in sentence
22 examples of Zecchins in a sentence
Ah, the good horse that was brought all the long way from Barbary, he takes no more care of him than if he were a wild ass's colt--and the noble armour, that was worth so many
to Joseph Pareira, the armourer of Milan, besides seventy in the hundred of profits, he cares for it as little as if he had found it in the highways!"
would I could here end my message to these gallant knights; but being, as I term myself, in truth and earnest, the Disinherited, I must be thus far bound to your masters, that they will, of their courtesy, be pleased to ransom their steeds and armour, since that which I wear I can hardly term mine own.""We stand commissioned, each of us," answered the squire of Reginald Front-de-Boeuf, "to offer a hundred
in ransom of these horses and suits of armour."
what a losing venture is this for one who hath duly kept every jot and tittle of the law of Moses--Fifty
wrenched from me at one clutch, and by the talons of a tyrant!""But, father," said Rebecca, "you seemed to give the gold to Prince John willingly."
But thou hast a hundred
with thee in that bag," said Isaac, prying under Gurth's cloak, "it is a heavy one."
"Well, then"--said Isaac, panting and hesitating between habitual love of gain and a new-born desire to be liberal in the present instance, "if I should say that I would take eighty
for the good steed and the rich armour, which leaves me not a guilder's profit, have you money to pay me?""Barely," said Gurth, though the sum demanded was more reasonable than he expected, "and it will leave my master nigh penniless.
"Ah! eighty
is too little.
And I say, over and above, that seventy
is enough for the armour, and I hope a Christian's word is as good as a Jew's.
"Nay, nay!" said Isaac; "lay down the talents--the shekels--the eighty zecchins, and thou shalt see I will consider thee liberally."
Gurth at length complied; and telling out eighty
upon the table, the Jew delivered out to him an acquittance for the horse and suit of armour.
"Eighty zecchins," said Gurth, surprised at the question.
from my brave young master--twenty from this pearl of Zion--Oh, happy day!--Such another, Gurth, will redeem thy bondage, and make thee a brother as free of thy guild as the best.
Here are such numbers, I will not say of arrant thieves, but of errant knights and errant squires, errant monks and errant minstrels, errant jugglers and errant jesters, that a man with a single merk would be in danger, much more a poor swineherd with a whole bagful of
of my own property," answered Gurth, doggedly.
"A forfeit--a forfeit," shouted the robbers; "a Saxon hath thirty zecchins, and returns sober from a village!
"A sad truth," replied Gurth; "but if these same thirty
will buy my freedom from you, unloose my hands, and I will pay them to you.""Hold," said one who seemed to exercise some authority over the others; "this bag which thou bearest, as I can feel through thy cloak, contains more coin than thou hast told us of."
"Thou art an honest fellow," replied the robber, "I warrant thee; and we worship not St Nicholas so devoutly but what thy thirty
may yet escape, if thou deal uprightly with us.
So saying, he took from Gurth's breast the large leathern pouch, in which the purse given him by Rebecca was enclosed, as well as the rest of the zecchins, and then continued his interrogation.--
"Two hundred zecchins."
"Only two hundred zecchins!" said the bandit; "your master hath dealt liberally by the vanquished, and put them to a cheap ransom.
"And how much didst thou pay to Isaac?--Methinks, to judge by weight, there is still two hundred
in this pouch."
"I paid to Isaac," said the Saxon, "eighty zecchins, and he restored me a hundred in lieu thereof."
And touching your faithful squire Gurth---""Ha!" exclaimed the knight, "knowest thou his name?--But thou dost," he immediately added, "and well thou mayst, for it was from thy hand, and, as I am now convinced, from thine own generosity of spirit, that he received but yesterday a hundred zecchins."
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