in sentence
97 examples of Relish in a sentence
Though Republicans
the possibility that Clinton will be indicted for routing official business through a private email server when she was Secretary of State, prosecutors would have to prove that she intended to break the law, which is unlikely.
We are fully capable of change; indeed, we
it, as the world will see in the months and years to come.
In Britain, markets seem to
the prospect that the Conservatives will lose power after 17 years.
Just before the inauguration, he suggested that he might impose high tariffs on imported German cars, singling out BMW with particular
And, far from contemplating peace with the Kurdish rebels, he seems to
the resumption of war with them.
Even more alarming, spurning multilateral cooperation means dooming the world to resignation in the face of existential issues such as climate change, a negligent stance that the Trump administration has adopted with
How To Avoid a Trade WarCAMBRIDGE – Defying common sense as well as business and financial elites, US President Donald Trump seems to
the prospect of a trade war.
Europe does not
this opening eastward; after all, exports to the east have been wonderful since 1989.
Short of a nightmare scenario like terror-driven nuclear war, you can expect my successors in 2075 to look back and
that, once again, their world is three times better off than ours is today.
The crisis spread because the banking system was not sufficiently risk-averse – and in some cases even seemed to
Some play the game with
– ironically, Belarus’s President Aleksander Lukashenka is suddenly something of a regional role model in this regard.
This time, the challenge is political, not economic: the rise of politicians who
conflict and disdain national and international law and democratic norms.
Striking is not a choice we relish; we do it because we see no other options.
Only desperate cynics like Israel’s Binyamin Netanyahu, evangelical liars like Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, poseurs like Britain’s Boris Johnson, and bullies like the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte still
Trump’s friendship.
Despite the dirtiness of the hut, soiled by the sportsmen's boots, the dirty dogs that were licking themselves there, and despite the smell of bog and of powder and the absence of knives and forks, the sportsmen drank tea and ate supper with a
known only when one is out shooting.
Veslovsky now sang, now recalled with
his adventures with the peasants who entertained him with vodka and said 'No offence!'; and now his night exploits with hazel nuts, the maid-servant, and the peasant who asked him whether he was married, and learning that he was not said: 'Don't hanker after other men's wives, but above all things strive to get one of your own!'These words particularly amused Veslovsky.
I lit it at a small brazier supported by an elegant bronze stand, and I inhaled my first whiffs with the
of a smoker who hasn't had a puff in days.
From the branch Mollusca, he mentions numerous comb-shaped scallops, hooflike spiny oysters piled on top of each other, triangular coquina, three-pronged glass snails with yellow fins and transparent shells, orange snails from the genus Pleurobranchus that looked like eggs spotted or speckled with greenish dots, members of the genus Aplysia also known by the name sea hares, other sea hares from the genus Dolabella, plump paper-bubble shells, umbrella shells exclusive to the Mediterranean, abalone whose shell produces a mother-of-pearl much in demand, pilgrim scallops, saddle shells that diners in the French province of Languedoc are said to like better than oysters, some of those cockleshells so dear to the citizens of Marseilles, fat white venus shells that are among the clams so abundant off the coasts of North America and eaten in such quantities by New Yorkers, variously colored comb shells with gill covers, burrowing date mussels with a peppery flavor I relish, furrowed heart cockles whose shells have riblike ridges on their arching summits, triton shells pocked with scarlet bumps, carniaira snails with backward-curving tips that make them resemble flimsy gondolas, crowned ferola snails, atlanta snails with spiral shells, gray nudibranchs from the genus Tethys that were spotted with white and covered by fringed mantles, nudibranchs from the suborder Eolidea that looked like small slugs, sea butterflies crawling on their backs, seashells from the genus Auricula including the oval-shaped Auricula myosotis, tan wentletrap snails, common periwinkles, violet snails, cineraira snails, rock borers, ear shells, cabochon snails, pandora shells, etc.
'I have proved myself not unworthy of Julien,' she said to herself, with a sweet and secret
She must have had some relaxation, and for some time past she had been seeing a great deal of a certain abbe Marquinot of Dijon, a sort of Jansenist, utterly without morals, like all of them.'M. de Frilair went on torturing with voluptuous
and at his leisure the heart of this beautiful girl, whose weak spot he had discovered.
I did not altogether like to give in, though I did not
the plunge.
Among folk too constitutionally weak, or too constitutionally lazy, whichever it may be, to
up-stream work, it is a common practice to get a boat at Oxford, and row down.
you the idea of supping with Captain Lawton, this evening, Mr. Birch?"
Well, that may do for the body," said the captain coolly; "but I have had a pull at a bottle of cut glass with a silver stand, and I doubt my
for your whisky for a month to come."
The minister gave out the hymn, and read it through with a relish, in a peculiar style which was much admired in that part of the country.
That part I did not
at all.
This put an end to my disguise too, for as I did not like the proposal, so I did not tell them so, but seemed to
it, and promised to meet again.
This may be thought inconsistent in itself, and wide from the business of this book; particularly, I reflect that many of those who may be pleased and diverted with the relation of the wild and wicked part of my story may not
this, which is really the best part of my life, the most advantageous to myself, and the most instructive to others.
It would be a severe satire on such to say they do not
the repentance as much as they do the crime; and that they had rather the history were a complete tragedy, as it was very likely to have been.
With this permission Sancho settled himself as comfortably as he could on his beast, and taking out of the alforjas what he had stowed away in them, he jogged along behind his master munching deliberately, and from time to time taking a pull at the bota with a
that the thirstiest tapster in Malaga might have envied; and while he went on in this way, gulping down draught after draught, he never gave a thought to any of the promises his master had made him, nor did he rate it as hardship but rather as recreation going in quest of adventures, however dangerous they might be.
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