in example sentence
Unfortunately, this has not been the case since 1995, when the NPT Review and Extension Conference made the duration of the NPT's
More example sentences with word validity
It's taken a good five decades, actually, but I can say with hand on heart that when the Paralympics comes to London next year, there will not be an intelligent person anywhere on the planet who does not absolutely believe in the
of disabled sportspeople.
Now by taking the biblical epithet "abomination" and attaching it to the ultimate image of innocence, a baby, this joke short circuits the emotional wiring behind the debate and it leaves the audience with the opportunity, through their laughter, to question its
These sorts of ideas don't really have any validity, that you can't trust the scientists.
I said, is there any
to this whole adage that when you're making decisions, it's best to take the driver's seat, be in charge, be in control?
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