in sentence
35 examples of Swoon in a sentence
focuses on Leopold and Loeb's homosexual relationship - a facet of the case that has been mostly (and unjustly) ignored since their trial, even by Leopold himself in his autobiography.
But, even in its treatment of this
over does it by far.
The confident ladies man, Rick, is the person in high school we all secretly wish we were: handsome, cool, and always has the impossibly beautiful girls in a
Interestingly enough, the son doesn't seem to mind being thought of as gay--- unusual for the time and a cute Brenda Vaccarro is nearby to
platonically over him.
I would have liked to
over the 'keep-u-guessing suspense' but it was as predictable as... um mm, a Yash raj movie (?).
Just so that someone who sings like Ol Blue eyes can
her one day, and feel the butterflies I felt hearing it sung, and it wasn't even to me!
And when all girls find their perfect guy in the end (no spoiler, that's what we expect from a romantic comedy), the audience does not swoon, but is bound to groan loudly.
Joe is my favourite character (swoon), but my nephew likes Jinpei, the kid.
Gable is charming in typical role of the virile male who makes the ladies
I thought the director did a superb job giving enough location shots to make you
while allowing the actors do what they do so well.
She passes under immense billboards on which other women
in sexual ecstasy, cavort in lingerie or simply stretch out languorously, almost fully naked.
How they pile the poor little craft mast-high with fine clothes and big houses; with useless servants, and a host of swell friends that do not care twopence for them, and that they do not care three ha'pence for; with expensive entertainments that nobody enjoys, with formalities and fashions, with pretence and ostentation, and with - oh, heaviest, maddest lumber of all! - the dread of what will my neighbour think, with luxuries that only cloy, with pleasures that bore, with empty show that, like the criminal's iron crown of yore, makes to bleed and
the aching head that wears it!
The attack she had been dreading, cast her to the bottom of the boat, where she remained doubled up in a swoon, and as if dead.
CHAPTER XVIIIN WHICH ARE CONTAINED THE INNUMERABLE TROUBLES WHICH THE BRAVE DON QUIXOTE AND HIS GOOD SQUIRE SANCHO PANZA ENDURED IN THE INN, WHICH TO HIS MISFORTUNE HE TOOK TO BE A CASTLEBy this time Don Quixote had recovered from his swoon; and in the same tone of voice in which he had called to his squire the day before when he lay stretched "in the vale of the stakes," he began calling to him now, "Sancho, my friend, art thou asleep?
On seeing this, Don Fernando, persuaded that Luscinda had befooled, slighted, and trifled with him, assailed her before she had recovered from her swoon, and tried to stab her with the dagger that had been found, and would have succeeded had not her parents and those who were present prevented him.
"Senor Squire," said Sancho, "a man in a
has been known to be buried before now, in the belief that he was dead; and it struck me that Queen Maguncia ought to have swooned rather than died; because with life a great many things come right, and the princess's folly was not so great that she need feel it so keenly.
The queen, then, being dead, and not in a swoon, we buried her; and hardly had we covered her with earth, hardly had we said our last farewells, when, quis talia fando temperet a lachrymis?
At this instant the Trifaldi recovered from her
and said,"The chink of that promise, valiant knight, reached my ears in the midst of my swoon, and has been the means of reviving me and bringing back my senses; and so once more I implore you, illustrious errant, indomitable sir, to let your gracious promises be turned into deeds."
By this time the bearded band of duennas, the Trifaldi and all, had vanished from the garden, and those that remained lay stretched on the ground as if in a
He had scarcely withdrawn when Altisidora, recovering from her swoon, said to her companion,"The lute must be left, for no doubt Don Quixote intends to give us some music; and being his it will not be bad."
Altisidora had by this time sat up on the catafalque, and as she did so the clarions sounded, accompanied by the flutes, and the voices of all present exclaiming, "Long life to Altisidora! long life to Altisidora!"The duke and duchess and the kings Minos and Rhadamanthus stood up, and all, together with Don Quixote and Sancho, advanced to receive her and take her down from the catafalque; and she, making as though she were recovering from a swoon, bowed her head to the duke and duchess and to the kings, and looking sideways at Don Quixote, said to him, "God forgive thee, insensible knight, for through thy cruelty I have been, to me it seems, more than a thousand years in the other world; and to thee, the most compassionate upon earth, I render thanks for the life I am now in possession of.
She turned towards Lucy in silent amazement, unable to divine the reason or object of such a declaration; and though her complexion varied, she stood firm in incredulity, and felt in no danger of an hysterical fit, or a
At the moment he was about to go out, Lord de Winter appeared in the corridor, followed by the soldier who had been sent to inform him of the
of Milady.
Adieu, dear sister, till your next swoon!"
I felt my strength fail, and this time it was not my sleep that enabled the coward to prevail, but my swoon."
Milady fell down, and seemed to be in a
Bonacieux dead, and d’Artagnan in a
recover from a long
Lady Hamilton ran to his assistance, but no sooner had she glanced at the paper inclosed than she burst into a shrill scream, and throwing up her hands and her eyes, she sank backwards in a
But this had been already accomplished by the marshals of the field, who, guessing the cause of Ivanhoe's swoon, had hastened to undo his armour, and found that the head of a lance had penetrated his breastplate, and inflicted a wound in his side.
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