in sentence
36 examples of Cloaks in a sentence
I'm not going to try to interpret the images of the mother nature, the beasts in cloaks, the twisted and tortured body of her "child".
Adolescence is a time where you seek meaning, and whether your friends wore black cloaks, Fubu pants or Dead Kennedys t-shirts, everyone looks for a way to stake out their own identity.
Bodies are disappearing from coffins; a lady in lavender has sex with men in the graveyard and then stabs them to death; little midgets in brown
(making sounds like lions) are roaming about and there's a flying silver orb with spikes that embeds itself in people's heads!
Putin’s Russia, which pays little attention to the rule of law,
its diplomatic effort in the guise of adherence to international law, in particular UN Security Council resolution 1244, which ended the 1999 Kosovo war.
The new imperial giant’s velvet glove
an iron fist – one with the strength to squeeze the vitality out of smaller countries.
Beyond the facts of the Assange case, its significance consists in the current rise of a brand of populism that
itself in the rule of law while invariably undermining the law’s reach and enforcement.
Here are the ones that the Nautilus's nets most frequently hauled on board: rays, including spotted rays that were oval in shape and brick red in color, their bodies strewn with erratic blue speckles and identifiable by their jagged double stings, silver-backed skates, common stingrays with stippled tails, butterfly rays that looked like huge two-meter
flapping at middepth, toothless guitarfish that were a type of cartilaginous fish closer to the shark, trunkfish known as dromedaries that were one and a half feet long and had humps ending in backward-curving stings, serpentine moray eels with silver tails and bluish backs plus brown pectorals trimmed in gray piping, a species of butterfish called the fiatola decked out in thin gold stripes and the three colors of the French flag, Montague blennies four decimeters long, superb jacks handsomely embellished by seven black crosswise streaks with blue and yellow fins plus gold and silver scales, snooks, standard mullet with yellow heads, parrotfish, wrasse, triggerfish, gobies, etc., plus a thousand other fish common to the oceans we had already crossed.
She had not eyes enough to look at the costumes, the scenery, the actors, the painted trees that shook when anyone walked, and the velvet caps, cloaks, swords—all those imaginary things that floated amid the harmony as in the atmosphere of another world.
The women followed in black
with turned-down hoods; each of them carried in her hands a large lighted candle, and Charles felt himself growing weaker at this continual repetition of prayers and torches, beneath this oppressive odour of wax and of cassocks.
When he was still a child, the sight of certain dragoons of the 6th, in their long, white cloaks, and helmets adorned with long crests of black horsehair, who were returning from Italy, and whom Julien saw tying their horses to the barred window of his father's house, drove him mad with longing for a military career.
I have stood and watched it, sometimes, when you could not see any water at all, but only a brilliant tangle of bright blazers, and gay caps, and saucy hats, and many-coloured parasols, and silken rugs, and cloaks, and streaming ribbons, and dainty whites; when looking down into the lock from the quay, you might fancy it was a huge box into which flowers of every hue and shade had been thrown pell-mell, and lay piled up in a rainbow heap, that covered every corner.
What damask breeches make for thee;What fine long holland
They threw down their staves, took off their pilgrim's
and remained in their under-clothing; they were all good-looking young fellows, except Ricote, who was a man somewhat advanced in years.
They travel nearly all over it, and there is no town out of which they do not go full up of meat and drink, as the saying is, and with a real, at least, in money, and they come off at the end of their travels with more than a hundred crowns saved, which, changed into gold, they smuggle out of the kingdom either in the hollow of their staves or in the patches of their pilgrim's
or by some device of their own, and carry to their own country in spite of the guards at the posts and passes where they are searched.
In conversation of this sort the knight and squire errant were pursuing their journey, when, after they had gone a little more than half a league, they perceived some dozen men dressed like labourers stretched upon their
on the grass of a green meadow eating their dinner.
They are, for the most part, low-roofed, mouldy rooms, where innumerable rolls of parchment, which have been perspiring in secret for the last century, send forth an agreeable odour, which is mingled by day with the scent of the dry-rot, and by night with the various exhalations which arise from damp cloaks, festering umbrellas, and the coarsest tallow candles.
"Well, come on, Juggut," he said, and they passed behind the rest-house to a spot where two horses, their heads enveloped in
to prevent them from neighing, were waiting at their pickets.
No!And have I any right to go and peep under their
to see what is not there?
He had doublets cut out of his old clothes and cast-off
for Mousqueton, and thanks to a very intelligent tailor, who made his clothes look as good as new by turning them, and whose wife was suspected of wishing to make Porthos descend from his aristocratic habits, Mousqueton made a very good figure when attending on his master.
A moment after, those who, surprised by this tumult, had gone to their windows to learn the cause of it, saw the door open, and four men, clothed in black, not COME out of it, but FLY, like so many frightened crows, leaving on the ground and on the corners of the furniture, feathers from their wings; that is to say, patches of their clothes and fragments of their
Now, one evening when d’Artagnan, who was in the trenches, was not able to accompany them, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, mounted on their battle steeds, enveloped in their war cloaks, with their hands upon their pistol butts, were returning from a drinking place called the Red Dovecot, which Athos had discovered two days before upon the route to Jarrie, following the road which led to the camp and quite on their guard, as we have stated, for fear of an ambuscade, when, about a quarter of a league from the village of Boisnau, they fancied they heard the sound of horses approaching them.
They spread their
"Bears," said he, "are generally very well dressed, and I ask no more than to borrow for the winter the warm
which they have on their backs."
"But," replied Neb, laughing, "perhaps the bears would not consent to give you their cloaks, Pencroft.
"Ay!" added Prince John, without heeding him, "and there is my Mammon of unrighteousness too--the Marquis of Marks, the Baron of Byzants, contesting for place with penniless dogs, whose threadbare
have not a single cross in their pouches to keep the devil from dancing there.
"In Heaven's name," said he, "to what purpose serve these abridged
Nevertheless, spite of this imperial objurgation, the short
continued in fashion down to the time of which we treat, and particularly among the princes of the House of Anjou.
"Assuredly," said be, "my lords, the noble Cedric speaks truth; and his race may claim precedence over us as much in the length of their pedigrees as in the longitude of their cloaks."
Some few of the poorer Norman gentry might also be seen, distinguished by their shaven chins and short cloaks, and not less so by their keeping together, and looking with great scorn on the whole solemnity, even while condescending to avail themselves of the good cheer which was so liberally supplied.
But let me see thee use the dress and costume of thy English ancestry--no short cloaks, no gay bonnets, no fantastic plumage in my decent household.
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