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62 examples of Shepherds in a sentence
They cut it into small sticks and wrapped it in string or sheepskin or paper and sold it on the streets of London to be used for writing or for drawing or, a lot of times, by farmers and shepherds, who used it to mark their animals.
Three thousand years ago, civilization just getting started on the banks of the Nile, some slaves, Jewish
in this instance, smelling of sheep shit, I guess, proclaimed to the Pharaoh, sitting high on his throne, "We, your majesty-ness, are equal to you."
That makes us all the inventors of CRISPR, and I would say that makes us all the
Not as soldiers but as
But they only make up the royal portion of the line – behind them winds the entire civilian city, which includes holy men with portable chapels and mosques, families, tradesmen, and
Because the land is so infertile, they largely are shepherds, which occasions regular, low-intensity physical activity.
How clever it was of sheep to acquire
The premise is that a modern filmmaker is interpreting a 17th century fable about the loves of
and shepherdesses set in the distant past when Druids were the spiritual leaders.
My dogs have been bit by more labs and
than anything else.
Pope John Paul II said it best during his pilgrimage in 2000, when he told Palestinians during a visit to the Dheisheh Refugee Camp that, “Probably the pastors and
of Bethlehem were your predecessors, your ancestors.”
Field in Beit Sahour, Saint Nicholas Church and the Cremisan Valley in Beit Jala, St. George’s Monastery in Al Khader, and Mar Saba all embody faith without fanaticism.
The situation in the Middle East and the Sahel is certainly dire, with rapid desertification devastating pastoral economies and the livelihoods of farmers, shepherds, nomads, and those who depend on them.
Very close to Bethlehem’s church is the town of Beit Sahour, which literally translates as “those watching at night” – a reference to the biblical field where, the Bible tells us,
were guarding their flocks when the angels descended from heaven to herald the miraculous virgin birth and bring a message of hope and peace.
In fact, the cowherds and
had driven their beasts thus far, and these lowed from time to time, while with their tongues they tore down some scrap of foliage that hung above their mouths.
The "old blue" that we hang about our walls as ornaments were the common every-day household utensils of a few centuries ago; and the pink
and the yellow shepherdesses that we hand round now for all our friends to gush over, and pretend they understand, were the unvalued mantel-ornaments that the mother of the eighteenth century would have given the baby to suck when he cried.
On the other hand, it struck me that, inasmuch as among his books there had been found such modern ones as "The Enlightenment of Jealousy" and the "Nymphs and
of Henares," his story must likewise be modern, and that though it might not be written, it might exist in the memory of the people of his village and of those in the neighbourhood.
To all which his great friend Ambrosio the student, he who, like him, also went dressed as a shepherd, replies that everything must be done without any omission according to the directions left by Chrysostom, and about this the village is all in commotion; however, report says that, after all, what Ambrosio and all the
his friends desire will be done, and to-morrow they are coming to bury him with great ceremony where I said.
For although she does not avoid or shun the society and conversation of the shepherds, and treats them courteously and kindly, should any one of them come to declare his intention to her, though it be one as proper and holy as that of matrimony, she flings him from her like a catapult.
They had not gone a quarter of a league when at the meeting of two paths they saw coming towards them some six
dressed in black sheepskins and with their heads crowned with garlands of cypress and bitter oleander.
One of those on horseback addressing his companion said to him, "It seems to me, Senor Vivaldo, that we may reckon as well spent the delay we shall incur in seeing this remarkable funeral, for remarkable it cannot but be judging by the strange things these
have told us, of both the dead shepherd and homicide shepherdess."
The traveller answered that the same morning they had met these shepherds, and seeing them dressed in this mournful fashion they had asked them the reason of their appearing in such a guise; which one of them gave, describing the strange behaviour and beauty of a shepherdess called Marcela, and the loves of many who courted her, together with the death of that Chrysostom to whose burial they were going.
The rest of the party went along listening with great attention to the conversation of the pair, and even the very goatherds and
perceived how exceedingly out of his wits our Don Quixote was.
They were going along conversing in this way, when they saw descending a gap between two high mountains some twenty shepherds, all clad in sheepskins of black wool, and crowned with garlands which, as afterwards appeared, were, some of them of yew, some of cypress.
Whether it was because of the threats of Don Quixote, or because Ambrosio told them to fulfil their duty to their good friend, none of the
moved or stirred from the spot until, having finished the grave and burned Chrysostom's papers, they laid his body in it, not without many tears from those who stood by.
and drovers accompanying the flock shouted to him to desist; seeing it was no use, they ungirt their slings and began to salute his ears with stones as big as one's fist.
came up, and felt sure they had killed him; so in all haste they collected their flock together, took up the dead beasts, of which there were more than seven, and made off without waiting to ascertain anything further.
Seeing him, then, brought to the ground, and that the
had taken themselves off, he ran to him and found him in very bad case, though not unconscious; and said he:"Did I not tell you to come back, Senor Don Quixote; and that what you were going to attack were not armies but droves of sheep?""That's how that thief of a sage, my enemy, can alter and falsify things," answered Don Quixote; "thou must know, Sancho, that it is a very easy matter for those of his sort to make us believe what they choose; and this malignant being who persecutes me, envious of the glory he knew I was to win in this battle, has turned the squadrons of the enemy into droves of sheep.
I say, then, that on hearing our answer the youth turned about and made for the place we pointed out to him, leaving us all charmed with his good looks, and wondering at his question and the haste with which we saw him depart in the direction of the sierra; and after that we saw him no more, until some days afterwards he crossed the path of one of our shepherds, and without saying a word to him, came up to him and gave him several cuffs and kicks, and then turned to the ass with our provisions and took all the bread and cheese it carried, and having done this made off back again into the sierra with extraordinary swiftness.
We asked him to tell us who he was, but we were never able to find out from him: we begged of him too, when he was in want of food, which he could not do without, to tell us where we should find him, as we would bring it to him with all good-will and readiness; or if this were not to his taste, at least to come and ask it of us and not take it by force from the
All this has been since then confirmed on those occasions, and they have been many, on which he has crossed our path, at one time to beg the
to give him some of the food they carry, at another to take it from them by force; for when there is a fit of madness upon him, even though the
offer it freely, he will not accept it but snatches it from them by dint of blows; but when he is in his senses he begs it for the love of God, courteously and civilly, and receives it with many thanks and not a few tears.
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