in sentence
6363 examples of Death in a sentence
I highly recommend this one if you're feeling a little too happy and need something to remind you of
didn't know anything about the film or that it was based on a best selling book.Tried guessing from the opening scenes what it would be about,best guess,buried treasure and a
list.That lasted about 15 minutes when i got the sneaky suspicion that the film was crap.I'll not bore you with how bad the plot and acting were but anyone who gave it more than two stars must work for the film makers.I watched until the hero jumped into his corvette to rush to the hospital.He had his on his suit,shirt and tie arrived at the hospital in jeans and a t/shirt.Couldn't even get the continuity right.
Rejection would spell
for Jan in the pan.
It was one day in the life (and death) of some Southerners on a plantation.
But since his wife's mysterious
her daughter, Emily, has been emotionally disturbed, so he goes Spoleto, where the problematic picture is, with her and her nanny, Jill.
it seems to me whomever made this movie is afflicted to the extent of becoming trapped in a permanent morbid trance, unable to contemplate anything else but
and destruction.
Some people might consider this movie a piece of artwork - to be able to express your imagination on film in order to create a movie filled with antagonizing pain and death..
Oscar Wilde said it best, in reference to Dickens' "The Old Curiosity Shop": "One would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh out loud at the
of Little Nell."
He takes an autobiographical situation (remarrying too soon after the
of a beloved spouse) and makes it rusty, unpleasant and--worst of all--unfunny.
The topics that were discussed: death, marriage, non-traditional families, new to neighborhoods, moving away were related to children and adults in a manner easy for 2-99 year old to understand and relate to.
Nicholas Walker is Paul, the local town Reverand who's married to Martha (Ally Sheedy), but also is a habitual womanizer and decides to fake his own
to run away with his current affair, Veronica (Dara Tomanovich).
Besides that, the film is filled with laughable gore and fakey
As a matter of fact, you almost start hoping they die, because at least a
might be more interesting than watching their inexplicable behavior, which is so strange and unpredictable that you'd think it in itself would be compelling, but it's not.
(and making fun of death), violence, sexual innuendo, adults threatening children, crudeness, alcohol abuse by minors, drug theft, dysfunctional parents, babysitter from hell, stereotypical jokes about African Americans, police and fat people, and kids sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night - yup, sure sounds like a kids movie to me - NOT!!! Add to that the dark and scary elements - a dead woman possessing and turning into a house and keeping her loving husband a prisoner inside for over 20 years, and also terrorizing an entire neighborhood - how sweet for kids.
Particularly well done is the
of Buck Barrow, and the capture of his wife Blanche.
However, this movie is still Hollywood, and our anti-heroes stay pretty to the end, even after being shot full of holes (in life, Bonnie was badly burned in an auto accident the year before their famous ambush, and did not look like a perky cheerleader at the time of her death).
Drake plays a tape recording of they're late Father's wishes after his death, the estate worth 136 million dollars is to be split equally between his four children, if any should die then the money would be split equally between the rest & if all were to die the freaky servants Elga (Ivy Bethune), Igor (Buck Kartalian) & the more mundanely named Frank (John Russell) would pocket the lot.
Some of them really do "have it coming", even if "it" was a painful, horrible
Her struggle to find food and shelter, her shame at having to beg for bread, the threat of freezing to
in the cold, all to get away from a man she loved were, in my opinion, poignant parts of the story that were simply left out of this movie.
The lies they spout and the ridiculous lies they try to pass off as truth, such as the idea of "life after
or "god" or "sin" or "the devil" is so preposterous that they actually seem mentally ill, so lost are they in their fantasy.
Jacinto Molina plays Gilles de Lancre and seems to have little issue with having people put to
when he thinks they threaten his position or when he needs virgins for their blood.
Russell Hopton acted in many films until his
in 1945.
A charming boy and his mother move to a middle of nowhere town, cats and
soon follow them.
What's subversive or subtle about seeing a military guy masturbating to
and destruction?
Seriously, you just have to wonder why this movie was made, if you are going to have a killer have some good
scenes, if you are going to have alien encounters show more than a weird light vortex thing, and if you are going to have light sabers then call yourself star wars.
All three movies are about
Perhaps having already played this part to death, Brynner looks like he had nothing leftover for the screen translation except bombast.
Greenthumb Grace is left penniless after her husbands
so she turns to ganja-growing in order to pay the bills.
A Viet Nam war hero takes a job working for a mob boss, gets a bit too friendly with the wife and then the wife is killed by the mob boss himself & the war hero framed and sent to prison,
row, specifically.
I won't get into specifics, as I don't want to write a spoiler, but the idea of grown, professional, British men getting into near
scraps every weekend is, well... funny.
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