in sentence
1197 examples of Chair in a sentence
The cinematography in Deep Valley is lush and evocative, and its score, by Max Steiner in an access of Wagnerism, may blow you out of your easy
Soon Bugs is in stripes, but it's the guard who will find prison life to be hell when Bugs Bunny is around to trick him into a cell, the hangman's noose, an electric
and even into the warden's office, where Bugs will put a severe strain on the relationship between boss and underling.
Sit in a hard
if you intend on staying awake through all of Deal of the Century.
In their boss Briggs (Paul Haskin) office, we know it's a Feds office because there's a big table, swivel
and an American flag, he tells agent Phillips (John Amplas) to spray the whole area with an experimental, untested, toxic, chemical herbicide called Dromax.
The actors were really good and the writers were brilliant.I can't count the number of times I almost fell of my
while watching Two Guys And A Girl.It's very sad that they canceled it :'( .By the way the last episode was kind a silly.They could have made another were everybody chooses a different path like in Friends.
As much as I like her, by the end of this movie, I had the desire to duct tape her to a theatre
while I extracted my fifteen bucks from her purse that I paid to see this train derailment of a teen flick.
It's the day of Jenkes execution by electric chair, McCarthy has a front row seat.
Hitchcock had a knack for experimental films, such as "Rope", which seems to be one continuous shot, and "Rear Window", which features one small apartment and a man in a wheel
Joan convinces him to go to the court and prove his innocence, but based on circumstantial evidence and prejudice of the jury, Eddie is sentenced to the electric
Actually, he just sits in a lawn
and mumbles much of the time.
The young one uses speech, refuses dirty money, does not drink alcohol, begins to think it would be better that he take the old one's
The film is about a killer who is hit by lightening while getting sitting in the electric
and becomes an unstoppable killer after he's taken to the morgue in the hospital.
The clumsy lip synching by the plastic woman in the wheel
This is the perfect movie for a rainy autumn Sunday afternoon when everything is quiet but the popping of the fire and the creaking of your favorite easy
Tied to your chair, maybe?
It could be used as a substitute for the electrical
for death sentences.
Her sex scenes are so powerfully sensual they bring you right out of your
This was an edge of the
movie all the way.
I literally fell out of my
while watching it in the theater.
To find that man, Alex will first seek out the four men who falsely accused him on the witness stand which led to his death via electric
At the risk of sounding like a broken record,this film is more or less a remake of Die Hard,only the skyscraper is replaced with an airplane, and our ordinary tough guy cop is replaced with the leader of the free world.Knowing this fact,it's still a good film.Harrison Ford makes a very believable president,and Gary Oldman a very convincing baddie.Although you know where the plot is going,something about it compels you to continue watching.The very fact that they are thousands of miles in the air grips me personally because I am not very fond of heights,and I found myself gripping my
arms very tightly as a result.This is basically a "run of the mill" action flick,but still good nonetheless.
Its very entertaining and keeps you stuck to your chair, even after watching it about 50 times, i cant get enough Freddie.
It was the era of Chicago gangsters and hoodlums, it was the era of Al Capone, it was the era of the electric chair, it was the era of the speakeasy, it was the era of the bootlegger, it was the era of illegal alcohol production, it was the era of prisons.
The "electric
also stands out (or sits) in that regard.
The acting is so dry that I found my self falling asleep in my
when I should have been jumping out of it.
My little daughter, 5 years, begun to kick the
in front of us with 15 minutes from the start and my older, 9 years, got sickness in the middle.
I have never before felt so restless during a movie, shifting in my chair, looking at my watch, wishing I could fast forward.
You could strap me to a chair, perform a root canal without freezing and blast Kenny G... instead of torturing me to watch this awful movie again.
Sharon's latest statements, though, explicitly specified the settlements to be evacuated; the Director of the National Security Council, General Giora Eiland, was appointed to
an inter-ministerial Relocation Committee and work out plans for conducting the evacuations, including compensation for relocated settlers.
Last year, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, two US senators, one member of the US House of Representatives, and a deputy national security adviser participated in a forum on the future of American power (I was the chair).
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