in sentence
6363 examples of Death in a sentence
The colors of death, evil and hellfire.
There's only one way to get justice served for the killing of his brother and to fix things so "this ain't a-ever gonna happen again to anyone": recreate the chase and settle the contest hot-rodder style to the
Much to her adult children's chagrin & nearly immediately after Elizabeth's (Dame Judy Dench) husband's death, the widowed, attic tenor saxophone player becomes bent upon openly returning to her musical hobby.
In his last months Jonny decided to work with filmmaker Patrick Collerton to document his life and death, and the result was a film, first broadcast in March, that was an uplifting, confounding and provocatively humorous story of a singular man.
I do have Breaking Free, a book written and drawn by J. Daniels, published in 1989, six years after Herge's
From there, director Michael Winner
Wish") kicks this supernatural thriller into gear, and there is a devilish glee to the hallucinogenic tortures he inflicts on his heroine.
There is some dramatic scenes dealing with the
of Dooley's wife that don't really seem to be with the tone of the movie because the rest of the movie is action sequences, dog poop jokes, fart jokes, and jokes about dogs biting bad guys in a certain area.
Some of the dialogue in fact is downright loopy, and I didn't much care for an edit late in the film that segues clumsily from a
to a wedding.
This movie shows how a human being, when taken from civilization and put in the middle of the woods, facing a life or
situation can slowly become almost as wild and feral as the animals that inhabit it.
If you like horror movies with lots of blood and gore, tons of jump-scare moments and unrelenting, escalating scenes of excruciating death, then look elsewhere.
To show this the film has to look beyond Biko's death, hence to center its discourse not on Biko but on a white liberal journalist and his escaping the absurd system in which he is living.
His escape is made necessary because of the victimization he is the victim of, along with his family, and because he wants to publish the first book on Biko, after his death, and that can only happen in England.
It is interesting to contemplate what the movie would have been like had not
prevented Jack Benny from playing George Burns' part, as had been planned.
There is also
in this who follows the girl around until she is able to escape from her future.
This tale based on two Edgar Allen Poe pieces ("The Fall of the House of Usher", "Dance of
(poem) ) is actually quite creepy from beginning to end.
Many years after the last of my several viewings of this film, in 1970, I read an article in which Mickey Rooney was recounting a visit he'd made to
row, and which had apparently very drastically eliminated whatever sense of personal identification he'd felt with people in similar circumstances.
Ultimately, the struggle of life and
supersedes "civilized man's" suppositives about "The Law".
The story of 16-year old Ryu begins with the
of her father.
Alicia, the girl with the stone heart, the Goth who has a pessimistic attitude to life assists Deanna to overcome the issues of life and
and living in the aftermath.
While these women were bedding their paramours out of a sense loneliness, did they think that their husbands were enjoying being shot at while facing
or dismemberment daily?
They have some hilarious dialogue after catching and eating a fish and the girl bemoans the
of the fish and that they ate it!
This is one of those unfortunate films that suffered an even more sad, unfortunate
at the box office.
Thereafter, he finally is driven from the court of King Saul of Israel, becomes a famous warrior, and returns to claim the kingdom and become the instrument of
of Jonathan, the King's son, formerly a friend.
At last, David places his hands on the Ark of the Covenant, recently brought to Jerusalem and housed in a temple, which has caused the
of others who accidentally came in contact with it, inviting his god to punish him--and nothing happens...David exits the temple, and finds that rain has come to his parched land.
Doyle had never wanted to resurrect Holmes from his joint
with Professor Moriarty in THE ADVENTURE OF THE FINAL PROBLEM.
But it was a "memoir" of the great detective, written before his
Flash forward to 20001,several months prior to September 11th, a book,entitled 'Forbidden Love' (published in the U.S. as 'Honor Lost:Love And
In Modern Day Jordan') by a previously unknown author by the name of Norma Khouri,a woman from Jordan,who reported on the
by mercy killing of her best friend Dalia,due to the fact that Dalia,being from a devout Muslim background,was dating a Christian man.
Mendez informs Kirk that Talos IV is under interdiction, and any contact with the planet by Starfleet vessels or personnel carries an immediate
sentence, meaning that Spock appears to be deliberately destroying himself, and Kirk as well, given that the Captain will be held responsible for the ship's activities.
Spock - knowing that Kirk must be the one following the ship - is of course unable to consign the Captain to certain
There were parts that were relatively routine (Lily's death), very funny (,
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