in sentence
2465 examples of Attacks in a sentence
Following the September 2001
in New York, and again after the bombings in Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005, law-enforcement authorities across Europe launched mass-arrest operations, undertook widespread surveillance of mosques, carried out stops and searches of people who appeared to be Muslim, and used other intrusive measures that disrupted the lives of – and in many cases humiliated – law-abiding European citizens.
Its Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), enacted after the September 11, 2001,
on America by the then ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government, contains many of the features enshrined in the Patriot Act: an overly vague definition of what constitutes terrorism or unlawful acts, immunity from prosecution for law-enforcement or government agents, and expansion of wire-tapping.
At the same time, in the face of an alarming increase in the number of terrorist attacks, Manmohan Singh’s government has also indulged in a heavy-handed response to suspected Islamist terrorists, who are hauled off on flimsy evidence and killed before they can be convicted of any crime.
And, most notably, at last month’s G7 summit in Quebec, he showed unprecedented hostility toward America’s closest allies, launching personal
against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and backing out of the final communiqué in response to a perceived slight.
After all, Trump would be speaking at the dedication of a memorial to the September 11, 2001, terrorist
in the US – the only time Article 5 has been invoked.
Unfortunately, some African governments regarded the report as targeting developing countries, though the recommendations would have been just as relevant to certain developed countries that, especially since the terrorist
of 2001, have violated basic human-rights protections.
Grounding Syria’s KillersNEW YORK – As Syria has descended into all-out civil war, much of the worsening slaughter has been attributable to aerial bombardments of urban neighborhoods that President Bashar al-Assad’s opponents control, with such
causing especially high casualties in recent weeks in the ancient city of Aleppo.
What is more certain is that the presence of armed fighters in a neighborhood provokes aerial
that destroy civilian infrastructure and maim and kill those residents who have not fled.
Stan Collender of National Journal sees the fingerprints of the White House on these attacks: Greenspan is harshly critical of George W. Bush’s administration, after all, and to attack the credibility of Republican ex-policymakers who are critical of Bush is standard counterpunching for it.
When France intervened in an African country in the past, there was no risk of terrorist
on its territory or on its citizens elsewhere in the world.
In the years after the terrorist
of September 11, 2001, the Americans always had to be on the front line – battling the enemy abroad to avoid having to battle him at home, in the parlance of the time – while the European allies were perceived as the cleaning staff.
The “Begin Doctrine,” Israel’s preventive-strike strategy for maintaining a regional monopoly on nuclear weapons, has not led to fewer rocket
from Israel’s Iranian-backed foes.
There is, indeed, a full-fledged war underway, and the heinous terrorist
in Paris were part of it.
Crimes like those in Paris, New York, London, and Madrid –
on countless cafes, malls, buses, trains, and nightclubs – affront our most basic human values, because they involve the deliberate murder of innocents and seek to spread fear throughout society.
It has funded violence for decades, arming and training the mujahedeen (in effect building the precursor of Al Qaeda) in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets; stoking the Iraq-Iran War in the 1980s; invading Iraq in 2003; trying to topple Assad since 2011; and waging relentless drone
in recent years.
The fact that jihadist terrorist
in the West are relatively new, occurring only in the last generation or so, indicates that they are a blowback – or at least an extension – of the Middle East wars.
Ladies First, Women LastNEW YORK – Many people still believe that the
of September 11, 2001, were not just acts of political terrorism, but part of a cultural war, a clash of civilizations.
As the 9-11 terrorist
on the US brutally reminded us, a lethal threat need not come from equivalent military hardware.
Throughout the PLA's history, a chief tactic has always been to launch asymmetrical
on an enemy's command and communication centers, thus obviating direct confrontations where parity in technological development would determine a clearer definition of victory and defeat.
The footprints of many terrorist
in the West have been traced to Pakistan, including the 2005 London bombings and the 2015 San Bernardino killings.
Two key actors behind the September 11, 2001, terrorist
in the United States – Osama bin Laden and Khalid Sheik Mohammed – were found ensconced in Pakistan.
Major terrorist
in South Asia, like the 2008 Mumbai strikes and the 2008 and 2011 assaults on the Indian and US embassies in Afghanistan, respectively, were apparently orchestrated by the ISI, which has reared terrorist organizations like Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, and the Haqqani network to do its bidding.
This year alone, Pakistani military-backed terrorists have crossed the border twice to carry out
on Indian military bases.
They blame Pakistan for the recent grisly
in their respective capitals, Kabul and Dhaka, in which a university and a café were among the targets.
The US remains stuck in the longest war in its history, as a resurgent Taliban carries out increasingly daring
in Afghanistan with the aid of their command-and-control structure in – you guessed it – Pakistan.
The Islamic State’s European StrategyLONDON – Terrorist
by Islamic State (ISIS) affiliates and sympathizers over the past year have raised alarms in Europe, but they have not yet reached the frequency Europe experienced in the 1970s, according to the Global Terrorism Database.
The latest
are emerging from the political vacuum left by fallen dictators in the Middle East and North Africa.
So, just as there seems to be no end in sight for the violence in Syria, Iraq, and Libya, or for Egypt’s extreme polarization, or for the fragile security situation in Tunisia and Algeria, there is little reason to believe that
in Europe will end anytime soon.
ISIS feeds off troubled states from which it can draw recruits and launch
– either by establishing an “official Province,” as in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Egypt, or by supporting secret cells and small combat units, as it has done in Tunisia and Turkey already.
When an insurgent organization loses control of territory or battlefield momentum, it resorts to terrorism, reasoning that
on softer civilian targets are cheaper, easier, and just as politically effective.
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