in sentence
415 examples of Rebels in a sentence
I remember clearly when the standoff was taking place the way the media presented the Dividians as this crazed group of cult
with David Koresh, the self professed reborn Jesus Christ, as their leader.
cast was good to excellent and the lead man was truly heroic.When I first saw this film I knew the wisest as well as the only real position to have was to enjoy this film as a rousing bit of entertainment and then some.I felt then as I even feel now that the Silver Screen does not as such provide for a true depiction of much of anything let alone The Life of George Armstrong Custer,however the Director Raoul Walsh was to contribute to the real value represented in this film when I watched a semi-documentary with other great directors like Vincent Mennelli wherein these central figures talked about there accomplishments with valuable comments providing a glimpse into the Hollywood mind set.This is what I considered something of interest and where all of this became terribly interesting and very enjoyable.Yet, there have been so much made of all the problems with the silver screen and its story telling ability that some of the enjoyment has been lost and perhaps you would find that to be true here as well.Custer ranked 34 in a graduating class of...34.Much has been made of Custer's final class ranking,but of the 68 cadets who entered the Military Academy with him in 1857,half of them had already flunked out or quit by graduation day,June 24,1861.It is suggested in the movie as the various instructors are determining if a soldier is fit for command and then they come upon the name of George Armstrong Custer and there is to be certain an exchange between the two sides and here is where the Sargeant on Duty says in almost a low tone even to suggest as if that came out by accident"His squadron would follow him to hell,"Your at attention Sargeant,reprimands Tape.If Iam not mistaken when Flynn shows up at a initial battlefield it acknowledged that Custer did not see action right away and indeed he was doing work as a reliable attaché to not only Sheridan,but Hancocks forces as well only to end up for a time with the Army of The Potomac under General George McClellan.There is some truth to the audacity attributed to Custers battlefield heroics as was illustrated when in a counterattack ,"young Custer spurred his horse to the lead and boldly plunged in among the stunned Confederates.As a lone Union Soldier surrounded by rebels,Custers audacity shone through.He accepted the surrender of several enemy soldiers,including a rebel captain.Yet most outstanding was that in this action he personally captured the very first Confederate battle flag taken by the Army of the Potomac.This notable act of courage marked him as an officer of great battlefield promise."Robert
Custers greatest victory may of in fact come at Gettysburg,Pa.His forces which occupied an area called cemetery ridge at the field at Gettysburg in the summer of 1863 were able to defeat a Jeb Stuart Led Cavalry of some 6,000
with but a force of 2,300.I Think the heroics at Gettysburg by Custer are worth some discussion.There is speculation had in the movie that Custers appointment was a blunder, well you better guess again because not only did Custer have men in his corner but he established a petition to present to the Governor of the State of Michigan which by the way was relatively new to the Union Cause and where preparing to form Cavalry regiments.Though Custer was severely admonished for that kind of shenanigan when he showed up in all that Gold Braid it was not by accident as you would be led to believe.The truth be told Custers defense at Gettysburg prohibited Jeb Stuart from having lunch at the Unions rear stores and vitally protected that flank.This action by the way occurred and it was timed to coincide with Picketts Charge so to make for the greatest likelihood of success.It was a critical victory and Custer was at his bravest and best.His men did follow him to hell and lived to tell about it.
D'Angelo is lovely as the prim and proper rich girl who eventually
against her upbringing and joins the hippies.
The most pathetic scenes were those when the Columbian
were making their cases for revolutions.
I haven't ever read any on this raid incident so I was curious to see if the
pulled it off.
Another silver lining in the dark cloud of this movie is the scene where Saif stands up for himself and
against his father.
Brad Pitt is simply superb as the errant son who
It is really intense since the
constantly seem to be losing the battle that will determine the outcome of the war, and there seems to be no escape.
Although I think the idea of Ewoks overpowering stormtroopers is a bit far-fetched, it didn't seem very unrealistic since they were more of a distraction that the
could use, rather than an actual threat to the stormtroopers, although they did have some luck fighting them.
Can Noah win over the people of Parador? and hold off the
Meanwhile, the other Irish
are searching for the informer.
They take it out and end up fighting for a group of
that are out to stop this take over.
He warns Norinaga that the
are about to attack.
Gradually as the
gather support and manpower we see Guevara( no more asthma!)
But Romania in a civil war , with
, with desert and , let's take the hypothetical scenario and believe it.
A group of international students (in reality organized supporters of anti-government rebels) is massacred in Colombia by Federales as action opens, while during alternating scenes Joe Wiley (Ryan O'Neal), an American electronics engineer, visiting Mexico to recover from a divorce, meets an affluent socialite, Lillian Holbrook (Anne Archer).
The czar Nicholas I, tired of the endless fight that is costing him money and armies, gives a letter to Princess Maria (Scilla Gabel) to be handed to her husband Prince Sergei (Gerard Herter), containing instructions to negotiate a peace treaty with the
Anyway Rage To Kill stars James Ryan (Of Kill and Kill again fame)a tough marine (who doubles as a race-car driver) travels to a South African college (Because we all know that South Africa is known for their ivy league schools) to save his brother from a ruthless general who has just recently overthrown the government, however after an (inept) escape, the marine and the college students join the
and payback the ruthless dictator with wholesale slaughter.
The name Snapphane, which was used as a pejorative term by the Swedes to describe the pro-Danish rebels,is used by everyone in the movie.
The main focus of the movie is motorcycle riding
who just want to tear up the town (or in this case, movie set).
It is also surprising that he got a scholarship because throughout the movie he
against the coach.
Its support for Communist
and its disdain for Reagan and everything that he stood for is just so idiotic and trite.
I'm sure this story derived it's material from the ongoing horror stories throughout the world: child soldiers kidnapped in Africa, young recruits to the Taliban and radical Islamic terrorists,
who join the FARC in Colombia, gang recruits in major inner cities throughout the world, etc.
Basically darkside blues takes place in the future where some corporate evil is up to their no good doings, and there are a bunch of
against them, and some mysterious guy appears out of nowhere, the end.
Well, Ginger
against this as well, but her answer is to hang out in nightclubs and get drunk AND have sex (it's a "Pre-Code" film, so this sort of subject was NOT taboo in 1933).
The filmmaker presents a dishonest view, defending the RUF
and blaming just about everyone but the RUF.
I lived in the town where the
(the Revolutionary United Front or RUF) established it's base for the duration of the war.
The obsessive Judge Jeffries orders his followers to capture all the
and submit them to torture, but the army of William of Orange is slowly approaching England to conquer the crown.
Our heroes are a bunch of hot-shot biker punks who team up with some
to fight the evil warlords... Good stuff.
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