in sentence
68 examples of Prose in a sentence
By asking his students to process a
novel using images, Mr. Burns asks them to think deeply not just about the story but also about how that story is told.
Someone put up all the Wikileaked cables from the State Department, along with software used to interpret them, including my favorite use ever of the Cablegate cables, which is a tool for detecting naturally occurring haiku in State Department
Can we apply the techniques that worked here to this? T.S. Eliot once said, "One of the most momentous things that can happen to a culture is that they acquire a new form of prose."
But, then he came back, and things happened, and I decided I really hated my writing, that it was awful, awful, purple
And the project is both poetry and
I will be honest with you: I do not like the word "impactful," but that is neither here nor there in terms of whether "impactful" is becoming common usage and becoming more acceptable in written
Now, I am free of the collar, free of the yellow raincoat, monogrammed sweater, the absurdity of your lawn, and that is all you need to know about this place, except what you already supposed and are glad it did not happen sooner, that everyone here can read and write, the dogs in poetry, the cats and all the others in prose."
Chaucer uses the quirks of the characters’ language – the ribald humor of the Cook, the solemn
of the Parson, and the lofty notions of the Squire – to satirize their worldviews.
Born in Dublin, Beckett studied English, French and Italian before moving to Paris, where he spent most of his life writing theatre, poetry and
He considered his own greatest work not to be one of his gothic tales but rather his epic
poem "Eureka," in which he expounded his own personal view of the cosmographical nature of the universe.
Only connect the
and the passion, and both will be exalted, And human love will be seen at its height.
From dank taverns to dilapidated apartments and claustrophobic police stations, the underbelly of 19th century Saint Petersburg is brought to life by Dostoyevsky’s searing
In more turgid prose, but closer to the truth, was the father of modern capitalism, Adam Smith, and he said this.
Lovers of purple
will have a field day.
The problem with the film is quite simply this, Conrad's
is powerfully verbose and cannot be adapted to a movie.
Saying that, "Crucified Lovers" is a good film, with such few relative weaknesses, though the sometimes chilly, cynical
by Ueda, the screenwriter helps this film allot.
The book is better than the film mostly because of the writer Ondatje's
Credit goes to screenwriter/director Matthew Ryan Hoge for creating a lyrical
about two suburban families who have crossed paths in good times and bad.
His blistering
made even the slimiest one in the cavalcade shake his head in awe.
Ironically, after the returning to Poland he stopped writing artistic
and became communistic propagandist, producing stream of anti-imperialistic and anti-american press publications.
I also resent the way he uses profanity as a part of the normal
of professional Blacks.
The action here is interspersed with some of the most ponderous narration unleashed on the unsuspecting public - the purple
of the sensitive fifth former.
I see what he was going for but his insistence on promoting his message through Prozac
and distorted film techniques jettisons it past the point of relevance.
In the opening scene of "Malta Story" Mr A.Guinness bore such a startling resemblance to Noel Coward that I fully expected his first words to be "Certain women need striking regularly - like gongs" or some such world - weary bon mot.Unfortunately his dialogue is hardly deathless
and even the Master would have had trouble bringing it to life.Indeed Mr Guinness wanders through the picture as if looking for a focal point and failing to find one.And therein lies the fatal weakness of the whole movie.Mr J.Hawkins likewise gives up early on and ends up giving a "Jack Hawkins" performance without an ounce of individuality.It could have been spliced from any of a dozen British war movies.Many of the early fifties usual suspects turn up and do their schtick to very little purpose.
They're like the equivalent of a carton of McDonald's fries--they taste Really good and you know there's not much nutritional value in them (re: from a literary standpoint, they don't say much about the universal human condition), but you're still gonna scarf 'em down, just don't be a pig and go for the extra-super-sized portion and fill up on too much grease ("too much grease" is a metaphor for the
in King's novels when find yourself reading one of them and saying come on--enough with the pop-cultural observations or clever Yankee asides--get on with the story already!)
Films where the dialogue isn't so cleverly written that it ties itself in endless knots of purple
In addition to the prose, each film is allocated a 1-5 star rating.
There's no excuse for poor craft (something forgotten not just by filmmakers but also by tenured professors besotted with critical theory, who crank out bad
that says nothing).
I suspect that the writer came from a background in prose, as everything gets way over explained instead of relying on the visuals to tell the story.
Sometimes they're practically a requirement, especially if the plot is convoluted or the
style ornate, as in Raymond Chandler's work.
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