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3014 examples of Innovation in a sentence
The German economy is not as successful as many believe: workers have scarcely benefited from the country’s export prowess, public investment is inadequate, and its manufacturing heartland, which specializes in incremental innovation, is ill-prepared for looming digital disruption.
CAMBRIDGE – Scientific knowledge and technological innovation, as Yuval Noah Harari emphasizes in his book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, are among the key drivers of economic progress.
More generally, China has made recent progress in boosting labor productivity, encouraging technological innovation, and improving service quality in key urban areas, despite severe financial repression and inadequate access to funding by small and medium-size private enterprises.
The key will be to encourage the reduction of bad debts and increases in the stock of safe assets, while taxing excess capacity and encouraging innovation, thereby improving total factor productivity.
Alec Ross, a former senior adviser for
to former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, argues that the best way to reinvigorate the peace process is to provide 3G Internet connectivity to the West Bank.
There is a strong ideological flavor to Xi’s apparent frustration with the ministry’s glacial approach to policy
They will need to strike a better balance between openness and protection,
and regulation; and they will need to do so without falling into a regressive populist trap.
By contrast, many developing economies have insufficient digital infrastructure, weak
and investment capacity, and thin skills base.
Shanghai’s role in trade, finance, investment, and shipping – together with an increasingly open service sector, improved regulatory environment, and focus on institutional
– will eventually lead to domestic market reform and drive China’s integration into new trade agreements.
That means accelerating the global transition to clean-energy technologies (including in transportation), improving the efficiency of energy production/consumption, reversing deforestation, improving land use, and promoting technological
to facilitate all of these processes.
Cities power growth through innovation, trade, and exchange.
If China wants to move up the value chain, it needs to expand its technological capacity, which is why
is at the heart of its latest Five-Year Plan.
Globalization and technological
are not painless processes, so there will always be a need for retraining initiatives, lifelong education, mobility and income-support programs, and regional transfers.
Another important
is the adoption of restructuring procedures based on other countries’ experiences.
Small and medium-sized firms – the most important sources of
and employment growth – will feel the effects most acutely.
Restoring some balance to the income distribution and encouraging social mobility, while strengthening incentives for
and growth, will be among the most important – and formidable – challenges of the twenty-first century.
The result is a “winner-takes-most” market environment that strongly disadvantages start-ups, entrepreneurial innovation, and sustained creation of high-quality jobs.
These powers have been extended to new activities that were not previously considered areas of technological innovation, such as finance and business methods.
Today, Europe is the home of real pioneering innovation, led by what Atomico calls “deep tech” – the kind of artificial intelligence developed by Google’s DeepMind.
Initiatives such as Feed the Future, the US Global Development Lab, and Power Africa combine “local ownership, private investment, innovation, multi-stakeholder partnerships, and mutual accountability.”
For example, fintech should be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals – an effort that demands new standards, market innovation, and collaboration.
Instead of conspiring to hobble its American rivals, stifle innovation, and deprive Europeans of the full benefit of the Internet, Germany should practice what it preaches and make the difficult reforms it needs to raise its game.
Labor market regulation became an almost annual event, stifling
In the past, local-level experimentation and
have proved integral to China’s progress, with competition among provinces, cities, and firms often helping the country to break out of bureaucratic and structural logjams.
The ninth SDG highlights the critical importance of science and technology, as it calls on the world – and especially developing countries – to support industrial growth and technological upgrading, encourage innovation, and increase spending on research and development.
But government can take action that improves productivity, investment returns, and conditions for innovation, thereby increasing the pace and enhancing the long-term results of structural adjustment.
If we are, as the economist Robert Gordon argues, experiencing a slowdown in productivity-enhancing technological innovation, long-term potential growth would be constrained.
But even if
has not dropped off too much, or picks up again soon, the structural adaptation and behavioral changes needed to take advantage of the concomitant productivity gains will take time.
Most importantly, price signals that show the true social costs of energy derived from fossil fuels will encourage
and conservation.
Thus, as Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum observes, the “scarcity of a skilled workforce rather than the availability of capital is more likely to be the crippling limit to innovation, competitiveness, and growth.”
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