in sentence
105 examples of Obscurity in a sentence
It's so rare in American culture, there's so little that's vocational about it anymore, to look at what doggedness looks like with this level of exactitude, what it means to align your body posture for three hours in order to hit a target, pursuing a kind of excellence in
Frantz Fanon, who was a psychiatrist from Martinique, said, "Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission and fulfill or betray it."
He might have lived a life of
in his small village, if not for his conversion to the Russian Orthodox Church in the 1890s.
Because I believe that the hand in all its primitive, in all its physiological obscurity, has a source, though the source is unknown, though we don't have to be mystical about it.
Not much to recommend here, even the title seems to propel it into
Now the television schedules (in England, at least) are crammed with home improvement, bargain-hunting, house-hunting and cookery shows in the afternoons, the chances of any of the terrestrial broadcasters digging out a complete
like this to occupy a couple of hours of screen time on a slow afternoon are slender, to say the least.
The actors who inhabit (I wouldn't say act in) this flick say their lines like they're reading from cue cards and pout when they're supposed to be showing an emotion, and it comes as no great shock (or loss to the industry) that they have since faded into
I'm not going to bother mentioning any of the plot - this is strictly a B movie on its way to
Eventually, she relocated to Miami, Florida, where she lived in relative
I mean if you are going to tell the story of a member of your family that has been ignored by history, would you really tell it with the man who relegated her to
at the main character?
This tepid pile of wood chips was the last hurrah from long-time editor-turned-director Dan Milner, who quickly vanished into well-deserved
following this film.
The guest speaker who opened this film created a sense of hype towards the obscurity, and how this film is underrated.
Some go out with a bang (Lord of the Rings), some get progressively weaker (The Matrix), some get lost in
(Blade, Back to the Future), but some maintain the genius, that seemingly ever-growing bright light that floats beyond the surface of its flawless exterior.
Bad movie lovers might search all over for the next hidden obscurity, sometimes coming up short with stuff like Weasels rip my flesh, but other times, luck will prevail and you might end up with something like Death Bed, then hopefully realizing it's not a bad movie at all, it just has a bad title, and not even a bad title, but a humorous one that might throw you off, but Somehow Death Bed still fits into the "bad" category.
An unjustly neglected classic, "Intruder in the Dust" is one of the great films of the 1940's which has unfortunately slipped into
Then they faded off into
I am still not sure what the reality of the movie is, and perhaps, like the Uncertainty Principle, the
is the definite thing.
The debut that plucked from
one of the brighter stars of contemporary noir is an assured, if limited, stab at the con game and obsession.
I cannot understand why this 1971 Hollywood production is currently only available through an Australian video company,but such is the unfortunate
of this Peter Sellers classic(Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide continues to grant it the same BOMB review they gave it in the 1970's).With so many scene stealers on display,Sellers comes through with what may perhaps be his most hilarious role.It all begins with his discovery of a patient who expired at 11:15AM,but Sellers argues that the corpse is still living due to the fact that the new day doesn't start until noon!
He should fade into
or acquire a time machine.
Notorious for more than a quarter century (and often banned), it's
was its greatest asset it seems.
Imitation is, apparently the highest form of flattery, but seeing as though this is nothing near Grosse Point Blanc and in the same league as meet the (watch if your a moron) Spartans in terms of political satire, lets leave well enough alone and let this one fade into the
it absolutely deserves.
I'll just say "Buh-bye, Mark" as he sinks into well-deserved
The film is absolute pants, it's full of music from the attempted mid-80's jazz revival and based on a book & author that was briefly popular at that time and has deservedly sank back into
After being a prodigy child actress she descended into
with mediocre films of low quality.
In a career that is sliding rather swiftly toward tabloid obscurity, Ben Affleck, once a promising comic character actor who became enmeshed in the Hollywood publicity machine to recreate himself into a romantic leading man.
Blank Check rips off and tries to cash in on everything from Richie Rich to Home Alone (Which strangely enough both have Macaulay Culkin in it) Blank Check isn't a bad movie, but it deserves to fade into
Why this movie has all but disappeared into
is an absolute crime.
The individual band members go their separate ways and uncomfortably settle into lackluster middle age in the dull and uneventful 90's: morose keyboardist Stephen Rea winds up penniless and down on his luck, vain, neurotic, pretentious lead singer Bill Nighy tries (and fails) to pursue a floundering solo career, paranoid drummer Timothy Spall resides in
on a remote farm so he can avoid paying a hefty back taxes debt, and surly bass player Jimmy Nail installs roofs for a living.
Powers Boothe give a commanding performance as the leader Rev. Jim Jones from
until total madness.
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