in sentence
250 examples of Liberalism in a sentence
Listen to these titles of some of the best-selling books from both sides of the political divide here in the US:
is a Mental Disorder," "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot," "Pinheads and Patriots," "Arguing with Idiots."
And I think the takeaway message from that would be that Islam, despite some of the skeptics in the West, has the potential in itself to create its own way to democracy, create its own way to liberalism, create its own way to freedom.
So when Matthew, a queer liberal artist like me publicly wrote that I represented some of the worst aspects of liberalism, I wanted to ask him this.
You can call me a "gaywad," a "snowflake," a "cuck," a "beta," or "everything wrong with liberalism."
Liberalism, liberal, it's like John Stuart Mill.
[America's most liberal labor union has endorsed] Never mind that "America's most liberal labor union," as defined by this ad, was actually the Tulsa Firefighters Union, hardly a famed bastion of
But, you know, even beyond that, if you think about the logic underlying it, is something I call iPod liberalism, where we assume that every single Iranian or Chinese who happens to have and love his iPod will also love liberal democracy.
From one of Arthur Miller's self pitying, patronizing novels, the sort that gave
a bad name.
we're also amazed to see this kind of men, the white collars, be shown that way while they usually are shown as example for the american dream of the individualism and economical
may be preferable to the racist superiority of the John Wayne era; but how sadly rare it is to see a "Western" (to which genre this film essentially belongs, in spite of its east coast setting) that goes beyond a game of goodies and baddies.
Too much feel - good
enters the picture.
What has been happening, particularly most recently, is that academics and others such as liberals have been holding up a mirror to conservative America and conservative America doesn't like what they see, so they try to shift the blame on
by screaming anti-patriotism.
But the high-minded
of the then-elite had a practical point as well: should the government have any soiled linen, it should be laundered in British courts rather than be aired before a panel of international judges.
Classical economic
assumes that bad policies will be punished immediately by bad outcomes.
The Economist, that bastion of classical liberalism, pilloried him in an unprecedented two-page review, concluding that not even the chief Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels could have improved on his interpretation.
This is true for Northern Europe’s large social-democratic parties (Denmark and Sweden) but also for parties that attempted to “modernize” themselves by combining socialism and
(the UK and Spain), and even for Europe’s more traditional socialist parties (Belgium and France), which, despite local successes, have found it difficult to re-gain national power.
President Mauricio Macri’s year-old administration is naturally inclined toward economic liberalism, and Argentina is caught today in the straitjacket of the external tariff of the Mercosur regional trade agreement with Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
“Frankly,” he said, “we need a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and a much more active, muscular liberalism.”
Sweden has long been known for its lifestyle
Vilks argued that his work was a provocation aimed at revealing the selective
within the Swedish intellectual establishment – its multiculturalism, one could say.
Thus, the lack of “muscular liberalism” in one of the world’s most liberal countries has paved the way for both Islamists and right-wing populists.
His followers in Russia are unlikely to see, let alone be influenced by, an art film, and this sliver of Russian free expression might just persuade foreigners that there is still some
left in Putin’s authoritarian democracy – at least until that, too, ends up as a shattered illusion.
In such an information age, Nye wrote, three types of countries are likely to gain soft power: “those whose dominant cultures and ideals are closer to prevailing global norms (which now emphasize liberalism, pluralism, autonomy); those with the most access to multiple channels of communication and thus more influence over how issues are framed; and those whose credibility is enhanced by their domestic and international performance.”
There could be no objection to economic
if unimpeded markets fulfilled their promise of satisfying individual preferences through the operation of Adam Smith’s “invisible hand.”
We must uncouple the good politics of
from the bad economics of neoliberalism that produced the disaster of 2008.
Proponents of
– and those to their left – neglect these issues at their peril.
Jan Maria Rokita, one of the most intelligent leaders of the right and a former home affairs minister, recently said that the Polish people already have all the human rights that
can bestow.
He notes that our political regimes have long stopped functioning like liberal democracies and increasingly look like undemocratic
Thus, liberal democracy has a tendency to deteriorate into one or the other of its perversions – illiberal democracy or undemocratic
In the West,
preceded democracy: separation of powers, freedom of expression, and the rule of law were already in place before elites agreed to expand the franchise and submit to popular rule.
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