in sentence
208 examples of Ex in a sentence
The climax manages to be unpredictable only by introducing the most shameless Deux
Machina I've ever seen.
For ex, Diana Rigg is bad in her role because of poor acting whether or not you've read the book.
This is not enough however, as the story line is too simplistic and expected, and the emotional emphasis is put on the wrong place - I kept asking myself all over the picture whether I am supposed to be sorry about the
and maybe future drug addicted mother as the director and script-writer wanted, or about the innocent kid who is in the middle.
I have a home video of my cat farting that evokes more interest than Arquette's negatively-dimensional portrayal of anguished loss...and, talk about deux
machina for Mr. Stanley T.; thank god, just in the nick o time he thought to have Dave call the cops! and thank shiva that the cops had just caught the true killer...what!!! up until the credits i was still waiting for it to be some kind of grift against Arquette and his "hidden millions"...no, Mrs. Spielberg, you don't escape unscathed: what the hell was that kitchen scene with the "athlete's foot in my crotch" gag??? are you worse in this or "just cause"?? i dunno...hey film lovers: why don't you make it a blockbuster night and rent this along with "jersey girl" and "white chicks" and then commit sepukka (or is it seppuka)...and take E. Dunsky with you....
It has everything - rocking soundtrack, courtesy of Eddie Clark,
Motorhead, loads of action, loads of laughs, totally ridiculous plot and the most wonderful '80's stereotypes as characters.
The cast was most probably a combination of the very best there ever was in
Yu cinematography.
I like this movie a lot, but it's a fact, that you cannot understand it, unless you're from the
Most of the actors are now dead and those were the best actors in
With excellent supporting cast, including Brian Cox, as the crusty old
navy officer who has let so much of his son's achievements go by without his support.
Vivienne Osborne is brilliant as his ex, and I found myself rooting for her throughout.
This is a quite slow paced movie, slowly building the story of an
stripper who begins a new family life with a complete stranger.
Ilse , Johanne and Zara plus Rudy Shruki and band like Kurt Widman and his Orchestra and Fud Cantics
cetera never appeared in the radio show cause the singers and the bands were of the pop jazz and swing categories.
When he did Opfergang and they put a mustache on him plus his own suntan that made him plain looking.You see the Nazi soldiers acting normal,like a scene in which a
butcher and his troops are in France and they steal pigs from a farm and they are about to make lunch until their leader suggest to save the pigs.
The focus this time is on Henry's
wife (played to perfection by the always welcome Parker Posey), who is being pestered by CIA goons about Henry's unpublished book about all of his shady dealings.
Although an
pat she was very anti-British.
Russel plays the
jock who peaked in high school.
our man dolph is an
soldier who is now a teacher at a tough inner city high school and when it gets taken over by terrorists its up to him to save the day.
Jennifer is fighting with her (ex?)lover in a rather boring sub plot and when she returns home, her hosts (whom by now we have discovered are brother and sister and that whatever it is that is in the basement is their son) devise a plot to try to murder her as well.
Her findings along the way affect those closest around her. Her relationship with her guardian and her guardian's
boyfriend are handled very delicately and sensitively, and the whole of the supporting cast are genuine, 3 dimensional and believable.
Interview footage with those who know/knew her (including an
husband,her publisher,and others) tell their side of the story.
From crudity - Leon playing with himself on the porch, the
boyfriend tricked into eating . .
There were no
s popping up or characters threatening the relationship.
James Belushi is very good as an
hood who has stolen 12 million from the boss who has to fend of the gangsters , hillbillies his wife and the local sheriff( Timothy Dalton).you
Well, the footage shows him missing the bad guy and hitting his buddy, so... Other scream out-loud moments has to be his
girl-friend dropping a grenade to the ground to enable his escape--a plan that defies all logic, physics, and absurdity.
One of the most beautiful movies ever made in
Yu.Story is very familiar to people in
Yul because generation after war used to live in the same way.People in the west cant imagine how political situation in our country affect people.The plot is in the 50",When Josip Broz Tito said no to the SSSR and politbiro and because of that our borders becomes open for western influence.But,in a country were people didn't had much money jeans was only ideal and friendship was everything.The friendship between for young people an a girl was so strong that after 40 years of their emigration from Yu is still alive.They get together after all this years on Ester"s funeral and they start to remember of their childhood,before their went to the emigration and become successful people.
True, some movies are plain horrendous and unbearable, but "HOLLOW MAN" manages to entertain and make you think what YOU would do if you were invisible and if you had your
getting laid with one of your friends.
Feelings of paranoia and desperation begin to take over Kevin's character, and when he finds out that his
girlfriend AND collaborator (Elisabeth Shue) is having a torrid affair with another of the young scientists in the team, he finally snaps.
I have not read the book it is based on so I cannot foresay if the deus
machina is the construct of the writer or Vittorio.
Radio talk show advisor finds himself obsessed with his
girlfriend, stalks her and then begins to see one of her friends, to make her jealous.
The only character that seemed underdeveloped and forced was Natasha - Jason Lee's
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