in example sentence
And you're seeing a lot of things passing through its minds, a lot of self-models that try to explain the relationship between
and sensing.
More example sentences with word actuation
What we did was essentially canceling gravity and controlling the movement by combining magnetic levitation and mechanical
and sensing technologies.
And what makes a robot soft is first of all its compliant body, which is made of materials or structures that can undergo very large deformations, so no more rigid links, and secondly, to move them, we use what we call distributed actuation, so we have to control continuously the shape of this very deformable body, which has the effect of having a lot of links and joints, but we don't have any stiff structure at all.
Or a robotic fish, which swims like a real fish does in water simply because it has a soft tail with distributed
using still air pressure.
So we've used pneumatic
to create a morphing device where you can go from something that looks a lot like a phone ... to a wristband on the go.
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