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455 examples of Treaties in a sentence
For all the power a president has, the 100-member Senate determines the fate of international
as well as the president’s nominations and legislative proposals.
When this happens, it should be possible to offer Britain a better deal, without destroying the integrity of the EU’s
and policies.
The defense agreement signed in November by France and the United Kingdom is composed of two treaties, which cover joint deployment of their armed forces, nuclear deterrence, and improved equipment and communications.
Implemented correctly, these
could become a hopeful precedent for the entire European Union.
By transcending strictly national limits, these
chart the future path of European defense and will help determine the course of Europe’s relations with the United States and NATO.
To better judge the treaties’ worth, we must remember the context in which they were conceived.
mark an attempt to balance action and ambition in a context of economic crisis, fiscal consolidation, large-scale defense transformations, increasing interdependencies, and global threats – from terrorism and nuclear proliferation to climate change, resource scarcity, and epidemics – that are impossible to tackle unilaterally.
Likewise, the joint expeditionary forces established under the
could lead to the eventual creation of a wider structure, as they already contemplate “bilateral cooperation with NATO, the European Union, the United Nations, or other operations.”
But if France and the UK understand how much their projection of power is linked to that of Europe, if they make cooperation reciprocal and expand it to other European countries – according to the formula foreseen in the
– we could eventually see an EU with the ability to assume the defense role expected of it by the global community.
The Franco-British
do not address commitments to NATO, a key US interest, because any reduction in the number of European troops deployed abroad inevitably implies a greater economic burden for the US.
An amendment to Argentina's Constitution giving international
constitutional force lay behind an Argentine court's historic decision this month, reversing amnesties adopted under military pressure in the 1980s for atrocities committed during the country's 1976-83 "dirty war."
For starters, domestic politics can pose an obstacle to participation in international treaties, especially when policymakers facing re-election are dependent on the support of interest groups with goals that run counter to the public’s welfare.
And if existing rules, treaties, and standards are treated as if they were worthless, EU citizens’ rights become an empty shell.
It is a divide over principles – the very principles of the EU’s
and Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Two-thirds of UN member states have called for a nuclear-weapons convention similar to existing
banning other categories of particularly inhumane and indiscriminate weapons, from biological and chemical arms to anti-personnel land mines and cluster munitions.
At the outset, there were no enforcement treaties, no proper appeal mechanisms, and, until much later, not even basic covenants countries could sign.
Politicians have failed to implement properly the
adopted at the 1992 Earth Summit.
Furthermore, a “most favored nation” provision ensures that corporations can claim the best treatment offered in any of a host country’s
Many of the countries affected by China’s actions in the South and East China Seas have security
with the US, which has been the major maritime power in the Pacific region since World War II.
A “hard Brexit” would mean that at 11:00 P.M.(GMT) on March 29, 2019, the UK’s membership in all EU
– such as the customs union and single market – and international trade agreements concluded by the EU would end.
That would threaten Israel's peace
with Egypt and Jordan, as popular anger at Israel turns against pro-American regimes in the region.
That is why Europe needs a longer-term constitutional renewal, through new treaties, as much as it desperately needs a short-term fix.
Working around existing
just looks like more of the same old recipe – a denial of a massive problem that everyone sees.
The Sino-European BIT is to be based on 26 existing BITs involving China and 28 individual EU members –
that are far from consistent, in terms of requirements for and restrictions on market access.
However, protocols and political
are not sufficient to boost integration.
Adopted globally in 1992 as part of the United Nations Rio Convention on sustainable development, and later incorporated into one of the European Union’s founding treaties, the precautionary principle states that a lack of certainty cannot be a basis for failing to protect human health or the environment.
Banks and other financial firms roam internationally, greatly assisted by market-opening rules embedded in trade and investment treaties, but with no legally enforceable responsibility to provision adequately for their own losses when things go wrong.
The drawback is that it would require a change in the European treaties, which in turn requires a unanimous decision by 27 countries, and positive votes in referendums in some of them, including the United Kingdom if David Cameron’s Conservatives win the upcoming general election there.
Governments have signed
to limit the damage, but they are not acting on those promises with the urgency required, in part because they do not understand the underlying scientific challenges.
Countries have enacted security legislation and created special intelligence and police units to stop perpetrators and discourage or prevent attacks, and have complemented these efforts by entering into international and regional
and bilateral agreements.
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