in example sentence
North Korea’s Incheon LandingWASHINGTON, DC – North Koreans
the element of surprise when they get to choose the stage and command the theatrics.
More example sentences with word relish
And with a little training, they learn to
the hit and the impact, and, I guess even more, getting up afterwards.
It was (foolishly) with some degree of
that I sat down to watch what a friend had promised would be the worst/best movie experience of my life, the mighty 'Roller blade 7'. 2 years on and I'm still in therapy.
"Porgy & Bess" is a buried gem that deserves to be brought forth into the light for a new audience to admire and an old audience to
David and Gillian both give fine performances and both seem to
the lack of baggage - it's a standalone X File that even non-fans could happen upon and enjoy.
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