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2629 examples of Funds in a sentence
International pension funds, mutual funds, German corporate pension plans, as well as insurance companies already play a leading role on the German stock market, and calls for corporate managers to focus on increasing shareholder value (as opposed to the older, more consensus-oriented corporate policy) are getting louder -- not only on the trading floor, but also in the boardroom.
While European tech entrepreneurs find it as easy as their American counterparts to raise startup funds, US firms enjoy 14 times more later-stage capital.
That funding gap would disappear, if European pension
allocated just 0.6% more of their capital under management to venture investments.
Power and wealth are not only diffusing across the international system, but also within states, such that corporations, foundations, wealthy individuals, private investment funds, civil-society groups, and most recently, municipal governments all have a role to play in development.
China and its partners in the AIIB can thus build the big things – roads, bridges, dams, railroads and ports – that unquestionably power an economy and that citizens notice, but that the US, and for that matter the World Bank, no longer
As the journalist and author Michael Lewis emphasized in his bestseller Flash Boys, the risks created by high-frequency trading on the financial returns of our lumbering, twentieth-century pension
are far-reaching.
Western Europe may well be glad to withdraw as well, seizing an opportunity to jettison increasingly burdensome neighbors like Poland, which, despite being the largest recipient of EU funds, opposes further integration, has not adopted the euro, wants to burn coal, and quarrels with Germany, France, and EU governing institutions.
Money-market funds’ perverse incentives to take on excessive risk remain largely intact.
Moreover, London's unique role in bringing together the full range of financial services that serve the continent – the City is home to 250 global banks with 160,000 employees and accounts for 80% of Europe's hedge funds, 78% of its foreign-exchange trades, 74% of its derivatives, and 57% of its private equity – would be jeopardized as well.
Under the right conditions, the balance sheets of pension and sovereign-wealth
could also be tapped to fund investment.
These include tax policy, the inefficient or improper use of public funds, impediments to structural change in product and factor markets, and mismatches between the reach of global financial institutions and the capacity of sovereign balance sheets to intervene in case of financial distress.
The WHO will continue to be squeezed for funds, while the urgency of its mission rises by the day.
She faced public skepticism about using German
to bail out the Greek economy.
Embezzlement and misappropriation of astronomical sums of public
would have been impossible without accomplices to provide protection and help one another ascend the political ladder.
Following the example of Mongolia, where pastoralists can purchase private insurance to protect against the loss of herds from drought, microcredit programs could be established to insure pastoralists against similar risks and thus provide
for restocking after a disaster.
Foreign borrowing and capital flight were connected by a financial revolving door, as
borrowed in the name of governments were captured by politically connected individuals and channeled overseas as their private wealth.
Poland is the largest recipient of European
and the only EU country that avoided recession during the crisis; indeed, it has experienced 23 years of uninterrupted growth.
This of course includes only the
that can be tracked to particular donors.
But the impact has been limited, owing to the authorities’ ability to stuff debt down the throats of captive local banks, insurance companies, and pension
It also prevents
from being channeled to private-sector investment projects with far higher rates of return than the government can offer.
The European Stability Mechanism could potentially provide such funds, starting with a limited amount and expanding the scope if the initiative is successful.
Securities investment
now account for roughly 30% of tradable stock market capitalization, although this represents only 0.9% of GDP, compared to more than 5% in India.
But Germans should be reminded that, along with Marshall Plan
for Western Europe, the other big boost to Germany’s postwar economic recovery came from debt restructuring.
Another, related challenge concerns resource mobilization: countries need
to invest in infrastructure, human capital, and the creation of trade and digital links within and beyond Africa.
In order to prevent inflation from spiraling out of control, the Fed should increase the federal
rate from almost 0% now to at least 3% within a year or so.
And, given the high costs of financial systems that are antiquated, costly, and inefficient – in London, for example, paper checks must physically be sent from one bank to another, meaning that it takes 5-6 days for the
to be transferred – the smaller the financial system, the better off everyone else will be.
As it is, the ECB and the European Commission are de facto supporting the positions of populist governments in Eastern Europe that are already spending the
they hope to get in the future from the EU.
Although this infrastructure is financed mainly by individual EU member states using their own funds, the TEN-T is binding and marks out the priority projects for each member.
This would squarely shift most of the adjustment burden onto structural funds, a sure harbinger of bitter rows between old recipients and new entrants.
Research spending should be made more effective by scrapping bureaucratic management by the Commission and Council and opening all national research
to EU-wide competition.
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