in sentence
34 examples of Acumen in a sentence
I was so moved by these results that I wanted to make these forests with the same
with which we make cars or write software or do any mainstream business, so I founded a company which is an end-to-end service provider to create these native natural forests.
These skills and competencies can be summarized as business, strategic, and financial
So I turned to the audience of 150 women and I asked, "How many of you have ever been told that the door-opener for career advancement is your business, strategic and financial acumen, and that all the other important stuff is what differentiates you in the talent pool?"
When organizations direct women toward resources that focus on the conventional advice that we've been hearing for over 40 years, there's a notable absence of advice that relates to business, strategic and financial
Much of the advice is emphasizing personal actions that we need to take, like become more assertive, become more confident, develop your personal brand, things that Tonya's been working on, and advice about working with other people, things like learn to self-promote, get a mentor, enhance your network, and virtually nothing said about the importance of business, strategic and financial
So you would think that she's getting messages from her organization through the talent development systems and performance management systems that let her know how important it is to develop business, strategic and financial acumen, but here again, that green square is quite small.
On average, talent and performance management systems in the organizations that I've worked with focus three to one on the other two elements of leadership compared to the importance of business, strategic and financial acumen, which is why typical talent and performance systems haven't closed and won't close the gender gap at the top.
Tonya emailed me two months ago, and she said that she had been interviewed for a new position, and during the interview, they probed about her business
and her strategic insights into the industry, and she said that she was so happy to report that now she has a new position reporting directly to the chief information officer at her company.
And so it was that the women of Budrus went to the front lines day after day, using their creativity and
to overcome multiple obstacles they faced in a 10-month unarmed struggle.
Unlike Bond and other detective movies, Alfred Hitchcock's hero used to be a common man who would get into trouble and then with his
and courage (and luck) would get out of it.
Although he's supposed to work for the famed Scotland Yard, he shows all the intelligence and
of a brain damaged turnip.
They have the business
and the creative ability to make films which are pleasing to the discerning viewer as well as the cash registers.
True, Yasser Arafat was not a model democrat, but his charisma and political
were crucial for holding all the Palestinian factions together.
Given Zuma’s political acumen, he could well prolong the process for many months.
Scientific sophistication, economic acumen, political subtlety, and legal and medical expertise – all these skills should be present in our newsrooms as matter of course.
Policies must not be based on the fiction that good loans were made, and that the business
of financial-market leaders and regulators will be validated once confidence is restored.
During the 1990’s, private investors looked at big, lumbering central banks as cash cows, long on money and short on financial
If he wishes to consolidate it abroad and prove his
as an effective international world leader as well, he will seek to end this charade of nationalist posturing that sees "hostile foreign forces" bent on humiliating and weakening China.
Her successor will need more diplomatic
to stabilize relations with Japan, China, and Russia, while simultaneously working to denuclearize North Korea and thus reduce the threat Kim Jong-un’s regime poses to the region.
Although no one should expect the British to join the euro any time soon, political leadership within the EU requires the
to take account of the central interests of one’s own country and those of the other member states without indulging in threats.
And no historical
is needed to understand that nationalism was the source of Hitler’s National Socialism and, therefore, World War II.
Advances in so-called “deep learning,” a branch of AI modeled after the brain’s neural network, could enable intelligent digital assistants to help plan vacations with the
of a human assistant, or determine consumer sentiments toward a particular brand, based on millions of signals from social networks and other data sources.
China's Post-Olympic ChallengeNEW YORK – Almost everyone in the world who watched the 2008 Olympics in Beijing was impressed by China’s preparations, the
of the Chinese in running such a complex and challenging event, and the rich harvest of medals – especially gold medal – that Chinese athletes won.
Despite his acumen, Prokhorov surrounded himself with such people, pretentious wizards who have turned Russian politics into the revolting spectacle that it is.
Given Jokowi’s business acumen, he understands that Indonesia must improve its logistical capabilities if its economy is to engage the world.
His record speaks to his financial
A similar combination of vision and
is needed to manage Algeria’s economic transition.
Egypt’s pro-government media have spun this development as an example of Sisi’s
Trump’s disinclination – and perhaps inability – to reach beyond his right-wing base, which is insufficient to elect him, also calls into question his political acumen, and is one of many reasons to doubt his basic intelligence (an issue on which he is quite sensitive).
For his part, Wilson’s lofty aspirations far exceeded his
for political deal-making, both domestically and internationally.
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