in sentence
58 examples of Rectitude in a sentence
The truth is that many European and G-20 countries have lived far beyond their means – including Germany, despite its reputation as a paragon of fiscal
The Republicans’ eagerness to pass reckless tax cuts once in power gives the lie to their claims of fiscal
So now Germany’s finance ministry, the guardian of fiscal rectitude, is considering measures such as using the European Investment Bank to foster growth, issuing EU “project bonds” to finance infrastructure investment, and allowing wages in Germany to rise at a faster pace than in the rest of Europe.
Austerity’s usual justification (fiscal
and public-debt containment) is jettisoned in order to achieve austerity’s deeper, political objective of eliminating support for the many while re-distributing income toward the few.
Sometimes, however, moral
and economic interest merge, presenting an opportunity that must not be missed.
Premature VirtueNEW YORK – The Obama administration’s insistence on fiscal
is dictated not by financial necessity, but by political considerations.
The Republicans campaign against any further stimulus, and the administration now pays lip service to fiscal rectitude, even if it recognizes that deficit reduction may be premature.
Both have been widely ridiculed, especially by economists, for their attachment to what have been called simple-minded ideas of fiscal
in adverse circumstances.
The Republicans who abandoned all pretense of fiscal
and voted last year for a massive tax cut for billionaires and corporations have shown it’s not true.
Long-run fiscal
is the only way to accomplish that goal.
But it is hard to commit today to practice fiscal
Until recently, public support for fiscal
was rooted in the desire to fulfill EU demands.
But when the Greek crisis erupted at the end of that year, the Germans reverted to their deeply held beliefs in fiscal
Of course, the euro does not magically turn member-state governments into models of economic
Modi and his advisers are probably worried about the government’s perceived fiscal
in the eyes of the credit-rating agencies (what some call “Modi’s fear of Moody’s”).
Although Weidmann’s inflexible stance may have strengthened his profile in Germany as a firm supporter of monetary rectitude, it rubbed too many other council members and eurozone governments the wrong way.
Besides the companionship of her mother-in-law, who strengthened her a little by the
of her judgment and her grave ways, Emma almost every day had other visitors.
They told me they trusted and confided their honour and good name to my virtue and
alone, and bade me consider the disparity between Don Fernando and myself, from which I might conclude that his intentions, whatever he might say to the contrary, had for their aim his own pleasure rather than my advantage; and if I were at all desirous of opposing an obstacle to his unreasonable suit, they were ready, they said, to marry me at once to anyone I preferred, either among the leading people of our own town, or of any of those in the neighbourhood; for with their wealth and my good name, a match might be looked for in any quarter.
Finally she decided upon what was the worse course for her, to remain, resolving not to fly from the presence of Lothario, that she might not give food for gossip to her servants; and she now began to regret having written as she had to her husband, fearing he might imagine that Lothario had perceived in her some lightness which had impelled him to lay aside the respect he owed her; but confident of her
she put her trust in God and in her own virtuous intentions, with which she hoped to resist in silence all the solicitations of Lothario, without saying anything to her husband so as not to involve him in any quarrel or trouble; and she even began to consider how to excuse Lothario to Anselmo when he should ask her what it was that induced her to write that letter.
Don Quixote was comforted by the prophecy he heard, for he at once comprehended its meaning perfectly, and perceived it was promised to him that he should see himself united in holy and lawful matrimony with his beloved Dulcinea del Toboso, from whose blessed womb should proceed the whelps, his sons, to the eternal glory of La Mancha; and being thoroughly and firmly persuaded of this, he lifted up his voice, and with a deep sigh exclaimed:"Oh thou, whoever thou art, who hast foretold me so much good, I implore of thee that on my part thou entreat that sage enchanter who takes charge of my interests, that he leave me not to perish in this captivity in which they are now carrying me away, ere I see fulfilled promises so joyful and incomparable as those which have been now made me; for, let this but come to pass, and I shall glory in the pains of my prison, find comfort in these chains wherewith they bind me, and regard this bed whereon they stretch me, not as a hard battle-field, but as a soft and happy nuptial couch; and touching the consolation of Sancho Panza, my squire, I rely upon his goodness and
that he will not desert me in good or evil fortune; for if, by his ill luck or mine, it may not happen to be in my power to give him the island I have promised, or any equivalent for it, at least his wages shall not be lost; for in my will, which is already made, I have declared the sum that shall be paid to him, measured, not by his many faithful services, but by the means at my disposal."
"If any handsome woman come to seek justice of thee, turn away thine eyes from her tears and thine ears from her lamentations, and consider deliberately the merits of her demand, if thou wouldst not have thy reason swept away by her weeping, and thy
by her sighs.
CHAPTER XLIIIOF THE SECOND SET OF COUNSELS DON QUIXOTE GAVE SANCHO PANZAWho, hearing the foregoing discourse of Don Quixote, would not have set him down for a person of great good sense and greater
of purpose?
Mr. Pickwick, in his turn, conscious of his own innocence and rectitude, and irritated by having unfortunately involved the middle-aged lady in such an unpleasant affair, was not so quietly disposed as was his wont.
Elinor saw, and pitied her for, the neglect of abilities which education might have rendered so respectable; but she saw, with less tenderness of feeling, the thorough want of delicacy, of rectitude, and integrity of mind, which her attentions, her assiduities, her flatteries at the Park betrayed; and she could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance; whose want of instruction prevented their meeting in conversation on terms of equality, and whose conduct toward others made every shew of attention and deference towards herself perfectly valueless.
Her disappointment in Charlotte made her turn with fonder regard to her sister, of whose
and delicacy she was sure her opinion could never be shaken, and for whose happiness she grew daily more anxious, as Bingley had now been gone a week and nothing more was heard of his return.
He then rose from his knee, folded his arm on his bosom, and in a manner rather respectful than submissive, awaited the answer of the King,--like one who is conscious he may have given offence, yet is confident in the
of his motive.
The sincerity, rectitude, firmness, and sweetness of this soft glance of a noble woman, who could dare all to save him to whom she owed all, at first astonished, then penetrated him.
He sat down again, seeking some decisive motive, some all-sufficientpretext to solve his hesitancy and convince his natural
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