in sentence
32 examples of Fortification in a sentence
Most importantly, there are the remains of a massive
wall – perhaps the very same one from which Priam and Hector once watched the Greeks approach.
At this point,
is almost universal in the developed world, yet it is still absent in many low- and middle-income countries.
project will focus on enriching wheat flour with iron and folic acid, vegetable oils with vitamin A, and salt with iodine.
And during the launch of the new program, one US official cited Copenhagen Consensus research to show that
is “one of the most efficient investments in Haiti’s development.”
In its latest statement, Greenpeace says that golden rice is “neither needed nor necessary,” and calls instead for supplementation and fortification, which are described as “cost-effective.”
Supplementation programs costs $4,300 for every life they save in India, whereas
programs cost about $2,700 for each life saved.
Humans have added essential vitamins or minerals to their foods since time immemorial; indeed, since the beginning of the twentieth century, food
has been a major government policy in developed countries to reduce nutritional deficiencies and improve public health.
All scientific studies of such interventions prove that
of basic foodstuffs works.
of maize meal with folic acid in South Africa – one of the projects supported by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) – was followed by a 40% reduction in spina bifida, a serious deformation of the neural tube in new-born babies.
Moreover, these essential interventions cost little and deliver a lot: to enrich cooking oil with Vitamin A costs less than $0.10 per liter, and
in general has a benefit-to-cost ratio of at least eight to one.
Science has demonstrated the cost-effectiveness of food fortification, and the technologies and know-how are available in the private sector, which has the capacity to innovate and deliver products to the poorest.
The equation is straightforward: €160 million for
programs could improve the health of one billion people.
There is no systematic analysis of the economic costs and benefits of coastal
relative to other approaches.
RANKING WORLD INVESTMENTS1.Micronutrient supplements for children (vitamin A and zinc)2.The Doha development agenda3.Micronutrient
(iron and salt iodization)4.Expanded immunization coverage for children5.Improving agricultural technology6.De-worming and other school-based nutrition programs7.Lowering the price of schooling8.Increasing and improving girls’ education by paying mothers to send them to school9.Community-based nutrition promotion10.
Overall, we can typically best help through direct interventions, including micronutrient supplements, fortification, biofortification, and nutritional promotion.
In particular, governments must invest in nutrition through budgets, introduce mandatory
of staple foods, curb “junk food,” and improve quality control.
These include exclusive breastfeeding, targeted complementary feeding, micronutrient supplementation, and food
China’s new assertiveness is evident in its military
of reefs and small islands in the South China Sea, as well as in the “Made in China 2025” strategy, which aims to make the country the world leader in the key industries of the future within a decade.
'If you will take the trouble to turn into the field which borders the trench, take the foot-path to the left when you arrive at an angle of the fortification, and keep straight on, till you see me, I will precede you to a secluded place, where the affair can be conducted without fear of interruption.'
It was an exterior
of no great height or strength, intended to protect the postern-gate, through which Cedric had been recently dismissed by Front-de-Boeuf.
Meantime Lucas Beaumanoir walked in a small garden belonging to the Preceptory, included within the precincts of its exterior fortification, and held sad and confidential communication with a brother of his Order, who had come in his company from Palestine.
But I must observe, too, that at first this was a confused heap of goods, which, as they lay in no order, so they took up all my place; I had no room to turn myself: so I set myself to enlarge my cave, and work farther into the earth; for it was a loose sandy rock, which yielded easily to the labour I bestowed on it: and so when I found I was pretty safe as to beasts of prey, I worked sideways, to the right hand, into the rock; and then, turning to the right again, worked quite out, and made me a door to come out on the outside of my pale or
Towards night, I fixed upon a proper place, under a rock, and marked out a semicircle for my encampment; which I resolved to strengthen with a work, wall, or fortification, made of double piles, lined within with cables, and without with turf.
2.—I set up all my chests and boards, and the pieces of timber which made my rafts, and with them formed a fence round me, a little within the place I had marked out for my
The little remainder of corn that had been in the bag was all devoured by the rats, and I saw nothing in the bag but husks and dust; and being willing to have the bag for some other use (I think it was to put powder in, when I divided it for fear of the lightning, or some such use), I shook the husks of corn out of it on one side of my fortification, under the rock.
to cut a hole through my new fortification, like a sink, to let the water go out, which would else have flooded my cave.
You are to understand that now I had, as I may call it, two plantations in the island—one my little
or tent, with the wall about it, under the rock, with the cave behind me, which by this time I had enlarged into several apartments or caves, one within another.
How it came thither I knew not, nor could I in the least imagine; but after innumerable fluttering thoughts, like a man perfectly confused and out of myself, I came home to my fortification, not feeling, as we say, the ground I went on, but terrified to the last degree, looking behind me at every two or three steps, mistaking every bush and tree, and fancying every stump at a distance to be a man.
Now, I began sorely to repent that I had dug my cave so large as to bring a door through again, which door, as I said, came out beyond where my
joined to the rock: upon maturely considering this, therefore, I resolved to draw me a second fortification, in the manner of a semicircle, at a distance from my wall, just where I had planted a double row of trees about twelve years before, of which I made mention: these trees having been planted so thick before, they wanted but few piles to be driven between them, that they might be thicker and stronger, and my wall would be soon finished.
One would have thought I should have dreamed of it, but I did not, nor of anything relating to it, but I dreamed that as I was going out in the morning as usual from my castle, I saw upon the shore two canoes and eleven savages coming to land, and that they brought with them another savage whom they were going to kill in order to eat him; when, on a sudden, the savage that they were going to kill jumped away, and ran for his life; and I thought in my sleep that he came running into my little thick grove before my fortification, to hide himself; and that I seeing him alone, and not perceiving that the others sought him that way, showed myself to him, and smiling upon him, encouraged him: that he kneeled down to me, seeming to pray me to assist him; upon which I showed him my ladder, made him go up, and carried him into my cave, and he became my servant; and that as soon as I had got this man, I said to myself, “Now I may certainly venture to the mainland, for this fellow will serve me as a pilot, and will tell me what to do, and whither to go for provisions, and whither not to go for fear of being devoured; what places to venture into, and what to shun.”
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