in sentence
1401 examples of Plants in a sentence
The first step toward sustainable economic growth is to recognize, as China’s leaders have, that pollution – produced largely through coal-fired power
– is profoundly damaging citizens’ lives and livelihoods, particularly in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai.
Edible vaccines from transgenic
are likely to be more useful for developing countries than for developed ones because they avoid the need for refrigeration.
Unions opposed such change, but it also took time for bosses to understand that the way they ran their
needed to change.
The Return of Public InvestmentCAMBRIDGE – The idea that public investment in infrastructure – roads, dams, power plants, and so forth – is an indispensable driver of economic growth has always held powerful sway over the minds of policymakers in poor countries.
The Ethiopian government went on a spending spree, building roads, railways, power plants, and an agricultural extension system that significantly enhanced productivity in rural areas, where most of the poor reside.
But their productivity remains low; auto
in Mexico, for example, produce twice as many vehicles per worker.
It matters to countries that have decided to phase out nuclear power, because their
will continue to operate for decades and will need to be decommissioned, with nuclear waste stored safely.
And it matters to countries that are firmly opposed to nuclear power, as many of them have neighbors with nuclear-power
Nearly all of the Caribbean, Central America, and some Gulf ports in the United States depend on Venezuelan low-sulfur crude oil for their power plants, refineries, and balance-of-payments positions.
So Israel is blocking Lebanon’s ports from the sea, has breached the runways of all three jet-capable airfields, including Beirut’s international airport, and remains ready to destroy generating
and other high-value targets, if necessary, to generate sufficient political pressure on Hezbollah.
If he were truly concerned about global warming, how could he have endorsed the construction of coal-fired electricity plants, even if those
use more efficient technologies than have been employed in the past?
This “coalition of the willing” could agree to certain basic standards: to forego building coal-fired plants, increase automobiles’ fuel efficiency, and provide targeted assistance to developing countries to enhance their energy efficiency and reduce emissions.
This “poisoned earth” policy kills coca plants, not peasant farmers.
One audience member in Helsinki told me despondently that he had soured on globalization after some of his friends lost their jobs through no fault of their own, but merely because Ericsson decided to move some European plants’ operations to China.
European companies could be given tax breaks or other incentives to establish assembly
in Nigeria, thereby creating jobs in the region and further expanding Africa’s consumer base.
Some have no particular resources and build thermal power
or import expensive liquid fuels to meet their needs.
To be sure, India still gets most of its electricity from coal-fired power plants, which account for just under two-thirds of its total energy capacity.
India thus has no choice but to build new coal
in the medium term.
Less evidently, there are
in the rain forest whose gene pool might be useful to us.
Natural selection has provided scientific explanations of traits as diverse as the mammalian eye, the bird’s wing, and the ability of
to transform light into sugars.
Gal Raz and one of us (EJ) recently went through the scientific literature and found 101 cases of epigenetic inheritance between generations of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, plants, and animals, and we are sure that this is just the tip of a very large iceberg.
The US would press the Nuclear Supplier Group to issue a waiver to Pakistan, as it has already done for India, so that Pakistan could import the technology, parts, and components needed to build nuclear power
And, in fact, Pakistan needs to build about a half-dozen such
– in addition to the two already being built by the Chinese near Karachi – to address its energy shortfall, which amounts to an estimated 5,000 megawatts annually.
What kinds of power
will be acceptable in the future?
Either technology will depend on a national electricity grid that uses low-emission forms of power generation, such as wind, solar, nuclear, or coal-fired
that capture and store the carbon-dioxide emissions.
At a time when the major infrastructure companies of the US, Europe, and Japan will have serious excess capacity, the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the US Export-Import Bank, the African Development Bank, and other public investment funds should be financing large-scale infrastructure spending in Africa, to build roads, power plants, ports, and telecommunications systems.
A famous project saw Merck Pharmaceutical provide $1 million to Costa Rica in exchange for 1,000
collected from its forest.
Wind energy, for example, is about 1.5 to 2 times as expensive as electricity from coal-fired
Even though wind is free and coal must be paid for, the initial capital costs of a wind turbine and transmission cables are much higher than for conventional power
Even if governments rethink their ban on new nuclear plants, accelerate development of windmills and solar panels, and search for new gas supplies, Europe will remain dependent on Russian gas for more than a decade.
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