in sentence
27 examples of Poetical in a sentence
The Dead is
in its approach on the screen, telling us more about Ireland than any modern movie on the IRA and "the troubles" could ever hope to tell us.
I think it's incredibly hard to write any kind of full-scale review to Giorgino, merely because it's one of those viewer-dependent, complex,
and philosophical movies that are brain-wearing if, while watching them, you're trying to enjoy their shell and get to their core simultaneously, yet there are several things which are certain and beyond any doubt for any man of art (which, I hope, I am).
Perfect blend of spectacular special effects and classical music bring to life creations of human imagination in both realistic and
The film is a
contemplation of most exciting eternal questions.
A love biangle, (sorry for the
license, but is not a triangle!)
The acting is
when it should be realistic, and realistic when it should be
Some moments are quite poetical, others just banal - the music is splendid, even if not clearly listed in the credits.
After seeing again Deliverance, which was thrilling when it was first released, and Excalibur, poetical, Wagnerian but a little bit out of date (regarding the shining 70's fake armors), Emerald Forest deepens philosophy and ethnology.
You can tell that this movie has been made with all guts, heart and soul, or passion if you like, it sparkles all over the frame.The suffering and pain of teen years (and the joy of friendship, love and sex) are portrayed in a very
way.Both visual and acoustic poetry (the movie is narrated by the character "el garganta" as if reciting a somewhat complex yet beautiful poem).
Having read reviews and knowing the film was to be poetical, I was really looking forward to seeing it.
It's poetical, romantic, erotic and funny.
It was idyllic, poetical, and it inspired me.
He told me that was unkind, because it was not just, and that I put him upon contradicting me, which did not consist with good manners, any more than with his affection; and therefore, since I had insensibly drawn him into this
scribble, he begged I would not oblige him to break it off; so he writes again--'Let love alone be our debate.'
He spends the whole day in settling whether Homer expressed himself correctly or not in such and such a line of the Iliad, whether Martial was indecent or not in such and such an epigram, whether such and such lines of Virgil are to be understood in this way or in that; in short, all his talk is of the works of these poets, and those of Horace, Perseus, Juvenal, and Tibullus; for of the moderns in our own language he makes no great account; but with all his seeming indifference to Spanish poetry, just now his thoughts are absorbed in making a gloss on four lines that have been sent him from Salamanca, which I suspect are for some
If it be some gloss, I know something about glosses, and I should like to hear them; and if they are for a
tournament, contrive to carry off the second prize; for the first always goes by favour or personal standing, the second by simple justice; and so the third comes to be the second, and the first, reckoning in this way, will be third, in the same way as licentiate degrees are conferred at the universities; but, for all that, the title of first is a great distinction."
When the cloth had been removed, grace said and their hands washed, Don Quixote earnestly pressed Don Lorenzo to repeat to him his verses for the
tournament, to which he replied, "Not to be like those poets who, when they are asked to recite their verses, refuse, and when they are not asked for them vomit them up, I will repeat my gloss, for which I do not expect any prize, having composed it merely as an exercise of ingenuity."
Mr. Tupman was not in a condition to rise, after the unwonted dissipation of the previous night; Mr. Snodgrass appeared to labour under a
depression of spirits; and even Mr. Pickwick evinced an unusual attachment to silence and soda-water.
As to Mr. Snodgrass, he did nothing but whisper
sentiments into his partner's ear, which made one old gentleman facetiously sly, about partnerships at cards and partnerships for life, and caused the aforesaid old gentleman to make some remarks thereupon, accompanied with divers winks and chuckles, which made the company very merry and the old gentleman's wife especially so.
'If I ever do come back, and mix myself up with these people again,'thought Mr. Winkle, as he wended his way to the Peacock, 'I shall deserve to be horsewhipped myself--that's all.'His friends were ready, the coach was nearly so, and in half an hour they were proceeding on their journey, along the road over which Mr. Pickwick and Sam had so recently travelled, and of which, as we have already said something, we do not feel called upon to extract Mr. Snodgrass's
and beautiful description.
'I am afeerd that werges on the poetical, Sammy,' said Mr. Weller dubiously.
But Sam was not to be dissuaded from the
idea that had occurred to him, so he signed the letter--'Your love-sickPickwick.'
What a rum thing time is, ain't it, Neddy?'The gentleman to whom these observations were addressed, who appeared of a taciturn and thoughtful cast, merely echoed the inquiry; Mr. Roker, shaking off the
and gloomy train of thought into which he had been betrayed, descended to the common business of life, and resumed his pen.
"That has cured me of beautiful, poetical, and loving women," said Athos, after a considerable pause, raising his head, and forgetting to continue the fiction of the count.
you are taking a
tone, and the comedy of yesterday turns to a tragedy this evening.
It is enough to say, without applying this
rhapsody to Aouda, that she was a charming woman, in all the European acceptation of the phrase.
Whatever may be thought of this triple explanation, political, physical, and poetical, of the burning of the law courts in 1618, the unfortunate fact of the fire is certain.
All that is very pretty, very poetical, but one can't pay one's creditors in that coin, and now she can't free herself from debt, unless she can raise thirty thousand francs."
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