in sentence
340 examples of Aloud in a sentence
The dragoon comprehended at a glance the ludicrous situation of his new comrade, but had only time to cry aloud, before they plunged into the English line,-"The horse knows the righteous cause better than his rider.
At length Colonel Wellmere broke silence by saying
to Captain Lawton,-"I suppose, sir, this Mr. Dunwoodie will receive promotion in the rebel army, for the advantage my misfortune gave him over my command."
The noise of her huge frame falling on the bed was succeeded by a silence that was soon interrupted by the renewed respiration of the peddler, and within a few minutes Harvey continued to breathe aloud, as if no interruption had occurred.
One of the officers read aloud: "These certify, that if suffered to get free, it is by God's help alone, to whose divine aid I humbly riccommind myself.
Remounting his horse, he cried aloud, "Thanks, unknown friend; your caution will be remembered."
The sergeant ceased to utter aloud, but the motion of his lips continued, and a few scattering words of prayer were alone audible.
Dunwoodie groaned aloud, and striking his head with his hand, cried in piercing tones, "He is lost!" and rushed from the apartment.
The sword that had been his companion in so many fields of blood dropped from his nerveless hand, and as he cried, "May God bless you for the deed!" he wept
"Then," cried the youth aloud, and yielding to his rapture, "then you are safe - then will I save him; yes, Harper will never forget his word."
Thus prepared, he opened the door, and called
to the sentinel, who had retired to the farthest end of the passage, in order to avoid receiving any of that spiritual comfort, which he felt was the sole property of another.
Casting a glance of huge contempt at the divine, he called
for the good woman of the house.
While speaking, he made a movement as if about to renew the attack; but Caesar cried
for mercy, promising to tell all that he knew.
With that abandonment that makes misery doubly grievous, when it is to be supported alone, Henry cried
to the peddler not to desert him.
They said their prayers inwardly, and lying down, since there was nobody there with authority to make them kneel and recite aloud; in truth, they had a mind not to say them at all, but they were afraid to proceed to such lengths as that, lest they might call down a sudden and special thunderbolt from heaven.
"It's very good for those who wish to forget," said he; "I am going to remember!""May God forgive you for sinfu' waste!" cried my father
Then he would put it off and talk softlier, as if he had not know it, and begin to acknowledge he was wrong; and then, as if he had forgot himself, he would speak
again, and I, that was so well pleased to hear it, was sure to listen for it upon all occasions.
'Alas!' says he aloud, 'there's all my mirth spoiled at once; sir W---- has sent his coach for me, and desires to speak with me upon some earnest business.'
I gave him a look full of horror at those words, and, turning pale as death, was at the very point of sinking down out of the chair I sat in; when, giving a start, 'My dear,' says he aloud, 'what's the matter with you?
He would have had me let the maid have stayed, but I would not, but ordered her
to come for me again about nine o'clock.
'Nay,' says he, 'do not think I am in jest, for if ever I heard your voice in my life, I heard you call me aloud, and sometimes I thought I saw you running after me.''Why,' said I, 'what did I say?'--for
'You called aloud,' says he, 'and said, O Jemmy!O Jemmy! come back, come back.'
When she came to my room she called to me, and said aloud, 'Cousin, pray open the door; here's some gentlemen that must come and look into your room.'
Stop thief!' some artists had, it seems, put a trick upon a shopkeeper, and being pursued, some of them fled one way, and some another; and one of them was, they said, dressed up in widow's weeds, upon which the mob gathered about me, and some said I was the person, others said no.Immediately came the mercer's journeyman, and he swore
I was the person, and so seized on me.
With that I spoke
to the master of the shop, and said, 'Sir, you know in your own conscience that I am not the person you look for, and that I was not in your shop before, therefore I demand that you detain me here no longer, or tell me the reason of your stopping me.'
You shall hear more of it when Mr. William and Mr. Anthony (those were other journeymen) come back; they will know her again as well as I.'Just as the insolent rogue was talking thus to the constable, comes back Mr. William and Mr. Anthony, as he called them, and a great rabble with them, bringing along with them the true widow that I was pretended to be; and they came sweating and blowing into the shop, and with a great deal of triumph, dragging the poor creature in the most butcherly manner up towards their master, who was in the back shop, and cried out aloud, 'Here's the widow, sir; we have catcher her at last.''What do ye mean by that?' says the master.
I looked in and said to my comrade aloud, 'Here's nothing but men; I won't venture among them.'
That seeing nobody I the shop, I knocked with my foot very hard to make the people hear, and had also called
with my voice; 'tis true, there was loose plate in the shop, but that nobody could say I had touched any of it, or gone near it; that a fellow came running into the shop out of the street, and laid hands on me in a furious manner, in the very moments while I was calling for the people of the house; that if he had really had a mind to have done his neighbour any service, he should have stood at a distance, and silently watched to see whether I had touched anything or no, and then have clapped in upon me, and taken me in the fact.
The next day I was carried down to receive the dreadful sentence, and when they came to ask me what I had to say why sentence should not pass, I stood mute a while, but somebody that stood behind me prompted me
to speak to the judges, for that they could represent things favourably for me.
She poured out her mind, repeating
all she had been thinking during the evening, depicting with naive egotism, the picture of her final days of happiness, between her two dear children.
They still maintained by looks a mute discourse, apart from the conversation they held aloud, which ran haphazard.
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