in sentence
1065 examples of Resolved in a sentence
The other pirates envied him this majestic vice, and secretly
to acquire it shortly.
So they inwardly
that so long as they remained in the business, their piracies should not again be sullied with the crime of stealing.
to let him get whipped on the damaged spelling-book's account, and to hate him forever, into the bargain.
that he would never trust a man like that again.
to keep a lookout for that Spaniard when he should come to town spying out for chances to do his revengeful job, and follow him to "Number Two," wherever that might be.
This moved my good motherly nurse, so that she from that time
I should not go to service yet; so she bid me not cry, and she would speak to Mr. Mayor, and I should not go to service till I was bigger.
Well, after Mrs. Mayoress was gone, her two daughters came in, and they called for the gentlewoman too, and they talked a long while to me, and I answered them in my innocent way; but always, if they asked me whether I
to be a gentlewoman, I answered Yes.
Now, though this was exceeding kind in her, yet, as my old good woman said to her, unless she
to keep me for good and all, she would do the little gentlewoman more harm than good.
And now, though I was still all on fire with his first visit, and said little, he did as it were put words in my mouth, telling me how passionately he loved me, and that though he could not mention such a thing till he came to this estate, yet he was
to make me happy then, and himself too; that is to say, to marry me, and abundance of such fine things, which I, poor fool, did not understand the drift of, but acted as if there was no such thing as any kind of love but that which tended to matrimony; and if he had spoke of that, I had no room, as well as no power, to have said no; but we were not come that length yet.
When we were together he began to talk very gravely to me, and to tell me he did not bring me there to betray me; that his passion for me would not suffer him to abuse me; that he
to marry me as soon as he came to his estate; that in the meantime, if I would grant his request, he would maintain me very honourably; and made me a thousand protestations of his sincerity and of his affection to me; and that he would never abandon me, and as I may say, made a thousand more preambles than he need to have done.
He told me his plain way of talking had been the occasion of it, for that he did not make his respect for me so much a secret as he might have done, and the reason was, that he was at a point, that if I would consent to have him, he would tell them all openly that he loved me, and that he intended to marry me; that it was true his father and mother might resent it, and be unkind, but that he was now in a way to live, being bred to the law, and he did not fear maintaining me agreeable to what I should expect; and that, in short, as he believed I would not be ashamed of him, so he was
not to be ashamed of me, and that he scorned to be afraid to own me now, whom he
to own after I was his wife, and therefore I had nothing to do but to give him my hand, and he would answer for all the rest.
Upon serious consideration, for indeed now I began to consider things very seriously, and never till now; I say, upon serious consideration, I
to tell him of it first; and it was not long before I had an opportunity, for the very next day his brother went to London upon some business, and the family being out a-visiting, just as it had happened before, and as indeed was often the case, he came according to his custom, to spend an hour or two with Mrs. Betty.
At last he was so perplexed that he was quite desperate, and
he would come into my chamber and see me, whatever came of it.
But the old gentlewoman, who was
to go to the bottom of it before I could have the least opportunity of acquainting her son with what had passed,
too that she would talk with her son immediately, and to that purpose sent for him, for he was gone but to a lawyer's house in the town, upon some petty business of his own, and upon her sending he returned immediately.
'I hope it is about a good wife, for I am at a great loss in that affair.''How can that be?' says his mother; 'did not you say you
to have Mrs.
I had been tricked once by that cheat called love, but the game was over; I was
now to be married or nothing, and to be well married or not at all.
But when he sent for me, he behaved much better than I expected, and told me plainly he had played the fool, and suffered himself to be surprised, which he might have prevented; that now he foresaw he could not stand it, and therefore he would have me go home, and in the night take away everything I had in the house of any value, and secure it; and after that, he told me that if I could get away one hundred or two hundred pounds in goods out of the shop, I should do it; 'only,' says he, 'let me know nothing of it, neither what you take nor whither you carry it; for as for me,' says he, 'I am
to get out of this house and be gone; and if you never hear of me more, my dear,' says he, 'I wish you well; I am only sorry for the injury I have done you.'
Upon these considerations, I say, and filled with horror at the place I was in, and the dreadful objects which I had always before me, I
to be gone.
Such as, having good business, that is to say, a good ship,
not to marry but with advantage, that is, with a good fortune; 2.Such as, being out of employ, wanted a wife to help them to a ship; I mean (1) a wife who, having some money, could enable them to hold, as they call it, a good part of a ship themselves, so to encourage owners to come in; or (2) a wife who, if she had not money, had friends who were concerned in shipping, and so could help to put the young man into a good ship, which to them is as good as a portion; and neither of these was my case, so I looked like one that was to lie on hand.
After these things this young lady played her part so well, that though she
to have him, and that indeed having him was the main bent of her design, yet she made his obtaining her be to him the most difficult thing in the world; and this she did, not by a haughty reserved carriage, but by a just policy, turning the tables upon him, and playing back upon him his own game; for as he pretended, by a kind of lofty carriage, to place himself above the occasion of a character, and to make inquiring into his character a kind of an affront to him, she broke with him upon that subject, and at the same time that she make him submit to all possible inquiry after his affairs, she apparently shut the door against his looking into her own.
I resolved, therefore, as to the state of my present circumstances, that it was absolutely necessary to change my station, and make a new appearance in some other place where I was not known, and even to pass by another name if I found occasion.
However, upon the most sedate consideration, I
that it was absolutely necessary to conceal it all and not make the least discovery of it either to mother or husband; and thus I lived with the greatest pressure imaginable for three years more, but had no more children.
But my discontents were of another nature; I looked upon him no longer as a husband, but as a near relation, the son of my own mother, and I
somehow or other to be clear of him, but which way I did not know, nor did it seem possible.
I told him, for his fair means and his foul, they were equally contemned by me; that for my going to England, I was
on it, come what would; and that as to treating him not like a husband, and not showing myself a mother to my children, there might be something more in it than he understood at present; but, for his further consideration, I thought fit to tell him thus much, that he neither was my lawful husband, nor they lawful children, and that I had reason to regard neither of them more than I did.
At last I
on a desperate course, and told my mother my resolution, viz.
He went back to what I had said before to him, and told me he hoped it did not relate to what I had said in my passion, and that he had
to forget all that as the effect of a rash, provoked spirit.
He then told me he was
not to differ with me in anything, and that therefore he would importune me no more about it, resolving to acquiesce in whatever I did or said; only begged I should then agree, that whatever it was, it should no more interrupt our quiet and our mutual kindness.
But we got at last into Milford Haven, in Wales, where, though it was remote from our port, yet having my foot safe upon the firm ground of my native country, the isle of Britain, I
to venture it no more upon the waters, which had been so terrible to me; so getting my clothes and money on shore, with my bills of loading and other papers, I
to come for London, and leave the ship to get to her port as she could; the port whither she was bound was to Bristol, where my brother's chief correspondent lived.
I told him I had been very much dissatisfied at my landlady's talking so publicly the day before of what she had nothing to do with; but I supposed she wanted what I owed her, which was about eight guineas, which I had
to give her, and had accordingly given it her the same night she talked so foolishly.
It is true, and I have confessed it before, that from the first hour I began to converse with him, I
to let him lie with me, if he offered it; but it was because I wanted his help and assistance, and I knew no other way of securing him than that.
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