in sentence
58 examples of Subordinates in a sentence
Members of Putin’s new guard already see themselves as loyal subordinates, and, unlike the old guard, they don’t expect the president to be their friend.
If generals and colonels like Abdullah al-Sonosi, Abdullah Mansour, and al-Tuhami Khaled, as well as Qaddafi and his sons, were placed on international watch lists, or if arrest warrants were issued against them, many of their
would think twice before ordering their soldiers to shoot or bombard.
They choose their subordinates, so it is their responsibility to ask the hard questions about what is going on under their watch.
Back home, they practice just-in-time manufacturing, 360-degree performance evaluations (including bosses reviewed by subordinates), and re-engineering - all with unmatched resourcefulness and purposefulness.
But doubts about Zhou’s fate have now been dispelled by a recent flurry of uncensored news stories in the Chinese media that revealed shocking details of corruption involving Zhou’s family and former
Unfortunately, America now has an administration keen to downplay the importance of timely reporting of insider stock sales (the President himself failed to do that when he was in business), the timely reporting of changes in the accounting treatment of a company's unrealized revenues (something that did happen at Halliburton when it was run by Vice President Cheney), and of executives' duty to know about the fraud committed by their
(unlike what happened when current Army Secretary White was running Enron's energy trading operations).
A leader with prior experience knows how her
feel, how to motivate them, and how to create the right working environment.
In the case of former President Richard Nixon, the most significant article of impeachment adopted by the House Judiciary Committee stipulated that the president could be held accountable for his subordinates’ actions.
Like Serbia and Kosovo, Georgia should be encouraged, if not to forget about its rebel provinces, then to abandon the kind of manifest-destiny politics that
everything to the recovery of sacred lands, leaving the country free to concentrate on internal reform.
But this generated frustration among even FDR’s most loyal
In his 1870 parody, The History of a Town, Saltykov-Shchedrin describes a city official nicknamed “The Little Organ,” who is capable of mustering only two responses to his subordinates: “I’ll destroy” and “I won’t tolerate.”
Trump habitually
both to his “gut” instinct.
During the days of rioting, many division chiefs (those with a rank above colonel) simply vanished, no longer even answering calls from their
It was thus that the Mayor's
spoke of his house when they wished to please him.
The Marquis behaved admirably to his wife; he saw to it that her drawing-room was adequately filled; not with peers, he found his new colleagues scarcely noble enough to come to his house as friends, nor entertaining enough to be admitted as
In the second place, to corrupt the subordinates, I can put down here and now fifty thousand francs, and bind myself to pay double that sum.
Baron de Valenod, whom I have made Mayor of Verrieres, has entire control over two of his subordinates, MM. de Moirod and de Cholin.
And it's a funny sort of business to be sitting up there at your desk, talking down at your
from up there, especially when you have to go right up close because the boss is hard of hearing.
It was the third year that Oblonsky had been Head of that Government Board in Moscow, and he had won not only the affection but also the respect of his fellow-officials, subordinates, chiefs, and all who had anything to do with him.
But when in the presence of his
he happened to meet any of his 'disreputable pals,' as he jocularly called them, he was able, with his innate tact, to minimize the impression such a meeting might leave on their minds.
Levin was not a 'disreputable pal,' but Oblonsky felt that Levin imagined he might not care to show their intimacy in the presence of the subordinates, and that was why he hurried him into his private room.
She remembered how she had once told her husband about one of his
who very nearly made her a declaration, and how Karenin had answered that every woman living in Society was liable to such things, but that he had full confidence in her tact and would never degrade himself and her by being jealous.
One of these was her husband's official set, consisting of his colleagues and subordinates, who in most varied and capricious ways were connected and separated by social conditions.
This was one of the unpleasant things, while the other was the fact that his new superior, like all new superiors, had the reputation of being a dreadful man who got up at six in the morning, worked like a horse, and expected his
to do the same.
It gradually annexed province after province, purchasing them of the native chiefs, whom it seldom paid, and appointed the governor-general and his subordinates, civil and military.
"I was thinking, sir, that very few masters would trouble themselves to inquire whether or not their paid
were piqued and hurt by their orders."
For a time military discipline had put his self-will within bounds, but also it had engrafted into him the conviction that every command of his to
must be fulfilled; his prolonged stay in the Orient, among people pliant and inured to slavish obedience, confirmed in him the faith that for his "I wish" there were no limits.
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