in sentence
728 examples of Contracts in a sentence
The regulators’ letter to the ISDA asked the derivatives industry to rewrite its standard contracts, so that a bankrupt firm’s portfolio is not ripped apart as soon as it files.
But, as regulators reflect further, they will recognize that they cannot rely on the derivatives industry to revise its
any more than industrial bankruptcy relies on creditors’
to stop failed firms from being ripped apart.
The CFA franc& is convertible in& euros and freely transferable to France, whose companies control the lion’s share of the franc zone’s private sector and receive most of its public
It is common nowadays for people to conclude
that are so long and convoluted that signatories do not know what they entail (this was a major factor contributing to the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, which fueled the global economic crisis and subsequent Great Recession).
Most telling in Russian eyes has been EU countries’ competition for oil and gas contracts, which has done much to convince the Kremlin that Europe is not a political force to be reckoned with.
Bank accounts, school enrollment, mobile-phone contracts, travel records, hospital admissions, and even cremation certificates now all require an Aadhaar, despite Modi’s assurances to the Supreme Court that participation in the program would not become mandatory.
Suppose foreign investors wrote
providing that the expulsion and banning of foreign journalists or widespread blocking of access to international news sources and social media constituted a sign of political risk sufficient to suspend investor obligations under the contract.
In addition to the Yom Kippur War of 1973 and the Iranian Revolution of 1979, productivity growth began to slow at the same time that unions still had substantial pricing power, and previously negotiated wage increases were already locked into many workers’
Some state and local governments are experimenting with new “pay-for-performance”
– sometimes called social impact bonds (SIBs) – to promote social innovation.
In a SIB, the government
with an outside provider to achieve a measurable social goal (like reducing recidivism among juvenile offenders), private impact investors finance the program’s upfront costs, and the government promises a return to them if the program’s targets are achieved.
Recently, the Obama administration proposed a $300 million fund to catalyze federal pay-for-performance
Metrics are an essential feature of pay-for-performance contracts, and must be an essential feature of all government programs.
But India’s quest for energy in West Africa is not a core component of the government’s energy policy; rather, it is part of its effort to diversify energy sources by offering infrastructure investments, in addition to cash bonus payments when
are signed.
It reverted from fiscal
to a system in which the central government acquired the majority of tax revenues and the revenue share of local governments was substantially reduced.
At the same time, business owners seek illicit relationships with local officials to gain protection, privileges (such as contracts), loans, a blind eye to safety standards, and regulatory exemptions – activities that generate financial risks and undermine competition by raising entry barriers for more efficient enterprises.
Trump has been true to America’s all-too-frequent willingness to place lucrative military
ahead of human rights, saying that he would be “very upset and angry” if Saudi Arabia were found to be responsible for Khashoggi ’s death, while ruling out a halt to big military
In any case, according to this view,
simply must be respected, whatever the cost.
And in many Western countries, there has been significant progress over the past few decades to improve governmental and institutional transparency, ensure competitive bidding for government contracts, and so forth.
Prior to this, a number of other steps were taken to strengthen transparency in public life: enacting new anti-corruption rules, eliminating patronage in government
or civil-servant jobs, and making ongoing debates more open to the public.
Critics say that half of this was either stolen or paid as kickbacks to President Vladimir Putin’s cronies, who just happened to win the biggest
One critic, a Russian businessman named Valery Morozov, claims that officials in Putin’s own office demanded payoffs for
But even without noisome politics, the sheer amount of money required to stage the Olympic Games – the building
for stadiums, transport infrastructure, and hotels, together with all the other commercial razzmatazz – was bound to produce a culture of bribery and kickbacks.
Moreover, several EU directives acknowledge the interest of the country where financial transactions (such as life insurance contracts) are carried out by allocating to it jurisdiction over such transactions.
Despite their commitment to speak to Russia with one voice, various EU countries negotiate with Russia bilaterally whenever possible (especially over lucrative business contracts), congregating under the EU umbrella only when necessary.
Scientists go on trial for technical espionage, while ex-KGB spies sign multi-billion dollar
With gas increasingly scarce, Argentina defaulted on its gas-export
to Chile, and imposed an abusive and arbitrary tax on gas sales to its Andean neighbor.
Commodities like sugar, soybeans, oil, and gas are relatively standardized products, meaning that they can be traded instantly and globally through the use of derivative
But because these
price in assumptions about the future, commodity prices can fluctuate wildly.
While the horizon of opportunities widened for educated cosmopolitans in big cities, the bonds between citizens weakened as national social
were dismantled.
Within a month, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), in collaboration with my company, MacroMarkets, as well as Fiserv and Standard & Poor’s, will launch futures and options
on home prices in ten cities in the United States.
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