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58 examples of Squadron in a sentence

cast was good to excellent and the lead man was truly heroic.When I first saw this film I knew the wisest as well as the only real position to have was to enjoy this film as a rousing bit of entertainment and then some.I felt then as I even feel now that the Silver Screen does not as such provide for a true depiction of much of anything let alone The Life of George Armstrong Custer,however the Director Raoul Walsh was to contribute to the real value represented in this film when I watched a semi-documentary with other great directors like Vincent Mennelli wherein these central figures talked about there accomplishments with valuable comments providing a glimpse into the Hollywood mind set.This is what I considered something of interest and where all of this became terribly interesting and very enjoyable.Yet, there have been so much made of all the problems with the silver screen and its story telling ability that some of the enjoyment has been lost and perhaps you would find that to be true here as well.Custer ranked 34 in a graduating class of...34.Much has been made of Custer's final class ranking,but of the 68 cadets who entered the Military Academy with him in 1857,half of them had already flunked out or quit by graduation day,June 24,1861.It is suggested in the movie as the various instructors are determining if a soldier is fit for command and then they come upon the name of George Armstrong Custer and there is to be certain an exchange between the two sides and here is where the Sargeant on Duty says in almost a low tone even to suggest as if that came out by accident"His squadron would follow him to hell,"Your at attention Sargeant,reprimands Tape.If Iam not mistaken when Flynn shows up at a initial battlefield it acknowledged that Custer did not see action right away and indeed he was doing work as a reliable attaché to not only Sheridan,but Hancocks forces as well only to end up for a time with the Army of The Potomac under General George McClellan.There is some truth to the audacity attributed to Custers battlefield heroics as was illustrated when in a counterattack ,"young Custer spurred his horse to the lead and boldly plunged in among the stunned Confederates.As a lone Union Soldier surrounded by rebels,Custers audacity shone through.He accepted the surrender of several enemy soldiers,including a rebel captain.Yet most outstanding was that in this action he personally captured the very first Confederate battle flag taken by the Army of the Potomac.This notable act of courage marked him as an officer of great battlefield promise."Robert
The picture is a splendid British film concerning about historic deeds in WWII,the naval battle in the South Atlantic between British cruiser squadron of three ships and the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee, Dic 1939 ;the protagonists and secondaries are incarnated by a magnificent plethora English actors.The film is based on true events ,these are the following: Though the British cruisers were no match for the battleship,Admiral Sir Henry Harwood(Anthony Quayle) launched an attack to Graf Spee(with 6 cannons,280 mm).German fire seriously damaged HMS Exeter(John Cregson,captain Bell)with cannons 203mm,put half of HMS Ajax(captain Woodhouse, Ian Hunter)'s guns out of action,and then damaged Achilles(cannons 152 mm),but the cruisers did sufficient damage to the German ship to make its captain break off and run for shelter in Montevideo,Uruguay.The British followed,and waited in international waters outside the neutral port.The Uruguay government ordered the Germans to leave after 72 hours.The British cruisers named Royal and Renown were near from Montevideo and Langsdorff(Peter Finch) didn't wait possibilities to vanquish.Hitler,reluctant to risk the Graf Spee being sunk by heavier British warship which were sailing for the River Plate ,ordered the captain to scuttle the vessel.He did so 17 Dec 1939 and three days later shot himself.The film contains a colorful and glimmer cinematography by Christopher Challis.The movie is well produced(with the Archers production)and directed by Emeric Pressburger and Michael Powell.The motion picture will like to warlike genre fans and classic British cinema.