobody in the world could be more
than I was in the good agreement we had always kept up, or more afflicted with the breach of it, and should be so still; but I was sorry to tell him that there was an unhappy circumstance in our case, which lay too close to my heart, and which I knew not how to break to him, that rendered my part of it very miserable, and took from me all the comfort of the rest.
However, he was so just to me that he never upbraided me with that; nor did he ever express the least dislike of my conduct on any other occasion, but always protested he was as much
with my company as he was the first hour we came together: I mean, came together as bedfellows.
He was the willinger to consent to it now, because he had business upon his hands sufficient to employ him, besides his gun to divert him, which they call hunting there, and which he greatly
in; and indeed we used to look at one another, sometimes with a great deal of pleasure, reflecting how much better that was, not than Newgate only, but than the most prosperous of our circumstances in the wicked trade that we had been both carrying on.
Here we had a supply of all sorts of clothes, as well for my husband as for myself; and I took especial care to buy for him all those things that I knew he
to have; as two good long wigs, two silver-hilted swords, three or four fine fowling-pieces, a find saddle with holsters and pistols very handsome, with a scarlet cloak; and, in a word, everything I could think of to oblige him, and to make him appear, as he really was, a very fine gentleman.
And she stayed there for hours, without a thought, scorched by the sun,
at being able to thrust her fingers in the earth.
Grivet was
at the welcome Madame Raquin gave him, and he returned every week with perfect regularity.
Therese had her ear on the alert; and when the bell rang, she rapidly ran downstairs quite relieved,
at being able to quit the dining-room.
This idea
Madame Raquin and her son, but Therese remained silent.
But Camille was delighted; he declared that he had the appearance of a person of distinction on the canvas.
Ah! how she deceived these worthy people, and how
she was to deceive them with such triumphant impudence.
But for that matter, he was
to feel afraid.
Laurent, henceforth at ease, felt
to be able to bury his crime in oblivion, along with the vexatious and painful scenes that had followed it.
The young man was
to see these Thursday evenings resumed.
He also sought other advantages that would result therefrom, and felt
when he found a new argument, drawn from his egotism, in favour of his union with the widow of the drowned man.
Altogether the company were delighted, enchanted, and declared that everything was for the best; in reality all they thought about was the wedding feast.
It could be seen from their
and confident attitude that, in their idea, a revolution had been accomplished.
He arrived between eight and nine o'clock in the morning, smoked, stretched himself on the divan, and awaited noon,
that it was morning, and that he had many hours of daylight before him.
They were all highly
with her grace, air, and beauty, and declared Don Fernando to be a man of very little taste when he rejected such charms.
Anselmo received this letter, and from it he gathered that Lothario had already begun his task and that Camilla must have replied to him as he would have wished; and
beyond measure at such intelligence he sent word to her not to leave his house on any account, as he would very shortly return.
He then asked Dorothea how she had managed to reach a place so far removed from her own home, and she in a few fitting words told all that she had previously related to Cardenio, with which Don Fernando and his companions were so
that they wished the story had been longer; so charmingly did Dorothea describe her misadventures.
This, dear senora, is all I have to tell you about the musician whose voice has
you so much; and from it alone you might easily perceive he is no muleteer, but a lord of hearts and towns, as I told you already."
When, however, they had come to, as it seemed, rather more than eighty fathoms they felt a weight, at which they were greatly delighted; and at last, at ten fathoms more, they saw Don Quixote distinctly, and Sancho called out to him, saying, "Welcome back, senor, for we had begun to think you were going to stop there to found a family."
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