in sentence
71 examples of Gentleness in a sentence
When I meet a cat, I say, "Poor Pussy!" and stop down and tickle the side of its head; and the cat sticks up its tail in a rigid, cast-iron manner, arches its back, and wipes its nose up against my trousers; and all is
and peace.
They have stifled me with their middle-class gentleness, and I can hardly understand how it is that there is still blood in my veins.
At this hour, in the face of the certainty of impunity, the blood resumed flowing in his veins with delicious
She remained the ungovernable creature who had wanted to struggle with the Seine and who had thrown herself violently into illicit love; but she was conscious of goodness and gentleness, she understood the putty face and lifeless attitude of the wife of Olivier, and she knew it was possible to be happy without killing one's husband.
She had led a life of affection and gentleness, and in her last hours, when about to carry to the grave a belief in the delight of a calm life, a voice shouted to her that all was falsehood and all crime.
When she arrived, he affected gentleness, and refrained from breathing a word about having followed her in the morning.
If it be that love is gentle, in thy
I see something holding out assurance to the hope of winning thee.
The confidante is present, observes all, goes to tell her mistress, who listens with tears and says that one of her greatest distresses is not knowing who this knight is, and whether he is of kingly lineage or not; the damsel assures her that so much courtesy, gentleness, and gallantry of bearing as her knight possesses could not exist in any save one who was royal and illustrious; her anxiety is thus relieved, and she strives to be of good cheer lest she should excite suspicion in her parents, and at the end of two days she appears in public.
He came out to meet us with great gentleness, with his dress now torn and his face so disfigured and burned by the sun, that we hardly recognised him but that his clothes, though torn, convinced us, from the recollection we had of them, that he was the person we were looking for.
In short, as Camilla is the essence of all beauty, so is she the treasure-house where purity dwells, and
and modesty abide with all the virtues that can confer praise, honour, and happiness upon a woman.
Bear in mind, and let it not escape thy memory, how she receives thee; if she changes colour while thou art giving her my message; if she is agitated and disturbed at hearing my name; if she cannot rest upon her cushion, shouldst thou haply find her seated in the sumptuous state chamber proper to her rank; and should she be standing, observe if she poises herself now on one foot, now on the other; if she repeats two or three times the reply she gives thee; if she passes from
to austerity, from asperity to tenderness; if she raises her hand to smooth her hair though it be not disarranged.
CHAPTER XXIXOF THE FAMOUS ADVENTURE OF THE ENCHANTED BARKBy stages as already described or left undescribed, two days after quitting the grove Don Quixote and Sancho reached the river Ebro, and the sight of it was a great delight to Don Quixote as he contemplated and gazed upon the charms of its banks, the clearness of its stream, the
of its current and the abundance of its crystal waters; and the pleasant view revived a thousand tender thoughts in his mind.
Pious, well-meant reproof requires a different demeanour and arguments of another sort; at any rate, to have reproved me in public, and so roughly, exceeds the bounds of proper reproof, for that comes better with
than with rudeness; and it is not seemly to call the sinner roundly blockhead and booby, without knowing anything of the sin that is reproved.
Lay on to that hide of thine, thou great untamed brute, rouse up thy lusty vigour that only urges thee to eat and eat, and set free the softness of my flesh, the
of my nature, and the fairness of my face.
'It is indeed a noble and a brilliant sight,' said Mr. Snodgrass, in whose bosom a blaze of poetry was rapidly bursting forth, 'to see the gallant defenders of their country drawn up in brilliant array before its peaceful citizens; their faces beaming--not with warlike ferocity, but with civilised gentleness; their eyes flashing --not with the rude fire of rapine or revenge, but with the soft light of humanity and intelligence.'
The reverend gentleman gradually opened the door by almost imperceptible degrees, until the aperture was just wide enough to admit of the passage of his lank body, when he glided into the room and closed it after him, with great care and
But unfortunately in bestowing these embraces, a pin in her ladyship's head dress slightly scratching the child's neck, produced from this pattern of
such violent screams, as could hardly be outdone by any creature professedly noisy.
In this situation, Elinor, roused from sleep by her agitation and sobs, first perceived her; and after observing her for a few moments with silent anxiety, said, in a tone of the most considerate gentleness, "Marianne, may I ask-?""No, Elinor," she replied, "ask nothing; you will soon know all."
His chief reward for the painful exertion of disclosing past sorrows and present humiliations, was given in the pitying eye with which Marianne sometimes observed him, and the
of her voice whenever (though it did not often happen) she was obliged, or could oblige herself to speak to him.
Their gentleness, their genuine attention to other people, and their manly unstudied simplicity is much more accordant with her real disposition, than the liveliness--often artificial, and often ill-timed of the other.
From you, from my home, I shall never again have the smallest incitement to move; and if I do mix in other society, it will be only to shew that my spirit is humbled, my heart amended, and that I can practise the civilities, the lesser duties of life, with
and forbearance.
He could not yet prevail against her steadfast gentleness, and perhaps it would be better not to try.
Yet my lips were sealed, and it was only last night that I could tell him that it was his mother whom he had brought back by his
and his patience into the sweetness of life."
such an openness and
in his manner!"
She had even learnt to detect, in the very
which had first delighted her, an affectation and a sameness to disgust and weary.
Never in her life had she seen his manners so little dignified, never had he spoken with such
as on this unexpected meeting.
On his quitting the room she sat down, unable to support herself, and looking so miserably ill, that it was impossible for Darcy to leave her, or to refrain from saying, in a tone of
and commiseration, "Let me call your maid.
But the
and candour of Rebecca's nature imputed no fault to Ivanhoe for sharing in the universal prejudices of his age and religion.
There reigns in it
and goodness; and if a tinge of the world's pride or vanities may mix with an expression so lovely, how should we chide that which is of earth for bearing some colour of its original?
On the contrary he felt that Sviyazhsky was right, and that the whole business was insignificant, and he noticed the wonderful
and delicacy with which Sviyazhsky avoided saying that he was right.
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