in sentence
115 examples of Slashing in a sentence
For example, our National Endowment for the Arts, with its $150 million budget,
that program would immediately reduce the national debt by about one one-thousandth of a percent.
Stalin's enforced famines of the 1930s, the Holodomor, killed millions of Ukrainians, and they faced the Nazis in the '40s, who came through slashing, burning, raping, and in fact many of these women were shipped to Germany as forced labor.
Let's by all means shrink the size of government, but not by
the poverty programs, but by ensuring that workers are paid enough so that they actually don't need those programs.
BG: Anders, I'm a former journalist, and to me, it's amazing that in the current climate of
budgets and publishers in crisis, Dagbladet has consented so many resources for this story, which tells a lot about newspapers taking the responsibility, but how did you sell it to your editors?
And they started
away at the back of the camels, and they started galloping.
Eastwood was still riding north, chatting with Morgan Freeman and the kid who couldn't shoot straight, sixty minutes after the plot driven by the
of a prostitute was set in motion.
Every time he turned around, the studio was
the budget and making demands regarding the storyline.
This is not your typical horror movie with one central bad guy
a bunch of people to death.
Nice continuity there....) before
his throat was so damn stupid, I was stunned.
To make a long story short the scarecrow kills all who stand in his path without any warning except for the scarecrow's trademark whistle that signals a
This movie has everything - a group of teenagers who want to spend the weekend with fun, alcohol and sex in an abandoned summer camp called "Camp Blood", the old man who warns them not to go there; and of course the crazy killer with the machete who keeps on
and hacking at the teenagers without any reason at all...
If it's typically gruesome
you want...than it's typically gruesome
you'll get! Plenty of it AND constantly from start to finish!
Thank G_d it bombed, or we might get treated to such delights as "Skate Fu" where we can see the likes of Brian Boitano performing a triple lutz &
bad guys to ribbons with his razor-sharp skates, but I digress.
Just imagine someone who 5 minutes ago, committed a murder with a knife, and came out calm and smiling, not to mention clean as a whistle, as if
one's throat is done by a virtual agent.
Let's face it, a PG-13 slasher flick is pre-destined to be missing the ummm... slashing, so no one should be surprised by the lack of gore.
There is only thing that could have saved this movie for any horror fan's purposes--more on-screen gore and
I'm stymied by harsh, insulting criticism for this film, wondering if one reviewer even heard one word of dialogue, pondered one thought or concept, or if all that was desired of this work was the visual gore of bashing and
to satisfy some mindless view of what horror should mean to an audience.
After a brief prologue showing a masked man stalking and then
the throat of an older gentleman on a deserted, urban, turn of the century Australian street, we meet Julie (Rebecca Gibney) and Peter (John Adam) as they go out house hunting.
Infernal" is a pretty entertaining Mexican slasher that reminds me a lot "The Zero Boys".The film is fast-paced and there are some good death scenes like throat
or axe in the neck.Unfortunately there is not much gore,so fans of grand-guignol will be disappointed.However if you are a fan of slasher movies give this rarity a look.Mexican horror flicks are quite obscure(I have seen only "Alucarda" and "Don't Panic"),so this should be another reason to see this enjoyable slasher.My rating:7 out of 10.Highly recommended.
Unless you count some guy in a cheesy "devil" getup
people like Wolverine, there is little horror in "Faust."
There is also a man with a hatchet embedded in his back, one throat
(not too convincing, I'm afraid) and one nice stunt involving The Collector being set afire and thrown into a swimming pool.
The rush he gets before
away a victim, his desire to do what he was "born to do."
FATAL PULSE is about a black-gloved killer stalking and
members of a college sorority.
The only guy who made me laugh is the one who plays the so called mummy who looks like acting for him is running ,
, tearing everything apart and trying to look as dumb as ever.
Aliens decide to invade earth by employing astro-zombies which run around on a rampage, unconvincingly hacking and
people just sitting around, basically waiting to get killed.
This movie was genius because it shows you how the
will happen beforehand and the victims are victims because they are too stupid act properly against the killer's foreshadowing.
This is easily the most violent film I've ever seen, not in grisliness, but sheer body count, but around the endless slashing, is a portrait of modern Japan symbolized by the reoccurring Powers-That-Be characters who represent Society/Reality/Order(often shown meeting around a board room table and discussing how to destroy Izo), and the Buddhist Hells which serve to purify souls through pain thereby readying them for reincarnation.
The rest of the film shows our small crew trying to find the monster, now fully grown within 45 minutes( that's fast!), on the four levels of the base as it picks them off one by one,
their throats with it's sharp clawed hands.
He responds by
her face (in unconvincing close-up) with his nail file.
Moreover, Bava stages the gruesome murder set pieces with his customary stylish panache: grisly highlights include a throat slashing, a hatchet to the face, a juicy decapitation, and, of course, the infamous impalement of two amorous adolescents in the middle of making love.
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