in sentence
39 examples of Destroyer in a sentence
Attilla the Hun,
of civilizations, who named himself the Scourge of God, took one look at them and turned around.
But when a British
came to collect the prisoners, they found an unexpected survivor - a black and white cat clinging to a floating plank.
Two of them are Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the
I earned my reputation as
of family vacations for always insisting on being dropped off at the fanciest megachurch in town.
It's the
of the great monotony.
Lord Shiva— primordial
of evil, slayer of demons, protector, and omniscient observer of the universe— was testing his wife’s patience.
The aggregates of joy and suffering thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and
of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there, on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Mumita is the
This film also tells you that there is fraud on this internet Also why couldn't Angela do the virus
programme at a CyberCafe?
A plot that fizzled and reeked of irreconcilable differences in opinions constituted a judgmental havoc with one side pro-life and the other a
of a demon's seed.
It's pretty hard for anyone who doesn't sit on their computer for 7-10 hours a day playing games or desiging the latest star
to understand what the characters are talking about and why we should even care.
The approach to Altair-4, the starship itself, the landing on the planet's alien surface, the descent via extensor stairs, the first view of the landscape, the approach of the rocket-sled, Dr. Morbius's house seen from without and from within, the underground complex and its wonders, the setup of the weaponry, the battle with the monster, the final approach of the unseen destroyer,the escape from the doomed planet--all these scenes are etched into the viewer's mind because we discover them along with the participants.
A film that far better addresses this problem was "The Enemy Below" starring Robert Mitchum as the American
captain and Curt Jurgens as the German U-boat commander.
Having long forsaken his Quaker upbringing he is thus completely blindsided when after reporting for duty on a
he finds himself seriously conflicted regarding the taking of life.
The final surface engagement between Bryan's submarine and a Japanese
was totally ludicrous.
No attempt was made to fire any torpedoes at the approaching
and choosing to exchange broadsides under those circumstances would have been suicidal.
The submarine did more damage with one shot from its deck gun than the
was able to do with far more firepower.
As the submarine blithely sailed away from the burning destroyer, it strains credulity as it ignores the considerable talent and élan demonstrated by the Japanese navy throughout the war.
this was shown once on TV,it was supposed to be a new series based on the
series and it never made it past the pilot episode.i was disappointed that it didn't follow the books as close as it could have.
The perceived weakness of the US after the embassy bombings in East Africa and the attack on the
the USS Cole no doubt contributed to the audacity of the attacks of September 11 th .
Even to the most inveterate optimist, the G7 summit in Quebec earlier this month was proof that the geopolitical West is breaking up and losing its global significance, and that the great
of that American-created and American-led order is none other than the US president.
After the most recent operation, in which a guided-missile cruiser and a
sailed past the disputed Paracel Islands, Mattis declared that the US was the “only country” to stand up to China.
In fact, in August, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force unveiled the helicopter
Izumo, whose structure and capabilities resemble those of an aircraft carrier, with possible offensive applications.
Moreover, Franklin D. Roosevelt lied to the American public about a German attack on a US destroyer, in an effort to overcome isolationist resistance to helping Britain before World War II.
When Roosevelt lied about the German attack on the
Greer in 1941, he set a low bar for Johnson’s highly embellished description of a North Vietnamese attack on US naval vessels, which led to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of 1964.
In trying to persuade an isolationist public that Hitler’s Germany was a threat, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said that a German submarine had attacked a US destroyer, when in fact it was the American side that had initiated the action.
Perhaps the gravest incident so far came this January, when Chinese naval forces twice locked their weapons’ radar systems – the final step before firing – on a Japanese
and a patrol helicopter.
In recent months, Chinese aircraft have repeatedly violated Japanese airspace over the East China Sea, and a Chinese naval vessel locked its weapons-targeting radar on a Japanese
and helicopter.
Chinese naval ships have already trained their weapons on a Japanese
and a Japanese naval helicopter.
That is why they were often quicker than others to see that Trump is not a conservative at all, but a cynical
of norms, conventions, and foundations.
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