in sentence
114 examples of Pious in a sentence
But that which was worth all the rest, she bred them up very religiously, being herself a very sober,
woman, very house-wifely and clean, and very mannerly, and with good behaviour.
During this time my mother used to be frequently telling me old stories of her former adventures, which, however, were no ways pleasant to me; for by it, though she did not tell it me in plain terms, yet I could easily understand, joined with what I had heard myself, of my first tutors, that in her younger days she had been both whore and thief; but I verily believed she had lived to repent sincerely of both, and that she was then a very pious, sober, and religious woman.
She sent for a minister, too, a serious, pious, good man, and applied herself with such earnestness, by his assistance, to the work of a sincere repentance, that I believe, and so did the minister too, that she was a true penitent; and, which is still more, she was not only so for the occasion, and at that juncture, but she continued so, as I was informed, to the day of her death.
He was sensibly grieved at my going, because, as he said, he feared I should lose the good impressions which a prospect of death had at first made on me, and which were since increased by his instructions; and the
gentleman was exceedingly concerned about me on that account.
I say, too, that when a painter desires to become famous in his art he endeavours to copy the originals of the rarest painters that he knows; and the same rule holds good for all the most important crafts and callings that serve to adorn a state; thus must he who would be esteemed prudent and patient imitate Ulysses, in whose person and labours Homer presents to us a lively picture of prudence and patience; as Virgil, too, shows us in the person of AEneas the virtue of a
son and the sagacity of a brave and skilful captain; not representing or describing them as they were, but as they ought to be, so as to leave the example of their virtues to posterity.
AEneas was not in truth and earnest so
as Virgil represents him, nor Ulysses so wise as Homer describes him."
He applauded her
resolution, and offered to accompany her whithersoever she wished, and to protect her father against the kinsmen of Don Vicente and all the world, should they seek to injure him.
'She's been gettin' rayther in the Methodistical order lately, Sammy; and she is uncommon pious, to be sure.
'And I have only to add, sir,' said Mr. Pickwick, now thoroughly angry, 'that I consider you a rascal, and a--a--ruffian--and-- and worse than any man I ever saw, or heard of, except that
and sanctified vagabond in the mulberry livery.''Ha! ha!' said Jingle, 'good fellow, Pickwick--fine heart-- stout old boy--but must NOT be passionate--bad thing, very-- bye, bye--see you again some day--keep up your spirits--now, Job--trot!'
After Mrs. Weller and the red-nosed gentleman had commented on this inhuman usage in a very forcible manner, and had vented a variety of
and holy execrations against its authors, the latter recommended a bottle of port wine, warmed with a little water, spice, and sugar, as being grateful to the stomach, and savouring less of vanity than many other compounds.
He was a Berrichon, thirty-five or forty years old, mild, peaceable, sleek, employing the leisure his master left him in the perusal of
works, providing rigorously for two a dinner of few dishes, but excellent.
He resolved, then, to defend the door bravely; and as, betrayed by the mistress of the inn, he could not say that Aramis was absent, he endeavored to prove to the newcomer that it would be the height of indiscretion to disturb his master in his
conference, which had commenced with the morning and would not, as Bazin said, terminate before night.
Bazin, who had been standing listening to all this controversy with a
jubilation, sprang toward them, took the breviary of the curate and the missal of the Jesuit, and walked respectfully before them to clear their way.
Yesterday I undertook to employ that cord which you see hanging against the wall, but pain prevented my continuing the
They came nobody knew whence; but when seeing her so lovely and her brother so pious, nobody thought of asking whence they came.
"What," said Athos, "no fish at a seaport?""They say," said Aramis, resuming his
reading, "that the dyke which the cardinal is making drives them all out into the open sea.""But that is not quite what I mean to ask you, Aramis," replied Athos.
"So," cried Milady, as if she could not resist giving utterance to a holy indignation, "you, a
man, you who are called a just man, you ask but one thing--and that is that you may not be inculpated, annoyed, by my death!""It is my duty to watch over your life, madame, and I will watch."
"Madame," said Athos, passing his arm under that of d’Artagnan, "we abandon to your
care the body of that unfortunate woman.
responded Herbert, whose
heart was full of gratitude to the Author of all things.
Further, always using religion as a plea, so as to undertake greater schemes, he devoted himself with
cruelty to driving out and clearing his kingdom of the Moors; nor could there be a more admirable example, nor one more rare.
"If the reverend fathers," he said, "loved good cheer and soft lodging, few miles of riding would carry them to the Priory of Brinxworth, where their quality could not but secure them the most honourable reception; or if they preferred spending a penitential evening, they might turn down yonder wild glade, which would bring them to the hermitage of Copmanhurst, where a
anchoret would make them sharers for the night of the shelter of his roof and the benefit of his prayers."
The attendants of the Abbot crossed themselves, with looks of
horror, and the very heathen Saracens, as Isaac drew near them, curled up their whiskers with indignation, and laid their hands on their poniards, as if ready to rid themselves by the most desperate means from the apprehended contamination of his nearer approach.
"Knowest thou," said the Jester, "my good friend Gurth, that thou art strangely courteous and most unwontedly
on this summer morning?
After he had with great difficulty accomplished the mastication of a mouthful of the dried pease, he found it absolutely necessary to request his
entertainer to furnish him with some liquor; who replied to his request by placing before him a large can of the purest water from the fountain.
"Ay, as honest a keeper as thou art a
hermit," replied the knight, "I doubt it not.
Our immense possessions in every kingdom of Europe, our high military fame, which brings within our circle the flower of chivalry from every Christian clime--these are dedicated to ends of which our
founders little dreamed, and which are equally concealed from such weak spirits as embrace our Order on the ancient principles, and whose superstition makes them our passive tools.
Methinks, as they require a confessor to be sent, this holy hermit might at once exercise his
vocation, and procure us the information we desire."
"A plague on thee, and thy advice!" said the
hermit; "I tell thee, Sir Slothful Knight, that when I doff my friar's frock, my priesthood, my sanctity, my very Latin, are put off along with it; and when in my green jerkin, I can better kill twenty deer than confess one Christian."
A tenth part of the whole was set apart for the church, and for
uses; a portion was next allotted to a sort of public treasury; a part was assigned to the widows and children of those who had fallen, or to be expended in masses for the souls of such as had left no surviving family.
Lucas Beaumanoir hath settled that the death of a Jewess will be a sin-offering sufficient to atone for all the amorous indulgences of the Knights Templars; and thou knowest he hath both the power and will to execute so reasonable and
a purpose."
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