in sentence
217 examples of Colonies in a sentence
France wields overwhelming political clout in its former African colonies, including veto power over the franc zone’s two central banks.
And, in fact, many former
rightly argue that it is Britain that owes them reparations for centuries of oppression and looting.
Openly racist ideas prevailed in Germany and the American South, and much of the world’s population lived in
ruled by European powers.
True, America’s original thirteen
were a loose federation, and many Americans considered themselves citizens of their state first and of the US second as late as a century after the Revolution.
One of the factors driving the UK’s sense of unease in its relations with an increasingly bureaucratized Europe is the belief that its values and institutions are closer to those of the US, or of other English-speaking former
A different kind of revolution was taking place in Europe’s former
in Asia, where native peoples had no desire to be ruled once more by Western powers, which had been so ignominiously defeated by Japan.
Mass migration gave millions of Europeans an escape route from poverty and persecution, and fed the dynamism and development of countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and various
But others – including the 14 countries that form the franc zone (12 of which are former French colonies) – lack major Chinese investment, and are missing out on Africa’s economic boom.
Two years ago, I was asked by the Commonwealth, a diverse group of mostly ex-British colonies, countries from both the North and the South, to prepare a study of what a true development round would look like.
Street protest, if it can sustain itself for more than that crucial first week, has an effect that is both tactical and emotional; mass protest during the French Revolution made it clear to the courtiers that this rebellion would be too profound to quell in the usual manner; street protests in the American colonies, in the face of arrest or worse, made the
ungovernable even before George III waged a costly, unpopular war.
The US Constitution knitted together the thirteen original colonies, and its Tenth Amendment reserves to the states all powers not expressly delegated to the federal government.
Instead, Portuguese workers are fleeing to booming former
such as Brazil and Macau.
Libya was created out of three former Italian colonies, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, and Fezzan, each essentially comprising different tribal confederations (the Sa’adi in Cyrenaica, the Saff al-Bahar in Tripolitania, and the Tuareg in Fezzan).
Elite Catholic schools taught Corporatism to independence leaders in French, Spanish, and Portuguese
Today, Catholic and Islamic countries, as well as former French, Spanish, and Portuguese colonies, all of which tend to have Corporatist institutional residues, also correlate with depressed living standards.
After winning independence, the American
united loosely under the Articles of Confederation.
I am aware of the irony some are sure to note in this, given that the United States’ own independence came about when the American
exited Great Britain.
Instead of integrating India into the global capitalist system, as only a handful of post-colonial countries – for example, Singapore – chose to do, India’s leaders (and those of most former colonies) were convinced that the political independence that they had fought for could be guaranteed only through economic independence.
When the 13 British
in North America launched their own War of Independence, Thomas Jefferson understood that "the decent respect to the opinions of mankind" required an explanation for that war, which he set forth in the Declaration of Independence.
It knew that the rest of Russia’s
– the so-called “Soviet republics” – would want to follow the ungrateful Baltic countries into freedom.
He also believed that continental Europe would have to “come to an understanding” with Britain, whose
were important trade partners for Europe.
Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense, a huge bestseller in the Thirteen
when it was published in January 1776, marked another such revolution, which was not identical with the Revolutionary War against Britain that began later that year (and had multiple causes).
Nor have former British
like Australia, New Zealand, and Canada become tyrannies.
Civil war broke out in China, the Korean Peninsula was divided, and the other Southeast Asian colonies, with the sole exception of Thailand, resorted to military force to achieve independence.
Although it made clear Japan’s desire to take advantage of the European conflict and gain a foothold in the European
in Southeast Asia, the plan was not clear about who constituted Japan’s true enemy.
Look at America in 1787: creation of the federal government swept away the balkanized system of pre-revolutionary colonies, ushering in an era of entrepreneurial expansion across the entire American Continent.
For example, after Britain lost its American
at the end of the eighteenth century, Horace Walpole lamented Britain’s reduction to “as insignificant a country as Denmark or Sardinia.”
In the sixteenth century, control of
and gold bullion gave Spain the edge; seventeenth-century Holland profited from trade and finance; eighteenth-century France gained from its larger population and armies; and nineteenth-century British power rested on its industrial primacy and its navy.
As French president, he sought to circumvent that tide by proposing to the leaders of France’s African
a negotiated settlement for independence.
The imbalanced relationship between France and its former African
would beggar belief if the psychology of Africa’s “liberators” 50 years ago were overlooked.
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