in sentence
32 examples of Clasp in a sentence
To chronicle a life year by vulnerable year would be to
and to ground what was fleeting, would be to provide myself and others a glimpse into the future, whether we made it there or not.
If your thinking of watching this, I would seriously think twice, due to the poor acting, little tips though... when you place a false hand made of silicon or rubber.. make sure that you don't shine a light onto that prop, and for the woman in stockings when you act dead, try not to
your hand around the other actors hand and most important of all... ( Don't Blink ) I am not going to spoil it for you guys as thats the type of person I am, so if your going to watch it.. good luck, oh by the way..
Had London found itself in the
of the European Central Bank’s policies in the 2008-2012 period, Britain’s large trade and budget deficits, in conjunction with massive bailouts for the City, would have made the Greek, Irish, Portuguese, and Spanish bailouts look like child’s play.
May’s approach has been to
the anti-European viper to her bosom, awarding the new trade department to a leading Brexiteer, Liam Fox, and appointing another, David Davis, as Brexit minister (officially, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union).
They had both embraced again, and as they were pressing each other in a long
they heard steps, which made them get up.
And he slipped an open
knife under my clothes, slitting them from top to bottom with one swift stroke.
Was it not for him, the obstacle to all felicity, the cause of all misery, and, as it were, the sharp
of that complex strap that bucked her in on all sides.
The cold of the nights made them
closer; the sighs of their lips seemed to them deeper; their eyes that they could hardly see, larger; and in the midst of the silence low words were spoken that fell on their souls sonorous, crystalline, and that reverberated in multiplied vibrations.
He drew near her, but when he was about to
her she fell into decay in his arms.
He attempted to
a white hand which for some time he had seen close beside him, resting on the back of a chair.
This use of the singular pronoun made him lose his head, or at least his suspicions vanished; he ventured to
in his arms this girl who was so beautiful and inspired such respect in him.
But she read me at a glance, and there in an instant was a little moleskin purse with a silver
thrust into my hand.
He started all afire, followed the same itinerary, experienced the same sensations, accomplished the same acts, with minute exactitude; and more than ten times over, he saw the drowned man present himself to be embraced, when he extended his arms to seize and
his love.
The same nightmare returned persistently: he fancied he fell from the ardent
of Therese into the cold, sticky arms of Camille.
They had but to stretch forth their arms to
one another in a passionate embrace, and their arms remained lifeless, as if worn out with fatigue.
At last understanding that they would never be able to escape from their clasp, irritated by the cords cutting into their flesh, disgusted at their contact, feeling their discomfort increase at every moment, forgetful, and unable to bear their bonds a moment longer, they addressed outrageous reproaches to one another, in the hope of suffering loss, of dressing the wounds they inflicted on themselves, by cursing and deafening each other with their shouts and accusations.
He understood her tactics; she no longer wished to be at one with him, but to set herself apart wrapped in her regret, so as to escape the
of the drowned man.
But you see how compassionate heaven sends aid in our sorest need; Don Gaiferos advances, and without minding whether the rich petticoat is torn or not, he seizes her and by force brings her to the ground, and then with one jerk places her on the haunches of his horse, astraddle like a man, and bids her hold on tight and
her arms round his neck, crossing them on his breast so as not to fall, for the lady Melisendra was not used to that style of riding.
The very servants grinned with pleasure at sight of Mr. Pickwick; and Emma bestowed a half-demure, half-impudent, and all-pretty look of recognition, on Mr. Tupman, which was enough to make the statue of Bonaparte in the passage, unfold his arms, and
her within them.
Tarvin heard the snap of a clasp, and the Naulahka lay about her feet in ripples of flame.
Tarvin ran the stones through his hands one by one, and there were forty-five of them each stone perfect and flawless of its kind; nipped, lest any of its beauty should be hidden, by a tiny gold clasp, each stone swinging all but free from the strand of soft gold on which it was strung, and each stone worth a king's ransom or a queen's good name.
Then, addressing Robert Grant, "Sir," he added, "you left behind you a criminal; you find in his place a man who has become honest by penitence, and whose hand I am proud to
in mine."
In defiance of conventual rules, and the edicts of popes and councils, the sleeves of this dignitary were lined and turned up with rich furs, his mantle secured at the throat with a golden clasp, and the whole dress proper to his order as much refined upon and ornamented, as that of a quaker beauty of the present day, who, while she retains the garb and costume of her sect continues to give to its simplicity, by the choice of materials and the mode of disposing them, a certain air of coquettish attraction, savouring but too much of the vanities of the world.
He availed himself of his enlargement to throw himself on the pavement, and
the knees of Front-de-Boeuf.
The Knight undid the
of the baldric, and indulged his fellow-traveller, who immediately hung the bugle round his own neck.
Her narrow and supple waist, which a hand may
around, sets forth the outline of her rounded figure and the beauty of her bosom, where youth in its flower displays the wealth of its treasures; and beneath the silken folds of her tunic she seems to have been modelled in pure silver by the godlike hand of Vicvarcarma, the immortal sculptor."
He looked at me: I happened to be near him, as I had been fastening the
of Mrs. Dent's bracelet, which had got loose.
I had left this woman in bitterness and hate, and I came back to her now with no other emotion than a sort of ruth for her great sufferings, and a strong yearning to forget and forgive all injuries--to be reconciled and
hands in amity.
"I will myself put the diamond chain round your neck, and the circlet on your forehead,--which it will become: for nature, at least, has stamped her patent of nobility on this brow, Jane; and I will
the bracelets on these fine wrists, and load these fairy-like fingers with rings."
Jean went forward holding out his hand, and when he felt his fingersin the old man's fatherly clasp, a strange, unforeseen emotion thrilledthrough him, and a sense as of parting and farewell without return.
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