in sentence
155 examples of Cynicism in a sentence
YOKAI DAISENSO takes things even further in the direction of family-friendliness, diluting the darkness and
to create a grand fantasy fairy tale.
Yuri is back, and thankfully, he left the vast majority of the emo back in the first one, but he did bring the humor with him, as well as what comes of his inner talks with his... other half(who's got a nasty case of cynicism).
John Michael Hayes did a fine job of adapting the book, tightening the plot and losing most of the cynicism, though it can be argued that the book's feminist slant was lost in the process as well.
The author having insinuated politics into the film was both gratuitous and useless--adding nothing to the story but more
Dreamer isn't a masterpiece of film making, to start with, the script could have had a final brush up, so as too avoid some stereotyped lines, specially between father and son, but if you are tired of too much reality, too much politics, too much Iraq, too much Bush, too much cynicism, too, too much violence on the big screen and TV, give this movie a chance.
The race that ensues is the necessary conflict that precedes the shocking -- and of an unbridled
-- ending that carries to the last consequences the truism that sentimentality has no place in a technological capitalist society -- Porky wins the race but is not allowed to keep his train; instead he is promoted to machinist of the new one, and is soon bursting with joy.
Her apathy is something unimaginable in Day previously, a weary
expertly underplayed.
I cannot say that it is the best of all possible adaptations; a tacked-on sub-plot (involving a romance with an amorous quartermaster) helps the exposition but dilutes the icy
of the basic story, the missionary and his wife are clumsy caricatures of hellfire and brimstone puritanism, while Joan Crawford's "low-class" accent is more irritating than it is believable -- one is relieved when she forgets to use it.
The director avoids all sentimentality, yet the movie has moments of humor, pathos, cynicism, charity and quiet desperation.
This theory alone explains the
on screen and the ham-fisted, slapdash, car-crash handling of the material.
Muccino's "L'ultimo bacio" (to be avoided like the plague!) and his latest, "Ricordati di me", are prime examples of Berlusconi-era cinema: pretty-to-look-at but pointless, riddled with stoopid cliches, pre-packed, pre-digested conclusions, conservative, moralistic and misogynistic undertones that pass for brave portrayals of modern Italy (yeah right), hollow
and shallow "portraits" of middle-class malaise that are merely a smug, self-referential celebration of this milieu (Muccino's own).
It's powerful because it's realistic; no stereotyped good guys or bad guys here (it's based on a true story, after all), and yet plenty of cruelty and some kindness, which leads to an exploration of themes such as justice and mercy in a way that (at last) doesn't lead to boredom or
This new film, because it is a black comedy, is wholly admirable despite its unremitting cynicism, and it provides many hysterically funny situations and lines of dialogue.
The Secret of Roan Inish is a departure for John Sayles, in that his normal
and mildly jaundiced eye is replaced by the completely credulous child's view, and his film is all the more charming because of it.
At a mere 77 minutes, this delicious serving of pure hilarious
still seems a bit long while you're watching it -- maybe because the writers at times invest too much in milking all they can from certain scenes.
Whilst the animation isn't the best you'll ever see (I wasn't impressed with the high quantity of 'static' shots where there is literally NO animation at all) and there's not enough action or excitement for the little ones, ANIMALYMPICS does have a nice, dry sense of humour, several bright moments and a welcome lack of
Ms. Collins outdoes herself and it rates a 2/10 only because even I, in my eternal cynicism, can't believe that those involved in making this film intended for it to be taken seriously (as much as it seems that they do).
Anyway, this is the best I've seen Buscemi in, and Thora Birch cranks up the angst and
she utilized in American Beauty in her role as Enid.
This is what life is/was without our current mood of doubt and
Darkly comic tale, brightly-produced yet full of cynicism, has brief moments that go out on a limb, but is ultimately a rather formulaic "Heathers" knock-off.
I was also bothered by the
and irony.
I understand why someone would have reservations about watching this movie but my advice would be to put your
aside for a couple of hours and just watch with an uncritical mind.
Overall, the reaction of both press and public is one of disillusion and/or
But it also requires a global investment community – public, private, and mixed – that can move beyond short-term thinking, ideological bias, ignorance, and
Back in 1998, when we launched the global march – amid similar
and apathy – roughly 250 million children were being forced to work in horrific conditions.
A culture of
and complacency seems to be the default position, especially among politicians and the media.
The US has not agreed to accept such sanctions for failing to meet emissions targets; but, without penalties, the exercise is largely futile and only encourages
about the effort to combat climate change.
Despite my earlier cynicism, I think I know the answer.
Here we are, at the centenary of the outbreak of World War I, and we find ourselves surrounded by cascading violence, duplicity, and
of the very sort that brought the world to disaster in 1914.
is rife on all sides.
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