in sentence
54 examples of Busily in a sentence
The aunt, the two young ladies, and Mr. Wardle, each vying with the other in paying zealous and unremitting attentions to the old lady, crowded round her easy-chair, one holding her ear-trumpet, another an orange, and a third a smelling-bottle, while a fourth was
engaged in patting and punching the pillows which were arranged for her support.
It was in the yard of one of these inns--of no less celebrated a one than the White Hart--that a man was
employed in brushing the dirt off a pair of boots, early on the morning succeeding the events narrated in the last chapter.
Count Smorltork was
engaged in taking notes of the contents of the dishes; Mr. Tupman was doing the honours of the lobster salad to several lionesses, with a degree of grace which no brigand ever exhibited before; Mr. Snodgrass having cut out the young gentleman who cut up the books for the Eatanswill GAZETTE, was engaged in an impassioned argument with the young lady who did the poetry; and Mr. Pickwick was making himself universally agreeable.
Standing before the dressing-glass was a middle-aged lady, in yellow curl- papers,
engaged in brushing what ladies call their 'back- hair.'However the unconscious middle-aged lady came into that room, it was quite clear that she contemplated remaining there for the night; for she had brought a rushlight and shade with her, which, with praiseworthy precaution against fire, she had stationed in a basin on the floor, where it was glimmering away, like a gigantic lighthouse in a particularly small piece of water.
The table was adorned with piles of papers; and above the farther end of it, appeared the head and shoulders of Mr. Jinks, who was
engaged in looking as busy as possible.
A small tray of tea-things was arranged on the table; a plate of hot buttered toast was gently simmering before the fire; and the red-nosed man himself was
engaged in converting a large slice of bread into the same agreeable edible, through the instrumentality of a long brass toasting-fork.
Mr. Pickwick was
engaged in counting the barrels of oysters and superintending the disinterment of the cod-fish, when he felt himself gently pulled by the skirts of the coat.
There were just two places to be had inside, and just three to be had out; so Sam Weller booked for them all, and having exchanged a few compliments with the booking-office clerk on the subject of a pewter half-crown which was tendered him as a portion of his 'change,' walked back to the George and Vulture, where he was pretty
employed until bed-time in reducing clothes and linen into the smallest possible compass, and exerting his mechanical genius in constructing a variety of ingenious devices for keeping the lids on boxes which had neither locks nor hinges.
Mr. Pickwick was sitting at breakfast, alone, next morning (Sam being
engaged in the cobbler's room, polishing his master's shoes and brushing the black gaiters) when there came a knock at the door, which, before Mr. Pickwick could cry 'Come in!' was followed by the appearance of a head of hair and a cotton-velvet cap, both of which articles of dress he had no difficulty in recognising as the personal property of Mr. Smangle.
It was with feelings of no small astonishment, when the carriage drew up before the door with the red lamp, and the very legible inscription of 'Sawyer, late Nockemorf,' that Mr. Pickwick saw, on popping his head out of the coach window, the boy in the gray livery very
employed in putting up the shutters --the which, being an unusual and an unbusinesslike proceeding at that hour of the morning, at once suggested to his mind two inferences: the one, that some good friend and patient of Mr. Bob Sawyer's was dead; the other, that Mr. Bob Sawyer himself was bankrupt.
Elinor sat down to her drawing-table as soon as he was out of the house,
employed herself the whole day, neither sought nor avoided the mention of his name, appeared to interest herself almost as much as ever in the general concerns of the family, and if, by this conduct, she did not lessen her own grief, it was at least prevented from unnecessary increase, and her mother and sisters were spared much solicitude on her account.
Of Elinor's distress, she was too
employed in measuring lengths of worsted for her rug, to see any thing at all; and calmly continuing her talk, as soon as Marianne disappeared, she said, "Upon my word, I never saw a young woman so desperately in love in my life!
Marianne entered the house with a heart swelling with emotion from the consciousness of being only eighty miles from Barton, and not thirty from Combe Magna; and before she had been five minutes within its walls, while the others were
helping Charlotte to show her child to the housekeeper, she quitted it again, stealing away through the winding shrubberies, now just beginning to be in beauty, to gain a distant eminence; where, from its Grecian temple, her eye, wandering over a wide tract of country to the south-east, could fondly rest on the farthest ridge of hills in the horizon, and fancy that from their summits Combe Magna might be seen.
In the dining-room they were soon joined by Mary and Kitty, who had been too
engaged in their separate apartments to make their appearance before.
She was
searching through the neighbourhood for a proper situation for her daughter, and, without knowing or considering what their income might be, rejected many as deficient in size and importance.
But her mind was so
engaged, that she did not always know when she was silent.
You see the earth takes twenty-four hours to turn round on its axis--''Talking of axes,' said the Duchess, 'chop off her head!'Alice glanced rather anxiously at the cook, to see if she meant to take the hint; but the cook was
stirring the soup, and seemed not to be listening, so she went on again: 'Twenty-four hours, I think; or is it twelve?
CHAPTER VIII The Queen's Croquet-GroundA large rose-tree stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses growing on it were white, but there were three gardeners at it,
painting them red.
The twelve jurors were all writing very
on slates.
At this moment the King, who had been for some time
writing in his note-book, cackled out 'Silence!' and read out from his book, 'Rule Forty-two.
Meaulnes, who had now entirely dropped out of all the games of his former comrades, had remained seated at his bench during the last recreation of the evening,
sketching out a mysterious plan, following it with his finger and elaborately measuring it out on the atlas of the Cher.
We came to the conclusion that the thieves did not know our house and had not been able to break in ...At Perreux's, at Boujardon's, and at Clément's it was at first supposed that pigs even had been stolen, but these were found during the morning
uprooting greens in several gardens.
I followed with lagging step, and thoughts
bent on discovering a means of extrication; but he himself looked so composed and so grave also, I became ashamed of feeling any confusion: the evil--if evil existent or prospective there was--seemed to lie with me only; his mind was unconscious and quiet.
Everyone was
employed, but nobody could be either heard or obeyed.
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