in sentence
62 examples of Runner in a sentence
Following the stories of 2 first-time marathoners, one senior, one injured runner, and two elites as they prepare for the Chicago marathon, the film dedicates the majority of its attention to one female beginner whose story is, for lack of a better word, boring.
Well done melodrama that tells the story of Sally, tomboy dancer in the circus, raised by sideshow performer McGargle (played by W.C. Fields), he of the top hat, little mustache, checkered pants, and proficiency as juggler, pickpocket, and
of carnival con games like Three Card Monte and the Old Shell Game.
The trains, the old house, the fallen runner, the really scary landslide (well it is when you're 6), the drama if the children can stop the train, or will it crash?
It had a cute way of introducing the piece of land which the fast
but a little too slow for me.
is undoubtedly one of the most amazing books i have read in the recent past.
I think that there are 2 benefits that Jill has. 1. shes a fast
and is on the track team.
I think this piece of garbage is the best proof that good ideas can be destroyed, why all the American animators thinks that the kids this days wants stupid GI JOE versions of good stories??? the Looney Tunes are some of the most beloved characters in history, but they weren't created to be Xtreme, i mean come on!!! Tiny Toons was a great example of how an old idea can be updated without loosing it's original charm, but this piece of garbage is just an example of stupid corporate decisions that only wants to create a cheap idiotic show that kids will love because hey!!! kids loves superheroes right??? the whole show is only a waste of time in which we see the new versions of the Looney Tunes but this time in superhero form, this doesn't sound too bad but the problem is that this show tries too hard to copy series like batman the animated series, or the new justice league, the result??? bad copies of flash (the road runner) or superman (who else??? bugs bunny) the problem is that Looney Tunes weren't meant to be dramatic, the were supposed to be funny!!!! as i said before this series sucks, and many people wonders why anime is taking all over the world??? this show tries to be dramatic and action packed, but that's something that few series and anime are able to do, if you want to see a good upgrade of an old show watch Tiny Toons, that's an example that it's possible to bring back to life old characters, but with a good story and respecting the original roots.
In the movie several references are made in subtly to Blade runner, but one of the most obvious is the fact the Cain 607 and his unit are all genetic constructs, breed to be expendable warriors.
Playing out as a sort of pre
to The Great Escape some 13 years later, this smashing little British film plays it straight with no thrills and dare do well overkill.
The ultimate prize for a winning runner: freedom.
The casting of the villains was good:Stephen McNally, as surly Dutch Henry,Dan Duryea as Waco Johnny Dean, and John McIntire(versatile at playing both good guys and bad guys) as a slick gun
This I feel is the fore
of the mark of the beast spoken of in the Bible.
This includes a narcotics agent, 2 members of the gang, and an elevator runner, who stupidly announces that she can get her face in the papers for identifying the killers of a gang member while riding in her elevator.
But someone came up with a great first 10 minutes and last 5 minutes, and then promptly did a runner, leaving their abandoned 5 year-old daughter to finish it off.
Davandeh (The runner) is a cinematic ode to the spirit of Amiro, a young orphan boy who seeks to excel in what ever he does, to know more and look beyond his present boundaries, and to seek this knowledge through formal education that has eluded him thus far in life.
The road
(Hot- roddicus Supersonicus) races by and runs over the poor, starving coyote.
Wile gives chase, showing amazing speed, but who can catch the ultra-fast road
tight, powerful action sequences bound together by a futuristic plot, with art direction a la "blade
make this movie a contender for one of the best action films of the past years.
Robert Duvall gives a convincing performance as Eddie Ryan, who suspended from the force after killing a drug
With words and phrases like "accomplished," "mesmerizing," "visually stunning," "reminds me of the best moments from Blade
and 2001," "Astin acts his heart out."
Last night's episode about the murderous marathon
was fantastic, and I laughed out loud at Monk's antics on the jogging trail while he tries out the new running shoes given to him by his "guru."
One Jaipur Foot owner is a runner; another is a dancer.
(The analogy is all the more appropriate, given that WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy, who has brilliantly kept the process going, is a marathon runner.)
The testimony of the
Yuliya Stepanova was the key to exposing Russia’s state-run doping program.
The outcome is expected to be messy and inconclusive, but one thing already seems clear: the pacesetter may not be the 31- or 42-year-old sprinters heading the two leading parties, but rather an 81-year-old marathon
who finishes each lap in the lead earns a prize.
But the incentive to run faster is greater for the
in the lead, because she is closer to the prizes and hence more likely to get them.
The lead
therefore increases her pace by more than the follower, who becomes discouraged because she is now less likely to catch up.
He comes across fresh and strong, like a marathon
who joined the race in the 20th mile.
During all this time Harrison lived half demented, expecting every hour to feel the hand of a Bow Street
upon his collar, and to be tried for his life.
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