in example sentence
Other people in the play
at this notion, treating musical subversion as trivial.
More example sentences with word scoff
Witness Dan Rather's attempts to assassinate W's character on the eve of the 2004 election, or the constant drumbeat that the 2000 election was stolen, although constitutional scholars continue to
at such irresponsible drivel.
Likewise, the young Ouimet goes through his own class struggles, being a mere caddie in the eyes of the upper crust Americans who
at his attempts to rise above his standing.
The lyrics to some of the songs are rather repetitive and simplistic, but this isn't really apparent when hearing them for the first time or having the flaws pointed out in advance so you are ready to
at them.
Her hubby (Adam West, of Batman fame) is there to laugh and scoff, and not much else.
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