in sentence
253 examples of Clubs in a sentence
hooks up with the local fly girls who take her to the street
They then try to find the club she works at, "Cryptz," by calling a spooky friend of theirs named Truck who they think know all about underground
and things like that.
I had a lot of laughs watching these guys run around the state to places that I can relate to... everything from food spots to night clubs..
A riff on the old CAT PEOPLE flicks, this has a group of people who can apparently turn into big cats living it up at
As more people become involved, the plot really thickens and we are in the familiar territory of seedy clubs, ruthless hoods, car 'accidents', clairvoyance, a sanatorium and a wonderfully evocative dark and dirty dockside.
You know yer in for it when the main character ( the priest), which whom we are supposed to empathize with, not only collects trivial horror film memorabilia, but also porn mags and frequents strip
We have discovered that this multi-tasking life is best done in cities, which concentrate a multiplicity of hard amenities – airports, shops, schools, parks, and sports facilities – as well as soft amenities like clubs, bars, and restaurants.
It is very difficult for schools, law enforcement agencies, soccer clubs, and telephone, electricity, and water companies to cooperate across the Green Line.
But this leaves his adversaries and his friends in a quandary: is he just a typical dictatorial Russian leader of the sort America fought the Cold War against, or is he the man who, in order to be accepted as a member of the West and its best
- the G-7, EU, and their like - tolerates such unpleasant things for Russia as NATO's expansion right up to its border.
But the bullets and
unleashed on Buddhist monks have worked.
With the stakes so high, many media owners have chosen to leave the game entirely, selling their outlets to pro-Kremlin oligarchs, many of whom were, fittingly, previously asked by Putin to buy soccer
Hosting a major financial center is, of course, unambiguously good for Porsche dealerships, upmarket champagne bars, and table dancing
After September 11, 2001, skyscrapers, clubs, and restaurants of all kinds sprang up like mushrooms, with almost more vitality than before.
Euro-zone policymakers should also seize the initiative in the world’s key economic
The school has a brass band, a farm, an artists’ collective, microfinance and literary clubs, and support groups for victims of domestic violence.
These countries lack the market size to be invited into plurilateral
The risk for small countries is that in a world of globalized production, all states would be forced to conform to regulatory standards set by
of big market players.
Banks, airlines, credit card companies, social media firms, hotel chains, social clubs, and other organizations should participate as well, to avoid being perceived as profiting from serving such criminals.
This can and must change, but it requires a grassroots movement that uses blogs, online magazines and newspapers, book
and meet-up clubs, and anything else that might work to promote educational opportunities to develop critical-thinking skills.
At last count, 98 amateur and professional
in the UK were implicated in some way.
While the public has been shocked by the revelations, the affected clubs’ leaders may not have been – at least not in every case.
After all, many
had previously heard allegations of sexual abuse of young players, but had chosen to ignore them or cover them up, at times even doling out hush money to the victims – all for the sake of protecting their own reputations.
The FA and
across the UK are scrambling to conduct investigations and reviews.
But the demand side was heavily regulated, owing to a rule that
could field no more than two foreign players in any single game.
The Bosman ruling, named after a Belgian player who successfully challenged the rule’s application to players from other European Union countries, eroded the limit, which collapsed altogether under the onslaught of the richest European clubs’ demand for a free hand in hiring the best players, wherever they might be found.
Consider the number of
that have qualified for the European Champions’ League top eight slots.
The bottom line is simple: fewer and fewer
are making it into the European elite.
The reason for this concentration at the top is obvious: the richest
are now able to attract the best players in the world.
But even during the most ruthless phases of Western capitalism, civil society in Europe and the US was made up of a huge network of organizations independent of the state – churches, clubs, parties, societies, and associations that were available to all social classes.
The most plausible explanation is that, as organizations with non-elected leaders and limited transparency, central banks tend to function as
whose largely male membership hire and promote familiar types; governments usually reinforce this by simply rubber-stamping the banks’ preferred candidate for the top job.
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